View Full Version : New Tad arrivals Part II @ Coherent Systems

Mr. C
15-04-2024, 17:18
A really nice early surprise this afternoon, the eagerly awaited Tad GE-1's have now landed, tomorrow the learning curve begins.................

Produuct information (https://coherent-systems.co.uk/product/tad-grand-evolution-one/)

Coherent Systems Feedback (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=coherent+systems#lrd=0x487668bff37d304f:0x7a56d5 71327653fc,1,,,,)

Contact information (https://coherent-systems.co.uk/contact-us/)


Mr. C
16-04-2024, 13:00
The finish on these speakers is nothing sort of spectacular, its like glass, easily passes the silk hankerchief test we used to use on the finished Alfa's & Ferrari's with ease. The depth of finish is superb like bottomless well. Also they are not that large, pretty much the same height as the E-1 Tx's although much deeper and wider. These use a genuine second generation CST driver made fro these speakers using the CR-1/R-1 technology with the 100Khz Be tweeter.

Sound wise, they have recieved around 24 hours now and they are starting to wake up, that said the difference between the superb E-1Tx's is readily apprant and it's not a 'oh yeah they are better one', its something else. However in two weeks time I will settle down to some critical listening then.





