View Full Version : Vertex AQ custom Hi rez Special RCA interconnects 2m

Mr. C
06-02-2023, 13:07
We have a pair of custom made Vertex Hi-rez interconnects made by John Cheadle these have the 225mm x 110mm x 55mm dark grey absorbsion boxes fitted along with the WBT 0110 Ag silver bullet style plugs cable covering is black weave (Not a plastic grey one) they are 2m long is good condition. Customer had several of these 'specials' made by John. These outperfom the High Rez solfon cables very well. New price ?? £3750

Asking £1100ono

Product Information (https://theaudiophileman.com/vertex-aq-stage-4-hirez-interconnects/)

Contact Information (https://coherent-systems.co.uk/contact-us/)

Coherent Systems Reviews (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=coherent+systems#lrd=0x487668bff37d304f:0x7a56d5 71327653fc,1,,,,)


Mr. C
25-03-2023, 14:38
Now sold thank you