View Full Version : Bjork the electronics expert

19-09-2010, 13:11
I really love Bjork, I want to marry her...


19-09-2010, 13:17
that is insane and I love it

Rare Bird
19-09-2010, 13:26
I really love Bjork, I want to marry her...

Me too :lolsign:

19-09-2010, 14:36
You'd have a totally insane life with that one....

Like some of her music though :)

My lusts were either Wanda Ventham and Toyah Wilcox at the time. Don't care if they can take a TV apart or not :ner:

19-09-2010, 17:14
I really love Bjork, I want to marry her...


You do understand that she was compleatly serious in that clip.
Or she is the best comidian ever, She would drive me to drink.:cool:

Techno Commander
19-09-2010, 17:43
You'd have a totally insane life with that one....

Thats what would make it so fun. :)

19-09-2010, 18:17
I remember Bjork appearing on Jonathan Toss and him taking the rip out of her.
Twat. Cant people see her genius?

19-09-2010, 18:24
I remember Bjork appearing on Jonathan Toss and him taking the rip out of her.
Twat. Cant people see her genius?

If looking at the world through the eyes of a 3 year old and prossessing it through the brain of the village idiot is genius She's Albert Fricking Einstien incarnate.

BIJORK VS. GODZILLA just a thought...

Reid Malenfant
19-09-2010, 18:25
<snip> Jonathan Toss
:eyebrows: I'm pleased that i'm not the only person who can't stand the bloke ;)

Bjork is cool, even if she doesn't have a damn clue about how a TV works :lol:

19-09-2010, 20:55
"the scientifical truth" is out (in?) there! :)

Awesome, can't say I'd want to marry her though - she'd cut off your plums just to see how they work! :eek:

19-09-2010, 20:56
Oh ye of little faith and childlike innocence and wonder!

Iceland’s own pop pixie is closer to the truth than you realise – but then in a recent survey, over 30% of the Icelanders polled admitted to believing in the existence of elves and fairies. And indeed they do – when Björk comments on, what most people erroneously call, the circuit board, as looking like a city full of many houses – she’s exactly right. It is a city housing ‘little people’ who work the television. Where Björk is in error is she refers to them as ‘electrons’, whereas of course they should be called by their correct name: ‘pinxels’.

Yes folks, your TV set is populated my many hundred of little folk (the actual number depends on the size of the screen) who actually paint the picture (in reverse on the rear of the screen); in fact their name comes from the Latin pinxit , meaning ‘painted by’. Now you have to realise that being very, very small, the pinxels can move very, very fast – so fast that they can paint and re-paint, where necessary, the entire screen 25 times a second. The confusion with electrons comes about because electrons are what the pinxels eat and that is why the TV has to be plugged into a source of electrons, the mains supply.

Don’t believe me? Well go and look up the original meaning of the word ‘computer’. Yes that’s right, a computer was someone who calculated the entries in mathematical tables. During the war the Germans, Japanese, British and Americans carried out secret selective-breeding programmes to breed smaller and smaller personnel to carry out these operations. The results are what we have today in our TVs and computers, and explains why the Japanese so-called ‘electronics’ industry has been so successful: the Japanese being of short stature themselves had a head start.

No, I can see you’re unconvinced. Well think about this. Why do your TVs and/or computers eventually develop faults and stop working? Simply because with time the ‘little people’, the pinxels and the computers, grow old and die.

It all true – it is, it is, it is!

Rare Bird
19-09-2010, 21:01
Ok it was a secret but it's out... i've seen her on three occcasions, she is brilliant live

19-09-2010, 21:16
Wow. What a revelation. Im calling OK magazine.
Seriously im very envious i would love to see her live. Her last album was shit though.

19-09-2010, 21:17
I think you've been spending too much time "reviewing" for the wine recommendations thread Barry! :lol:

Andre - my flabber has well and truly been gasted! :eek:

19-09-2010, 21:26
OMG classic Bjork from back when she was a gorgeous kookie indie kid, I was 16 years old and had pages from the NME pinned to my wall with her pixie face looking out... those were the days!

19-09-2010, 21:51
Bjork rocks. End of discussion. I have seen her once at the NEC shortly after the release of Post. She is lovely and I love her. I want to marry her. Did I mention that I love her? Join the back of the queue losers....


Rare Bird
19-09-2010, 22:01
Andre - my flabber has well and truly been gasted! :eek:


Sorry secret fettish, i enjoyed my night during the 'post' gig at Sheffield Arena most of all, i forget the Polish support act, they played during the gig aswell, she is very very good live..

19-09-2010, 22:35

Sorry secret fettish, i enjoyed my night during the 'post' gig at Sheffield Arena most of all, i forget the Polish support act, they played during the gig as well, she is very very good live..

At the NEC, it was the Brodsky Quartet that were in support Err my mistake, I think it may have been the MEN I saw her at can't remember now! yes I think it was the MEN?


The Grand Wazoo
19-09-2010, 22:57
I saw Bjork at the 1995 Reading Festival. I liked Debut and the music at the gig was good, but I thought the performance was a bit kind of absent. Preferred the Sugarcubes - still do really!

There was some good stuff at that festival - Neil Young backed by Pearl Jam, the first Foo Fighters gig in the UK, Paul Weller, Boo Radleys, Teenage Fanclub, Throwing Muses, Smashing Pumpkins......

The fireworks at the end of the Bjork show were good though & fireworks usually bore me a bit!

19-09-2010, 22:59
I think you've been spending too much time "reviewing" for the wine recommendations thread Barry! :lol:

How dare you Sir!

I've been to Iceland and seen the 'toy' houses made by the Icelanders and left for the elves and fairies to live in, if they have been displaced as a result of man-made activity.

Withdraw your insult immediately, otherwise it's corkscrews at dawn.

20-09-2010, 05:52
I only know one Icelandic joke...

What do you do if you get lost in a forest in Iceland?
"Stand up."


Rare Bird
20-09-2010, 09:28
Well she does have something in common with a well known '60's female singer, anyone know what ?

20-09-2010, 19:27
tell me!

20-09-2010, 21:01
I was hoping for a higher level of nakedness really.... :lol:

20-09-2010, 21:02
Eh WTF? what happened to your post Andre?

20-09-2010, 22:40
How dare you Sir!

I've been to Iceland and seen the 'toy' houses made by the Icelanders and left for the elves and fairies to live in, if they have been displaced as a result of man-made activity.

Withdraw your insult immediately, otherwise it's corkscrews at dawn.

I thought only Mums went to Iceland? ;)

I couldn't possibly condone the use of said instrument for anything other than opening a bottle as I suspect entrails would interfere somewhat with the nose, so consider this a tactical withdrawal! ;)

Techno Commander
20-09-2010, 23:25

Techno Commander
20-09-2010, 23:30
I was hoping for a higher level of nakedness really.... :lol:

Guess you'll have to make do with the turntable bird.:)

20-09-2010, 23:38
Guess you'll have to make do with the turntable bird.:)

You mean this one?


nah, bjork or cara any day of the week.

Techno Commander
21-09-2010, 11:45
I agree that Bjork would be preferable.

But a naked woman is a naked woman and shouldnt be dismissed. :) :eyebrows:

21-09-2010, 20:38
You do understand that she was compleatly serious in that clip.
Or she is the best comidian ever, She would drive me to drink.:cool:

As WC Fields said: 'A woman drove me to drink, and I didn't have the decency to thank her'.

22-09-2010, 08:13
I really love Bjork, I want to marry her...


Really! :stalks:

She doesn't look so hot these days..... :doh:
