View Full Version : F/S Tube Distinctions power amp

The Vinyl Adventure
14-09-2010, 10:20
Now the weather is getting colder im putting this superb amplifier back up for sale.

i have has a brief chat with Anthony and we have come to an arrangement that i am going to send it to him for a service.

i would still like £1600 for it, but out of that money i will pay for the servicing that Anthony does to it.

here are some pictures








if you have any questions you can contact me or Anthonytd the genius with the soldering iron that turned it from a puresound a30 into the power amp it is today...

anthony, if you dont already know, is the man who built the copper amp at the core or Marco's hifi and although it isnt perhaps as good as marcos, it has been said it isnt a far cry from it... it really is a very good power amp

anthonys web site


The Vinyl Adventure
14-09-2010, 18:35
Come on, I'm on a roll now... This amp is gotta go too really! I'm open to sencible offers!

The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 18:21

The Grand Wazoo
15-09-2010, 18:52

How much off?

Sorry, couldn't resist it. I'm sorry to hear of your trouble.
I'd have thought it would have gone by now mate - someone here should own this amp, it's only right.

15-09-2010, 19:10
But like you Hamish, we is all skint as well :(

Reid Malenfant
15-09-2010, 19:27
But like you Hamish, we is all skint as well :(
You speak for yourself, i'm in no way skint :scratch:

Hamish, can you give more details on this amplifier please? As i'm fairly new here & frankly know next to nothing about it or the modifications that have been carried out it strikes me that you'll likely get more interest by giving more information ;)

For instance i can see a switch that i assume switched to triode mode from something else? Super linear? I haven't got a clue...

There are a good deal of folks that are probably as ignorant as me, fill us all in on what it can do & hopefully you'll catch that fish :)

Remember that google is your friend, those spiders will soon have all that info out there & it may attract a new member here looking for exactly what you have. Apologies as i know your not daft, it's just that i know nothing about it so i'm assuming there are lots more like myself :eyebrows:

The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 19:31
Yeah, I know.... I blame the bankers
Dunno Chris, I want it to go via Anthony to be serviced that as I said I will pay for out of the current asking price...
Maybe I should get it to anthony to see how much if anything it might need spending on it for a service ... That way I could better work out how much less I would let it go for....
I too want it to go to a aos member

The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 19:33
The switch doesn't do anything anymore ... Anthony disabled it... I'll see if I can find the info from when steve had it modded ... Hopefuly Anthony him self might pop in and give some details too!

The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 19:35
This is from when I bought it off steve


The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 19:38
This is the info from the original build... This is making me want to keep it


15-09-2010, 21:15
You speak for yourself, i'm in no way skint :scratch:

Hello my new best friend, fancy buying me a new amp then :kiss:

The Vinyl Adventure
15-09-2010, 21:24
I'd be happy accepting a few monthly installments if that helps anyone :)

The Vinyl Adventure
18-01-2011, 17:13
im doing a Chris and bringing a thread back from the grave ....

this amp is now for sale again ... id love to keep it but with the missis being pregnant i need to start being sensible!

SteveW has first dibs ... as we have spoken in the past about it ... but please, if you are interested let me know as it sounds like steve needs a bit of pressure to make his mind up on what direction he is going to take hifi ;)

marco if you feel like waxing lyrical on the talents of this amp then feel free ...

also, Anthony (AnthonyTD - www.tubedistinctions.co.uk ) has this amp at his place, it will be serviced at cost to me out of the final agreed price so it will be bang on perfect nick to whoever buys it ...

18-01-2011, 22:14
PM'd Hamish, but to give maximum chance to sell his amp at a price he wants, i cannot commit to buying it until the dust has settled on my own finances.

So, if anyone is interested, please feel free to grab a wonderful amp.

im doing a Chris and bringing a thread back from the
grave ....

this amp is now for sale again ... id love to keep it but with the missis being pregnant i need to start being sensible!

SteveW has first dibs ... as we have spoken in the past about it ... but please, if you are interested let me know as it sounds like steve needs a bit of pressure to make his mind up on what direction he is going to take hifi ;)

marco if you feel like waxing lyrical on the talents of this amp then feel free ...

also, Anthony (AnthonyTD - www.tubedistinctions.co.uk ) has this amp at his place, it will be serviced at cost to me out of the final agreed price so it will be bang on perfect nick to whoever buys it ...

The Vinyl Adventure
22-01-2011, 21:54
I really could do with selling this amp ...
If anyone has any suggestions about a value that might sell it I'd love to hear by private message
This is the issue with something so bespoke isn't it ... I know it's good ... Anyone who has heard one of Anthonys creations also knows it's good but no one else does .. And more to the point how do you work out a value ... It was worth £1600 to me as that is what i was willing to pay ... ... ...
So yeah... Anyone got any thoughts?
I suppose it comes down to what im willing to sell it for really ... But I'm not sure I know the answer to that...

23-01-2011, 00:16
I think your best bet is that auction site.

23-01-2011, 06:08
Yes tend to agree set a bare minium. Your market is a lot more limited take lots of pictures and write something about the amp and designer

The Grand Wazoo
23-01-2011, 10:54
Have you asked Anthony if he knows of anyone who may be looking for something, but doesn't have enough cash for a new one?

The Vinyl Adventure
23-01-2011, 11:59
I have asked Anthony ...
I think your right John/Andy ... I just need to put a bit of effort into it

Its a shame you don't need an amp Andy ... The snells brought out the beat in it ;)

23-01-2011, 12:07
What about Scalford? Its not that far away now? Be a good place for loads of people to hear it.

23-01-2011, 12:14
Yes sounds like a really good idea I am sure if you have a word with Marco he be willing to help

The Vinyl Adventure
23-01-2011, 12:19
That's a good idea ...
I'm still hoping your gonna make me an offer Steve ;)
The thing is, I was saying to steve toy the other day ... I'm willing to take a hit on it ... It comes with the teretory of buying and selling hifi ... I just don't know what sort of money is sensible for it ....

23-01-2011, 13:25
That's a good idea ...
I'm still hoping your gonna make me an offer Steve ;)
The thing is, I was saying to steve toy the other day ... I'm willing to take a hit on it ... It comes with the teretory of buying and selling hifi ... I just don't know what sort of money is sensible for it ....
Hamish, I may well yet make you an offer...It's just that I really really owe it to my family to let the dust settle on my finances before I go spending much more.
and also...having said that, I'm also really keen for you to get the most you can because your gonna need it !!

25-01-2011, 20:47
Would it power a pair of shahinian arcs 97db 6 ohm, its a pity its not still
integrated, how much would a pre amp cost to match it. i was looking at the
puresound a30 but must say this looks interesting.

The Vinyl Adventure
25-01-2011, 20:54
I'm not sure ...
My pre wasn't cheap but I have used it with a Beresford dac as a pre
I think the pre in the a30 is passive anyway... So maybe just a passive one would be the trick?
Alternatively (and possibly preferably) you could do what I did an talk to Anthony the guy who did the mods to it and built my pre amp and get him to quote for a matching pre like I did ... Mine was only expensive because I got him to use high quality componants such as a remote controlled stepped atenuator
Has anyone else got any thoughs for Phil on the subject?

Ali Tait
25-01-2011, 21:10
If you can find one, I'd suggest the WAD Pre 2 would be a good match, but then it will match well with pretty much anything. It's a very good sounding pre, especially with a few mods. You should be able to pick one up for a couple of hundred or so.

25-01-2011, 21:25
Hamish, just out of interest have you compared it with the puresound a30

is there a big difference in sound,lefty on another forum is trying a puresound

with his shahinian arcs and speaks highly. ive never had a valve amp before

but im told that if you are after grip punch rythum, there are few contenders.

The Vinyl Adventure
25-01-2011, 21:35
I haven't compared it to an a30

It certainly has balls! Lots of power to the sound with a real sence of dynamics ...
You are welcome to come down for a demo... Brum isnt far, I would just need to get Anthony to service it and then go fetch it from Wales ... You could even bring speakers if you liked ...
It's gonna make me sick if you have speakers that make it sound better than my actives in my lounge though .... ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
25-01-2011, 21:40
Here you go ... More info


25-01-2011, 23:51
Cheers for that, i would love to hear this amp but ive got ss avi pre and monos at the moment so i may not like valves i dont wont to give you any
false hopes, i would bring my speakers so we both get to try something new.
my speakers are very musical and can reproduce great base also great with
strings, my system sounds good but its not right ive a pioneer pl71 tt which
is great. but im looking for a sound that gives you goosepimples and i belive
the amp is to blame, or my age cheers phil.

26-01-2011, 07:15
Should be no issues using the AVI but why not also bring your pre along to be sure
I use a NAD 3130 as active pre and works really well with my valve amp far better than using my passive and I have 95db speakers, as long as your pre is clean and not adding colouration I can see no issues

26-01-2011, 19:48
Having read all about hamish amp i feel it may not be right for me, if i were to

buy any of these seconhand at the right money i could move them on with no


1. ear v20

2. manley stingray

3. puresound a30

4. prima luna prologue

The servicing thing with valve amps im not sure about either how often etc

im sure hamish amp sounds wonderfull its just not an ideal starting point for me,

i would also like integrated, it must be a terrible thing to get used to a valve

from the past to find you cant get them any longer , i would pay for more

expensive valves but they would have to be current,

all the best with the sale cheers phil

26-01-2011, 22:31
Isn't Hamish's amp based on a Puresound A30?

The AVI's are great exponents of the solid-state art, but I suspect the TD amp will have something else to put in the pot - and I don't mean shedloads of distortion either!!!!!

The AVI S2000MP+P preamp I have drives the Quad II's with no difficulty at all, but again, although it "warms up" very quickly, I've noticed an improvement over an hour or so, as it suddenly seems to change and "blossom" for some reason. A Croft Micro Basic should give little away in the objective-measurements dept, but just has this "something" I can't put my finger on that makes music so listenable and believable.

Rare Bird
29-01-2011, 12:04
Cumon' chaps things don't have to have badges you know.

