View Full Version : Wanted: Pre amp or integrated for Quad ESL-57

27-06-2023, 00:16
Anyone got anything interesting that would complement Quad 57’s?


27-06-2023, 07:01
This advert says "FS". 'Wanted' would be more appropriate.

If you are after a pre-amp, what power amplifier is it for use with?

27-06-2023, 10:31
Anyone got anything interesting that would complement Quad 57’s?


Maybe an idea of your budget

27-06-2023, 10:42
Opps, my fault posting when half asleep. @mods can you please change to wanted. Can’t find a way to change the title in the edit options.

My current Amp is a Bel Canto E.one power amp that I’m currently running a digital streamer with an inbuilt pre amp. I believe the inside of the Bel Canto is an ice power class D with 50 or 75w per channel.

Don’t trust the streamer as a pre into the quads.

Lower end for budget. Not looking to go crazy.

27-06-2023, 12:12
Given that set up I would think a decent quality passive pre would work very well the Khozma units are very good and you can get them with remote control of the volume as well which can great . This is proably as good sound a passive you can get until you start in to the TVC area which are supposed to be better but the cost gets very high very quick .

27-06-2023, 13:27
Before making any changes to your amp you need to get some One Thing 'widgets'. These will give your Quads a much more accurate frequency response, which will allow you to assess the performance of your present amp properly, as well as protecting your amp and or pre.

Then you are best off with a valve preamp.

27-06-2023, 14:59
Before making any changes to your amp you need to get some One Thing 'widgets'. These will give your Quads a much more accurate frequency response, which will allow you to assess the performance of your present amp properly, as well as protecting your amp and or pre.

Then you are best off with a valve preamp.

Suggesting things is fine, but making rather absolute statements is probably best avoided.

27-06-2023, 17:15
Yes - if the Quad 57s are original and are in good condition, then it is best to leave them alone.

The One Thing 'widgets' may offer technical advantages, but the sound is changed, and IMO not for the better.

27-06-2023, 20:14
If you can get a passive pre-amp that is compatible with the Bel Canto then I'd do that. It has quite high input impedance so that should help.

27-06-2023, 20:54
Khosmo is too much but this looks cool to knock out a quick DIY: https://www.audiophonics.fr/en/composants-electronique-potentiometre-commute/eizz-stereo-audio-attenuator-24-steps-50k-log-p-9885.html. Anyone tried one before?

There is someone on eBay selling a musical fidelity X10-D knockoff with volume control for £70 or Alps Blue for £20 ��

27-06-2023, 21:12
Looks OK, but is it a true stepped attenuator, or is it a simple 'pot' with an indent mechanism?

Either way, for around £55 it is worth giving it a try.

28-06-2023, 06:24
Yes I've used one of those EIZZ attenuators, they are good.

28-06-2023, 07:45
24 volume steps on the RIZZ attenuator could prove annoying, there may be too much of a jump in level between steps, more steps would be better.

An X-10D clone pre-amp could be nice.

28-06-2023, 11:08
The EIZZ has a good law to it, the volume seems to increase in a nice progressive nature.

28-06-2023, 12:35
If you are using primarily digital sources have a look at this.


I have one in excellent (as new) condition that is now surplus to requirements. PM me for further info if interested.

28-06-2023, 12:37
The law is logarithmic, so each 'step' will result in the same change in perceived volume.

Assuming the EIZZ pot offers a 60dB range, each step will offer a change of 2.5dB, which whilst a bit course, is manageable. 48 steps would of course be better.

29-06-2023, 19:53
This may be heretical but I would consider the Audiolab 8000A amplifier. It has pre-amp outputs, just leave the power amp outputs unused. They are plentiful and not expensive from the usual sources.
An 8000C would also work but is rarer and possibly, more costly.

Pigmy Pony
29-06-2023, 21:59
A secondhand one of these is quite a nice thing. I was using mine into a 300b power amp for a while. Yhe 300b is now gone, but this headphone pre is staying. Worth more to me than the money it might fetch.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjY7uW6u-n_AhXiS0EAHQ-pDwkQFnoECA4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hifichoice.com%2Fcontent%2Fm yryad-z40&usg=AOvVaw0JSvkM_gZccmnZJBQcrAvk&opi=89978449

30-06-2023, 10:00
I'm selling a first class Quad Artera Pre which I used with a Nuprime Class D power amp to great effect. Might suit your needs.

30-06-2023, 15:37
Cheers all for the advice / offers. Hifi Collective have recommended a TKD 2cp-2511. Right now it looks like a toss up between that and the Eizz. TKD more expensive but seems more of a known entity with solid QA. That Quad Artera looks so nice but likely out of my price range.