View Full Version : Howard my friend RIP

Colin Wonfor
23-03-2023, 16:31
Howard and I met often these last few years at St Pauls London.
We would chat about all sorts of things and Hi-fi, have coffee and nice Lemon Cake.
Howard died this week he fell and bashed his head which after many a time on treatment for spinal cancel broke is neck. He did not die immediately but in hospital , holding his wife hand and not being able to move.

How we met.

In the late 1970's Howard had a lovely Hi-fi shop in Camden and was selling lovely kit with superb listing room.

I had just started Magnum (A.C.Magnum Ltd) named after myself and Anthony Relph of ex Relph and Gandy (REGA).
Howard was I am now aware had a fantastic subtle sense of humour and was Jack Blunt I love that about him.
So of I go for the first demo to a Hi-fi shop, there was also another company doing demos you may have heard of it NVA ( RIP Richard Dunn). Unfortunately Howard being blunt preferred the Magnum and Richard stormed of in a huff. My first meeting with Richard but not my last.

My next adventure was with Inca Tech and guess what the day I came to demo out poor Richard was there as soon as he saw me he went into a fit, but Howard calm the atmosphere down for a little while. We listen to the NVA kit and I thought it was nice but not to my bass freaked ears.
And I am sorry to Richard stormed out again after Howard preferred yet again my design.
designs. Whoops again in Richards bad book and it would no be the last. (TQ wars)

12yrs ago Dave (UM) Howard and Alan (ABC) and family's came to Maria and I,s wedding.
Aland being Alan had bright red shoes. (nutter) Dave and Sam were great company and Howard and his lovely new wife kept me under control and to stop panic making me leg it.
Howard by now owned and published Hi-fi Answers ( I hope you have seen it) a web based magazine (Shame that Dave does not do one).
He gave EWA some nice and frank reviews .

I will miss him a lot. RIP Mr Howard Popeck.
He will be cremated near his home at Burgeshill .
His wife has told me also that in his last requests he want to sale on his Hi-fi more later on that.

More funny stories later about a Rolls Royce and a 2CV6/Turbo

23-03-2023, 16:46
Sorry to hear this Colin.

23-03-2023, 18:23
Me too, I always liked Howard.

23-03-2023, 18:36
Yes - sad news indeed.

RIP Howard.

Colin Wonfor
13-04-2023, 20:18
Howard funeral will be streamed here is the key to watch.

Streaming On Demand

Website https://watch.obitus.com

Username voni4323

Password 102074

14-04-2023, 06:29
That's sad to hear. RIP Howard.

Colin Wonfor
21-04-2023, 15:54
Well I never saw any of Howards old customers there.
Coffin painted with Music in mind, Zak gave a tiny chat about Howards life, lots I never knew, a amazing guy.
Lovely setting in Brighton I left London at 5.00AM and got there at 10.00AM traffic crap, left at 1PM from a service station called Pease Pottage odd name shit road system.
Home at 5.05PM traffic just lovely ukkkkk
Howards Step Daughter is due to give birth soon a bloody shame Grandpa Howards will never see the baby.
Did anybody watch it?

21-04-2023, 16:01
Well I never saw any of Howards old customers there.
Coffin painted with Music in mind, Zak gave a tiny chat about Howards life, lots I never knew, a amazing guy.
Lovely setting in Brighton I left London at 5.00AM and got there at 10.00AM traffic crap, left at 1PM from a service station called Pease Pottage odd name shit road system.
Home at 5.05PM traffic just lovely ukkkkk
Howards Step Daughter is due to give birth soon a bloody shame Grandpa Howards will never see the baby.
Did anybody watch it?

Sorry for your Friend's sad departure, he was a terrific Spud.
Zilch, zero, Nada, ever spoke online bad about Him.

A great Human Being.
Enjoyed a few Forum interactions with him in the past.

The Man's remembered
Have no doubt.

Doesn't always take an 1812 fanfare
The little stuff matters as much too.

21-04-2023, 16:22
alas i never knew him or talked to him... good he had friends there tho, and a granddaughter to take over his place on earth.

Colin Wonfor
05-08-2023, 08:45
Today in honour of our friend Howard, Myself, Sam, Anthony, Clive, Bill, and Hellen, Dave are meeting some face to face others on ZOOM (digital lies) with Howards Widow.

The plan is to revamp and start Hi-fi Answers up firstly as a Internet thing then as old fashioned paper back version.

Sam and Hellen with luck will be doing the art of music concerts included and ballet. Dave will be doing Jazz reviews (please).

Bill, Dave, Anthony and Clive will be on the kit and how it performs on other kit.

Me I will be doing techy stuff and DIY page including amps and Pre's (no digital lies sorry that will be Bill's Job number two.)

Howards wife Rosanna will be editor in chief, and with luck Sam and Clive will be sub editors and check my spelling and grammar on the techy stuff.

Sounds like fun.

05-08-2023, 11:04
I wish you luck with the revamp.

I read Hi-fi Answers regularly for a good few years, but became disenchanted with it when they appeared to slavishly promote the Linn/Naim "musicality" dogma.

But anyway, all the best with new venture.