View Full Version : Hi

08-09-2010, 23:32
A bit of a belated hello.....

I live in Victoria, BC, Canada and I have recently gotten into diy audio. Well it actually started about a year ago with the need to repair a Sansui G-7700 that I had purchased used. Having successfully done that I went on to build a DAC based on the CS4397 thread. Since then I have built a set of full range speakers and a single ended tube amp. Yes, I have been bitten by the diy bug :)

My current system(s) include the above mention equipment, plus rega 2 turntable, rega brio 3, Celestion ditton 25, Onkyo T-9 tuner, Onix monitor speakers. My tv audio is a 5.1 denon amp with kef surround speakers. On the shelf are Sansui AU-6600, Nakamichi tape deck, Denon cd player, NAD 3150 amp.

I listen to Jazz and Rock.


Reid Malenfant
09-09-2010, 16:09
Hi Flemming & welcome to AoS :)

Like yourself i'm more into the DIY side of things as well, it's amazing what you can build for the money if you use your head ;)

I hope you enjoy your stay :cool:

PS, i have a pair of Ditton 66 :wave: