View Full Version : ATV/Apple Music SERVER

10-10-2010, 02:17
I had to do some mods to get more out of it (of course)
For 1 they are crowded inside and run hot as a Class A amp!

So after going from 160gig to 500 gig.Converting to a much faster SATA with far more buffer.
My next step was to make room for the PATA to SATA adapter and get some air flow to the inside.

Stock the bottom is covered by a thick rubber pad,and the bottom slides deep into the upper case till the pad is just 3 or 4 mm lower than the sides.

Useing some 1 centemeter pillors at the bedding points I lowered the bottom plate alowing room for air flow and area to tuck the harddrive ribbon away from danger.
SEE HOW THE ALUMINIUM PLATE EXTENDS FROM THE BOTTOM,before it was tucked well below the sides and only the rubber pad extended past the sides!
All those holes where covered by nearly 5mm thick of rubber!
I also installed rubber feet to raise the bottom up to provide some air flow from underneath now that it had holes to breath through.
You will need much longer No.3 screws.

As soon as I get the new drive ribbon I will be up and running the orignal one got damaged by a case screw,stock there is just no room inside,every componite is touching another or pressed ageinst the case.

10-10-2010, 02:20
Factory apple picture.
Look closely at the bottom,this thing was sealed up tight NO AIR FLOW,
mabey even water proof...

10-10-2010, 08:14
Welcome back, Jeff! I thought you'd deserted us... Where've ya been, dude? :)


10-10-2010, 17:38
Welcome back, Jeff! I thought you'd deserted us... Where've ya been, dude? :)


Life has been kicking me around a bit so I haven't had any me time till this Friday evening,How could I leave such a great bunch of nutz?

10-10-2010, 18:13
Nice one - hope things have settled down now... Stay with the program, bro, 'cos you're a valued nutter! ;)


P.S Don't forget those pics of yer 'phones for Nick (Beechwoods) :)

10-10-2010, 19:53
Good to see you back Jeff, I too thought you'd done a runner so glad you haven't! :)