View Full Version : The Google Chrome Internet Browser - Well Worth Checking Out

03-10-2010, 08:00
Following an article (http://lifehacker.com/5645038/how-and-why-chrome-is-overtaking-firefox-among-power-users) I read comparing Firefox with Google Chrome, and having recently upgraded my desktop Mac from an old G5 PowerPC to a new MacMini with Intel chip, which will actually run Chrome, I've decided to upgrade my default browser from Firefox to Google's Chrome application.

The speed with which Chrome loads pages is pretty astonishing. This speed appears to be down to it's performance handling JavaScript, which is the muscle behind most complex web pages - and this forum. Page loads are virtually instantaneous. My web connection is 6Mb ADSL, which is probably typical for most home broadband users these days.

I guess for me I hadn't appreciated what a bottleneck my Browser was in terms of speedy surfing. I'd urge anyone not already using Chrome to give it a go. It won't do anything to your existing browser setup and you don't have to make it the Default browser on your system until your're happy you like it.

I will be keeping an eye on Firefox because I like all the extensions that come with it, and Firefox 4 is supposed to even the race in terms of speed, but for now I'll be giving Chrome a good go :)


03-10-2010, 08:13
Been using Chrome since it came out (previously a Firefox user too) and I won't be going back! It is so speedy, rarely crashes (that's done it!) and allows much more of the websites to be on screen as it is physically smaller too - I'd agree with Nick that it is well worth using for 99% of the time, I still use IE8 or Firefox occasionally for specific needs, but Chrome is the default and I haven't looked back.

03-10-2010, 13:21
Im also a recent convert. Wont be going back either. It didnt sync with my Mcafee filter to well but im using Avasti now and no problems

03-10-2010, 14:50
I usually use Chrome with my Linux box and it works well.