View Full Version : Belated hello...

30-09-2010, 11:20

I've been reading posts on the site for some time, probably since last summer really, and thought it was about time I registered properly.

I have an evolving system which currently comprises Meridian 206B acting as a transport for either a Audio Note Dac Zero or Perpetual Technologies digital engine and Dac. I have an EAR 802 pre and rare Blue Circle BC6 power amp. That lot feeds a pair of Living Voice OBX-R2s - my Audio Physic Virgo IIs are just about to make an exit to be replaced with a Talk Thunder 6 CDP. Like I said evolving ;)! I also have a much under used Linn Sondek LP12 with Lingo, Ittok and K18 which I think will be making an exit once I've digitised my vinyl.

I play too much cricket in the summer and have spent last summer and this autumn recuperating from fairly serious injuries - ruptured achilles and slipped disc. All the more time to listen to the music!

That's me :).

30-09-2010, 13:55
Hi Rob, how is the 802:), welcome aboard, and get stuck in.

Spectral Morn
30-09-2010, 16:08
Welcome to AOS Rob

Regards D S D L

Ali Tait
30-09-2010, 16:54
Hi,and welcome. How would you characterise the differences between the dacs?

Reid Malenfant
30-09-2010, 17:07
All the more time to listen to the music!
& more time to read on AoS to :eyebrows:

Welcome aboard Rob, i hope you enjoy your stay :)

The least said about bad backs round here the better, mines been stuffed since 1990 :uhho: You'd think after half of my life i'd learn to live with it :doh:

All the best to you :wave: Hope you get back to full health soon!

01-10-2010, 13:09
Hi Rob, how is the 802:), welcome aboard, and get stuck in.

Hi mate. The 802 is still going fine, thanks :).

I'm looking to get a decent source up front now to let it sing!:eyebrows:

01-10-2010, 13:20
Hi,and welcome. How would you characterise the differences between the dacs?

I've had the PT for 14 months or so and paired with my Audio Physic Virgos it gave a detailed presentation with very precise imaging, but perhaps a little too analytical and "clean". I fiddled with different interconnects and a decent copper cable brought a bit more warmth but it was still a little too...

The DAC Zero is a very different beast. It has the detail more in the mix rather than sparsely laid out. Voices in particular soun more natural and there is probably a better ambiance to the music. The imaging is not so precise, particularly at lower volumes - it's "there" but more diffuse. Turn the wick up a bit and the images fill out nicely, but not as tightly as the PT.

Hope that gives you a feel for my thoughts on those two. Everything'll go out the window when the Thunder 6 arrives.... start over :)

Ali Tait
01-10-2010, 16:57
Cheers.I have a Zero,so was interested in what you thought.Have you modded it at all? I found changing the coupling caps makes a big difference.

03-10-2010, 17:01
Cheers.I have a Zero,so was interested in what you thought.Have you modded it at all? I found changing the coupling caps makes a big difference.

Nope, I haven't done any mods and really don't have the ability to do any tbh :scratch:

03-10-2010, 18:01
welcome rob, hope you are soon back at the cricket !

03-10-2010, 18:25
Hi Rob and welcome, as Ali says change the caps on the dac and your will be pleasently surprised