View Full Version : Highphonic Phono Stage

12-10-2010, 18:57
Hello All,

Newbie on here so take it easy on me ...

Has anyone had experience with the HIGHPHONIC (Haifonikku) HA-EQ1?

I guess this is normal phono stage with a SUT built in??

From what little I have read its made for the DL-103 series

Can anyone shed any light on how well it works and where to obtain one.

Price? :scratch:

12-10-2010, 19:09
Hi Tim,

I've used one of these in the past and know where to obtain it. I also have another suggestion, but will get to your query after I've watched Scotland vs. Spain in the Euro qualifiers :)


13-10-2010, 10:50
Hi Tim,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

I've not used the HA-EQ1, but I have used the Highphonic HP-T5S MC step-up transformer, which I suspect will be built into the HA-EQ1 phono stage.

It is indeed a very good device and ideally matched to the DL-103 cartridge, although more specifically to the 103 Pro, which has slightly different response characteristics.

If you want one you'll almost certainly have to import it from Japan. I got mine from here:


...from a chap called Akio Yamauchi. At the time I bought the HP-T5S, he also stocked the HA-EQ1. You can email him at:


However from looking at the website, it looks as if Swing Audio are no longer stocking Highphonic, or perhaps even the company are no longer trading. It was only a tiny business with a handful of people (all ex-Denon employees).

You could also try Eifl, who stock a large selection of specialist Japanese analogue equipment. Their website is here:


You can use the enquiry form to find out if they stock any Highphonic equipment, or where it's possible to obtain it from.

However, having used the HP-T5S with various DL-103s, I can tell you that the Auditorum A23 is a far better SUT, and really makes the 103 sing in a way that the Highphonic couldn't quite manage. I suspect it's to do with choice of transformers, which make a huge difference to how MC cartridges perform, sonically.

The A23 is available from James Almey at The Sound Practice:


James is a fabulous chap to deal with. Just say you were speaking to me about the A23.

If you use the A23 in conjunction with a good quality (preferably valve) MM phono stage, the results with the DL-103 will be spectacular. You may also find this discussion on AoS useful: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1240

Hope this helps! :cool:


13-10-2010, 12:57
Hi Marco

James is a rather nice chap to deal with ' he bought an Audiotech table from me back in 2005 and did his best to convince me to keep my Voyd .

My endearing memory is seeing his car ' full of used Naim gear , this guy is passionate about Hifi and music and not biased to solid state or valve ' just likes both .

13-10-2010, 18:01
Hi Chris,

Yes, James is a top bloke and in the hi-fi trade for all the right reasons :)


13-10-2010, 21:32
Hi Marco,

Thanks for all the info, (hope you enjoyed your footy match).

Yes I was trying to kill two birds with one stone and go for the HA-EQ1 and rule out yet another set of phono leads in the path of the signal. Looks like the phono stage can also be battery operated which I like the idea of. I wonder if the SUT in the HA-EQ1 is of the same caliber of the HP-T5S?

I read the your previous post about the DL-103 PRO having a more extended freq response and having more air and highs over a stock DL-103. These airs and highs are NOT what I'm hearing over my stock 103 and my digital system has a lot more air and attack to the music including a more controlled bass.

As you know I'm on a stock 1210Mk5G deck/arm at present and a so-so musical fidelity LP3v3 phono stage so I know things can only get better.

BTW. What is the score with the MK5G arm. Is it titanium or just titanium finish? If it is titanium then it would be lighter than a stock 1210mk2 arm which I guess is not good for the DL-103 as from what I have read they like high mass arms but at the same time the arm would probably have more rigidity? :scratch:

Is the Jelco 750D the way to go? I love its sexy look:stalks:

14-10-2010, 08:43
Hi Tim

I would think about getting an external psu for your mk5g 1st ! this will give you a more open and airy presentation , the internal psu interfere's with your cart ! giving a somewhat closed in and thickish quality .

The Timestep psu or perhaps the Paul Hynes ' are the obvious choices , i think Dave C might have a few trade in's at a discounted price at the minute , so worth looking into .

I personally wouldn't change your phono stage just yet ' until your start to hear what your mk5g really sounds like ,and the old Linn philosophy of front end 1st still holds true .

18-10-2010, 19:50
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply.

Wow..The PSU makes that big a difference does it?

I will make some enquiries if Dave has some trade ins unless anyone else wants to give one up on here? :eyebrows: