View Full Version : My first pair of Tannoys

07-07-2023, 16:23
I picked up a pair of Tannoy T225 Mayfair speakers in an auction for a very good price.
They're not immaculate but they should be easy enough to tidy up - the obvious black trim missing on one front, a repaint on the badges and some nourishment for the cabinets themselves. The grilles are bang on but could do with a scrub and a couple of mounting pegs are missing. I'm guessing I can buy some after market replacements or maybe one of you lovely people could sell me a couple ?

I'm quite excited as I've always fancied trying some - watch this space as I'll post some more pics when I've tarted them up :)


07-07-2023, 17:31
You'll like those, very nice through the mid. Rotate the ABR units 180 degrees, they have a habit of sagging on their suspension. Wouldn't hurt to turn the main drivers as well if you have any doubts.

07-07-2023, 17:37
I have always wanted to hear a pair of Tannoys in my own set up. I have only heard some at shows.

07-07-2023, 18:46
Well, after giving them an initial clean I've just plugged them in, initially in front of my Regas .. and it took two songs for me to move them to where they should be, while the Regas now go upstairs :eek:

I know it's easy to get carried away when you first hear some kit that's new to your ears, but these are different level.
I left the "presence" control flat - I don't know what it actually does, to be honest - but turned the treble to max and they sound astonishing. Serious depth and weight of bass and supersmooth mids, like was said above, but the top end sparkles too.

I'm so impressed.
I'm really looking forward to making them look their best, but right now I don't care about that. It might be weeks before I get round to doing anything because I'll be too busy playing music :D

If you're wondering, they set me back £110 ...

07-07-2023, 19:57
bit of a bargain there.

never had a listen to the Mayfair, it's one you don't see so much of. I think the others in the range were the Escort and the Razzle?

08-07-2023, 09:50
Well, after giving them an initial clean I've just plugged them in, initially in front of my Regas .. and it took two songs for me to move them to where they should be, while the Regas now go upstairs :eek:

I know it's easy to get carried away when you first hear some kit that's new to your ears, but these are different level.
I left the "presence" control flat - I don't know what it actually does, to be honest - but turned the treble to max and they sound astonishing. Serious depth and weight of bass and supersmooth mids, like was said above, but the top end sparkles too.

I'm so impressed.
I'm really looking forward to making them look their best, but right now I don't care about that. It might be weeks before I get round to doing anything because I'll be too busy playing music :D

If you're wondering, they set me back £110 ...

Well done they differ in prices from 500 to around where you paid i have the T165's easily serviceable watch out for coil rub done both of mine with care they are more powerful with the paper cone and proper pepperpot Tannoy's folk are catching on my dad has had Cheviot , Berkeley's and so on i rate my 165's up with the good stuff happy listening must run mine asap