View Full Version : Missing Link 'Link Cryo Reference' Speaker cable

Mr. C
10-05-2023, 21:30
Just arrived today!
One of Mark Sears top of line 'very special' link cryo reference speaker cables 4m in length, just under one year old, festidious owner, non smoker, zero children or pets. A real system changer, wonderfully open and free sond, smooth yet dynamic, a rare breed of cable this one.
A very sought after cable, seldom available on the used market and even more rare in this length.

The cable is in an 'as new' condition new cost £4995

Asking £2650 ono

Product review from the internet:-

"For those of you who like ratings, this is no joke:
The Link Cyro Reference is the Best I've heard without doubt, plain and simple. If your system is good enough you'll hear more than you ever have, I am positive it would make an already excellent system sound even better, as it did mine."


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Mr. C
24-05-2023, 10:17
Now sold thank you