View Full Version : Sad story (Mike Edwards,ELO)

07-09-2010, 13:46
Tragedy (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1309256/ELO-founding-member-Mike-Edwards-killed-freak-runaway-hay-bale-accident.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) of Mike Edwards,:(

07-09-2010, 13:52
Hay...! (Sorry) I heard the news just yesterday.

Dave Cawley
07-09-2010, 14:00

Hear those analogue synths man~~~~~~~~~~~~

It happened two miles up the road from here. As it's the only road into Dartmouth and was closed for over 5 hours, the ferries backed up with two hour queues. A bit of a daybreaker.........



Rare Bird
07-09-2010, 14:07

Hear those analogue synths man~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aye a 'Mini' Moog, propar synth :)

07-09-2010, 14:36
Blimey, what an example of wrong place at the wrong time - a truly bizarre accident and tragedy. (Trying to resist following Shaun's lead by making a pun. I'd better bale out quick.)

07-09-2010, 15:03
Blimey, what an example of wrong place at the wrong time - a truly bizarre accident and tragedy. (Trying to resist following Shaun's lead by making a pun. I'd better bale out quick.)


07-09-2010, 16:11
RIP Mike

Spectral Morn
07-09-2010, 20:22
What a truly, shit pointless way to die :(

Once while driving to work a lorry loaded with Hay bales started to move to the hard shoulder he must have felt his load shifting. I watched in horror as they started to fall. One hit the hard shoulder the other fell into the path of my van. I had to swerve right to avoid clipping it. I did not have the chance to check if the other lane was empty or not. Thank God it was for my benefit and the poor sod who might have been in it.

I missed the bale by feet. It was a huge rectangular one.

RIP Mike.

:( D S D L

Reid Malenfant
07-09-2010, 20:28
Blimey, what an example of wrong place at the wrong time - a truly bizarre accident and tragedy.
I guess it was only a question of time before one of these round hay bales decided to roll :rolleyes: Try rolling a rectangular one ffs. What was the farmer thinking in hilly countryside, bet his liability insurance will go up a tad :doh:

Yes a damn tragedy :(

(Trying to resist following Shaun's lead by making a pun. I'd better bale out quick.)
Alex, that's the last straw m8 :eyebrows: