View Full Version : Hi from 'Digital Man' !!

12-10-2010, 09:40
Hello All,

Another great forum found..

Well I have just taken my first step into the analogue world and bought a brand new 1210 Mk5 G ( I like the finish) and I'm already for the upgrades !!! I'm currently running a stock DL-103 into a Musical Fidelity LP3v3 phono stage with off board PSU.

Sound is 'OK' at present but doesn't rival my digital front end as yet but Im told by everyone that it will!

System at present is a CEC TL1N (belt drive transport) > Nagra DAC > Nagra PLL pre > Nagra MPA amp > Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations.

Cabling is VDH First Ultimate for all sources > VDH Second (balanced) pre-power > VDH The Third speaker. All mains cables are VDH Mainserver or Mainstreams via PS Audio Power conditioners, duet and quintet.

System is totally neutral to all that have heard it. Its taken me 40 years to get at this level and wasn't bought overnight! Im really happy with my digital replay and as you can see I like a more analogue 'musical' presentation than that of an 'all balls out in your face' lean and hi-fi presentation which becomes fatiguing to listen too.

Musical choice... anything from heavy electronica with subterranean LFO, dance, thrash, opera, folk, classical, blues all genres really. I don't have a system for a one trick pony.

A complete novice to the analogue world so here I am to learn and listen.

Best wishes


12-10-2010, 09:53
Hi Tim,

Welcome to AOS :)

Nice introduction.... Where are you from? :cool:


12-10-2010, 10:25
Hi Marco,

Just the man I was looking for.... Need to pick your brains as you have a few mods that I was thinking about applying. Need to ask you about the Highphonic gear too. Do you have a land line number I could call you on later this evening please? So much easier than to type....:)

Oh.. updated my signature so you should see location now. I hope?!

12-10-2010, 10:29
Hi Tim,

I've added your location details to your signature now. If you've got some questions you'd like to ask, initially it would be best to send me a PM, where I will help with any queries if I can.

Enjoy the forum! :)


12-10-2010, 10:41
OMG! Turn back man before it's too late. We need more digital people ffs. Got way too many old geezers dragging needles in grooves around here.

Welcome to the nut house :lol:

12-10-2010, 12:55
:D :gig:


As I'm sure you're aware Mr Pirate, it's very difficult to get vinyl to sound anything like as good as a well-sorted digital system (not the other way round, as summised by ignorant audiophools who don't know what HiFi really is...), but just slinging a DL103 into a Techie isn't going to do it straight off, as I'm sure marco will tell you.

My advice for a good vinyl sound straight off would be the likes of a NAS Hyperspace with AceSpace arm (not as restrained as the SME V that HFW used in their recent test) and possibly with the Denon, although I can think of better cartridges for this combo. I was also very impressed once with a WB Circle with Rega 600 tonearm and 10XV cartridge, the three units blending together very well indeed and playing to each other's strengths IMO.

Marco is definitely the best source of info for your Techie, and decent feet, mat and power supply should be done before anything else is considered I think.

Good luck, there's so much to be had from vinyl and the physical side of the setting up and handling of the format counts for so much too, irrespective of performance or sound issues ;)

Rare Bird
12-10-2010, 13:12
As I'm sure you're aware Mr Pirate, it's very difficult to get vinyl to sound anything like as good as a well-sorted digital system

Thats the way :)

Welcome pirate


Reid Malenfant
12-10-2010, 13:32
Hi Tim, that's a rather nice sounding setup you have there :) Welcome to AoS, i hope you enjoy your stay ;)

I guess i don't need to worry about my carbon footprint what with VDH making all those carbon cables :eyebrows: I went as far as the Second, i'd need to sell a kidney to afford the third :doh:

12-10-2010, 15:24
Welcome to AoS Tim

All that Nagra gear - yummy! It's taken me 40 years to get to where I am - I'm almost there.

Interesting range of listening tastes you have as well.


12-10-2010, 21:33
Hello Tim, a bit too early for one of my "creative" welcomes, especially on a school night. I must admit I liked the (dare I say) "blingy" G version of the 1210, but you'll lose most of the gold if you change the arm (unless of course you get any new one gold plated - 2 kidneys are overrated anyway, unless they're in a pie...!)

Having only just acquired a cousin of the 1210 (SL-150) this weekend I am not yet in a position to make many recommendations, and Marco is your man anyway, but certainly look at the Herbies/Timestep silicon mat - I shall say no more as I am only an amateur (and vinyl numpty as it says up above!) But trust me, it will make a difference.

Enjoy the forum, look forward to your contributions.

13-10-2010, 21:41
Thanks for all your warm welcomes. I shall try and keep you all posted with the upgrades on the 1210mk5G over time. Rome wasn't built in a day and its taken 40 years to get here now :)

If anyone needs advice on digital replay or cabling then I'm always willing to lend a hand or ear (maybe not a kidney) as long as they are Nagra, CEC or VDH question based !! :lol: