View Full Version : Hello from Chargerclip

09-09-2010, 12:07

Hello, I am Steve ex-UK now living in Australia. I joined mainly to try to pass on my Sony ST-88 and AT-88 plus decoder and speakers... they are in classifieds. However, I miss the passing of my Garrard SP25 MkIIIs... I used them in my pirate radio days before moving on to Technics. The turntables have long gone, but I still have a suitcase of 7" vinyl. Mercilessly culled before emigration. I bought the ST-88 secondhand with my first pay packet in 1978. Missed out on the AT-88 that was for sale at the same time. Found the rest of the kit providing music in a doctor's waiting room and made a good offer to make it mine. Very conventional with system now and tend to have music on demand from a hard drive. Loved the Leak Trough Line series but my brother had it rather than me. B&W speakers are my choice in loudspeakers. Having spent a lot of time in radio studios I realised I could not afford the equipment to match that quality so gave up. My forum name is a crossover from my other hobby with reference to Lee Enfield rifles... now will someone buy my Sony gear, it's not getting any use and needs to go.

Spectral Morn
09-09-2010, 12:38
Hi Steve

Welcome to AOS :)

I hope you get a sale soon.

Regards D S D L

09-09-2010, 13:01
H i Steve - hope there's no connection to your rifle passion and you leaving the UK? ;) (Apart form the firearms laws, of course, but don't get me started on that, having been an ex-shooter who had to give up after the law changes following Dunblane - has it stopped gun crime? I bet there are more guns on the streets than ever... sorry, I started, didn't I!)

I'm afraid I'm not in the market for your gear, nice though it is - I've now run out of rooms where there is room for a system... Good luck with the sale though. One benefit of being on here is that posts do seem to get searched high up the Google ladder, so who knows.

If you stick around then enjoy AoS, we're a friendly bunch with plenty of British humour to remind you why you left in the first place!

09-09-2010, 15:57
Hi from me :)

Now, can we not persuade you to look at some serious vintage top end gear from the 70's so that you may equal or better the stuff in broadcasters even today? I mean, a Techie 1200mk2 turntable (good to start with and just gets better with plenty of updates available), Sony TA 5650 (if you can find one to keep the Sony connection) or HK930 receiver (still sleeping I think), some of the better UK speakers from the time (KEF 104ab/Concerto, B&W DM2A, DM4, DM1 or DM3 if ever they were imported) and good but not expensive wires will give you a great sound by any standards and see you through the next three decades...