View Full Version : Beyond my origin Live - suggestions please

24-09-2010, 12:52
I never learn - having got my amplification sorted (croft 25R/Croft Series 4s) and a new SOHA II headphone amp I told myself it was time to stop "messing around" and enjoy what I had - :lolsign:

Have got this itch to re-look at the turntable side of things. Currently using Origin Live Aurora II- Origin Live Silver II with OL linear flow arm cable and Astatic MF-100 (or AT 150 MLX).

Question is where to go to "better" this? Have to admit I'm not convinced there's anything wrong with it but you know how it is :doh:

I suspect the logical way would be a turntable change but initially keeping my arm/cable- I am so impressed with the phono stage of the Croft I have no desire to go down the MC route - I've been there and back with my previous LP12/Ittok/Troika and am very happy with the sound from the Astatic and AT's.

I had toyed with the idea of a total change and getting a Technics SL-1200 and going down the modding road but really not sure :scratch:

I do not have endless cash (who does) so any change neeeds to be sonically worthwhile.

It may be that there is a view that leave well alone and that would be fine but would really appreciate some input and choices



24-09-2010, 13:14
Hi Steve,

I think the sensible question to ask is what it is you think could be bettered about the sound of your current T/T?

Once I know that, I'll be in a position to advise you if I think a Techie is likely to 'fix' it or better what you have now :)

Also, roughly, how much wonga do you have to throw at this project? So many people seem 'shy' to say these days.....

It is rather crucial information! ;)


24-09-2010, 13:30
At this time, the Techie is SOOOOO easy to do up with clearly precise steps to take which can be usually done by the end user, rather than taking to a dealer for yet another dose of bullsh*t as happened in my day.

I don't know the OL tonearms except to say I worry that severe resonances and apparently an occasional iffy finish seem to be added to make a good if slightly misunderstood (by amateur enthusiasts out there and a good few blinkered pros too) product "better."

24-09-2010, 13:52
Thanks Marco - and there by hangs the problem ;)

If anyting I would say it could be a bit "faster" and more forward in presentation.

I'm a tad embarrased to say but in many situations I prefer the sound from my CD source (Cyrus CD Xt se /Cyrus PsXR / Benchmark DAC1 - but this could just be the fact that most of my vinyl is 1970 - 80's vintage (still perfect with no scratches etc though).

In terms of the filthy luca I guess if it was a one-stop shop then £2K could be found but probably would rather do in stages - I also have second system (Quad CD 67/33/303/FM3/22L)the 33/303 fully Net-Audi moddes so one option would be tokeep the OLin the OL deck and say go down the Techie route foe the Quad system.



24-09-2010, 14:15
If you in Yorkshire might be worth hearing Clive set up he has a Trans Fi Salvation which to my ears is a awesome TT there two versions £1800 or £2200 and comes complete with arm

24-09-2010, 14:51
Thanks for that John - yes in sunny Yorkshire so could arrange a demo

24-09-2010, 18:07
Being the patient type :lol: I took a punt on a SL-1210 on Ebay that looked in pretty good nick (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320590555090&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1099wt_1087) and got it for £215 so I reckon at that price I can use it for a Sushi bird table if it's no good :lolsign:

I will begin the upgrade path on it's arrival in Yorkshire starting with the PSU.

Will be grateful for advice on systematic upgrade (Dave R ? )

Not convinced my wife wont spot the difference between this and the OL though:donk:


24-09-2010, 18:31
Isonoe feet, Herbies mat, Power supply, Possible bearing upgrade, decent tonearm that will take a Decca :) etc. etc. :lol:

24-09-2010, 19:17
Lol - nice one, Steve :eyebrows:

As for what to do to upgrade it, all the (massive amount) of info is here in this section of the forum, so do some reading! ;)

Keep us posted of how you get on, with pics :cool:


24-09-2010, 19:24
Thanks Marco - will do - must admit the SME 309 looks very tasty!


25-09-2010, 11:47
It is :)


25-09-2010, 14:33
Hw about Audiomods. Just received mine and its a massive upgrade on the standard RB300 and is finished to a very very high standard.

Picture of mine installed on a Orbe.


25-09-2010, 14:54
Thanks Paul - new one on me - it does look very nice - did you go for the micrometer or standard?

25-09-2010, 15:14
Hi Steve

Went for the Micrometer version. If you click on the photo's you will get a larger picture where you can see the micrometer. This is the latest micrometer and is a little smaller than those shown on the website. I think solves the problem where some lidded turntables couldn't close the lid due to the hight of the micrometer. Very well reviewed by HiFi Choice and Enjoy the Music and used by others on this and other forums.

If you are into DIY you can save a bit by building it yourself using any RB250 or 251 arm. RB300 not a option as the casting is different.


28-09-2010, 16:07
So many choices with the SL-1210 upgrade :scratch:

OK so progress to date:
Bought a very nice pre-owned 1210 at bargain price from really honest chap on Ebay and ordered TimeStep PSU, Herbie's mat and isonoe feet so far so good :)

Decided not to go down the road of TimeStep bearing (a bang for my buck issue) but will get new spindle/oil/wax from KAB at ridiculous cheap price. Will probably get KAB strobe disabler not so much for the noise reduction as the TimeStep PSU seems to mitigate this but not sure I want the strobe on all the time.

Now for the difficult bit - what to do with the arm:mental:

I really like the aesthetics of an S tonearm on the 1210 and I want to keep it looking as stock as possible while getting the best performance/pound ratio I can so I have narrowed my choice down to (a) Jelco 750D (a little concerned about posts regarding wobbly collars and azimuth) or (b) a KAB Cardas rewired M5G plus fluid damper. I suspect that the former might be "better" in ultimate sonic terms but the latter will be a significant improvement on the stock arm and retain the original stock look. I am leaning towards the KAB path (might be able to get a discount if I order all the other bits but import duty/VAT is a !@£$%rd :eek:

Anyway - feel free to shoot me down:)


09-10-2010, 14:15
There are few personal traits more annoying than a convert so I am currently in line for a Commonwealth gold medal in annoying behaviour :lolsign:

After spending many years slavishly following the belt-drive turntable philosophy (LP12 in various incarnations and more latterly Origin Live) I always felt that it was the right way path to follow to achieve vinyl nirvana and any other path was signposted "this way lies madness" :eek:

I have discovered that there is another path worth tredding :) - a path new to me but seemingly old news to many on AoS

I have just finished setting up my new (well very nice second owner) and improved Technics SL-1210 and I am blown away :stalks:

I digested many of the threads here on AoS and have used a TimeStep PSU and Arm board courtesy of Dave C, a Jelco SA750D and Jelco arm cable, isonoe feet and Herbie's mat. I dusted off my AT150 MLX and after about 2 hours of VTA/alignment was up an running.

The improvement is simply staggering pretty much in all areas. Bass is fuller, deeper more tuneful, better separation of voice/instruments, better dynamics and PRaT, highs such as cymbals/bells shimmer and ring without "shouting" - the whole presentation is more 3D and in one word more enjoyable (OK 2 words)

When I embarked on changing the deck I knew I was missing something but couldn't quite place what it was but I'm very happy with the solution. I also think it looks pretty good although my wife thinks the Origin Live setup is prettier :mental: That's not to say the OL is bad - it most certainly is not but for the money spent it ought to be a whole lot better than it is - excepting that "better" is totally subjective in this context.

Steve :cool:

09-10-2010, 19:48
I haven't a clue how much will be charged, but the Funk arm-tube mod may be well worth a looking at. The new Funk "pipe is totally "dead" with no high Q resonances as the Rega RB pipe can have.

Just a thought...