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View Full Version : Resorting to stereotypes or not learning to live in the modern world

20-09-2010, 16:58
To day I popped into my local village library to consult their copy of Grove’s ‘History of Music and Musicians’. I wanted to find out a little about Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, the second child and eldest son of J. S. Bach. To my surprise I couldn’t find it in the Reference section where it normally resides along with Brittanica etc. Upon enquiry, the librarian told me they no longer hold a copy – worse still, neither does the central library in Chelmsford; despite it supposingly being a university town.

The best she could do was to direct me to their copy of the Larousse Encyclopedia of Music - utterly useless, it told me nothing of any importance about W. F. Bach. I left muttering words to the effect that ‘Essex man’ was alive and well and not needing any reference books on music or culture, as there was none in Essex!

Arriving home, I found the redoubtable Wiki had plentiful information not only on W. F. Bach but listed all his works as well. I also learnt that Grove is available on-line and is run under the auspices of Oxford University.

Maybe I should be less quick to damn libraries for not keeping ‘old fashioned’ paper hard-copies, but learn to embrace the wealth of on-line references.

Ego desum, tamen ego perceptum.


05-10-2010, 07:47
If you needed further indication of the dumbing down of society and reluctance of teenagers to read books, try any shopping mall in the USA. About half of them (and I've been to many) have NO BOOKSHOP WHATSOEVER.

Some of the larger malls may have a small Waldemans and, if you're very lucky, you'll be close to a Barnes & Noble which are fab bookshops. Overall, though, it's a sad indictment.

Dave Cawley
05-10-2010, 08:41
In the USA, both Barnes & Nobles and Borders do a fantastic job. You can get a coffee and read the books on a comfortable sofa. Then decide if to buy the book, or just put it back. I spent a great afternoon doing just that!