The Vinyl Adventure
29-01-2011, 12:06
Cheers Andre

29-01-2011, 12:31
Changing valves are not a big issue I am pretty sure Anthony would of checked them and they have a lot of life left in them, around the service side I cannot think of anyone better than the maker himself. All the amps you mentioned are good amps but the Tube destinction will be at another level. This amps are built for life, they not the kind of amp you will want to change

Ali Tait
29-01-2011, 14:04
I've heard this amp and it is a very good KT88 PP amp. You'd struggle to find similar quality at the price elsewhere IMHO.

29-01-2011, 15:13
I've heard this amp and it is a very good KT88 PP amp. You'd struggle to find similar quality at the price elsewhere IMHO.

Im now looking at buying an x dem puresound a30 for £700 which i can try on
loan first, most of the cost of the mod is in the valves £400 ish then wiring
mod to give 38amps all other components are puresound, i can then buy the
valves when they come up for sale, this seems the cheaper way of doing things as i still require integrated.

the mullards are available gz34 £100 for 2 but the philips 6sn7 are not so easy tp get

Ali Tait
29-01-2011, 15:39
I believe Hamish's amp is upgraded quite a bit from the Puresound spec?

29-01-2011, 16:16
I believe Hamish's amp is upgraded quite a bit from the Puresound spec?

Valves and wiring only the rest is puresound a30 from the man who built it.

could have been a lot of wiring mods who knows.

29-01-2011, 22:06
You know what Phil...you are really not helping a sales thread.

Spectral Morn
29-01-2011, 23:14
You know what Phil...you are really not helping a sales thread.


Phil have you heard of the term *thread crapping* your previous posts have imo crossed into that territory.

Can we keep the comments to direct questions about Hamish's amplifier and expressions of interest in buying it only please. Further thinking out loud, pros and cons posts, shall I buy or not, typed posts (best kept private in your own head imo) will be deleted.

Regards D S D L

29-01-2011, 23:31
You know what Phil...you are really not helping a sales thread.

Steve, hamish suggested talking to tube distinctions regarding the mods

carried out on his amp which i did, im sure he would not wont to mislead

anyone, i never meant to hinder the sales thread.

The Vinyl Adventure
29-01-2011, 23:37
To be fair, I don't mind or care really .. One day someone will listen to it and fall in love with it's sound just like i did ...
As I have said before I would have kept it if it wasn't for finding these actives ... And having a littleun on the way ... I just can't justify keeping it for my second system ...
I'm no longer in any hurry to sell it, so I'll keep bumping until someone wants it ...
As i mentioned I'm open to offers ... And am happy, in fact would encourage people to come and have a listen ...

Spectral Morn
29-01-2011, 23:42
Steve, hamish suggested talking to tube distinctions regarding the mods

carried out on his amp which i did, im sure he would not wont to mislead

anyone, i never meant to hinder the sales thread.

Sorry Phil I must be dense here but at no time has Hamish sought to mislead anyone. I know Hamish well (he is a friend) and a more honest guy you would be hard pressed to find.

Hamish's amp was bought by him already modified. He did not own it from new so therefore had no way of knowing what the original sounded like, at no stage has he said anything different to this.

Yes speaking to Anthony is/was a good idea (as he rebuilt the amplifier) but with that info processed you either want to buy Hamish's or not, if not fine, but stop crapping on his thread. Something you have just done again re your and I quote

he would not wont to mislead anyone I think you should bow out of this thread now, as you don't wish to buy the amplifier.

For sale threads are not for open ended discussion unlike the other sub-forums imo.

Regards D S D L

07-02-2011, 21:58
Hi Hamish,

Would still like a listen to the amp, but it may have to wait until I know that I have the funds to make an offer, just not certain about work situation at the moment.



The Vinyl Adventure
07-02-2011, 22:16
Ok mate, no hurry ... I'm hoping Anthony will crop up with some details on it soon

The Vinyl Adventure
15-03-2011, 00:27
Keeping it again now ... :ner:

Rare Bird
15-03-2011, 00:29

Spectral Morn
15-03-2011, 11:47
Keeping it again now ... :ner:

good :)

Regards D S D L

The Vinyl Adventure
15-03-2011, 12:28
i think its the right thing to do ...
id only regret it i think

15-03-2011, 13:14
Well, Hamish, you won't get another one like it, that's for sure!

Losing the Techie was different, as that was a mass-produced item, which could be replaced any time.

Disposing of a bespoke power amp, modified and re-voiced by one of the finest audio designers man has known, is a rather different kettle of fish ;)

I'd no sooner sell my copper amp than I would one of my cats!


The Vinyl Adventure
15-03-2011, 13:27
the techie is still a niggle in my belly when i think about all the effort and time ... but as you say... it is repeatable should i wish ...

i have come to agree with you ...
a lot of my wanting to sell it was due, if im honest, to shear panic ...
just after xmas we had just finished a load of projects with work and the phone just wasnt ringing ...
with the baby on the way too ...
and a personal tax bill...
basically, i shit my pants thinking i needed money...
as with most things in life, everything has turned out fine
the phone wont stop ringing with work...
and so everything else is now sorted ...

... and i get to keep my amp!
just need a second td pre now ;)