View Full Version : Not so much taking the plunge with a 2M Bronze...

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 15:57
...As being pushed into the pool.

My wonderful other half bought me the 2M Bronze cartridge for Christmas. You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather. All done with minimal questioning of me and a heap of research online of which I was totally unaware. She's a real one-off.

Installed last weekend...staggering difference 'twixt that and the 2M Blue it replaced. The soundstage has taken on an almost supernatural quality; for instance, the backing vocals on the Japanese pressing of Steely Dan's 'Gaucho' - especially the track "Babylon Sisters" - seem to extend beyond the wall behind the speakers. The three dimensional illusion of the music is just incredible.

The Bronze takes my main passion of liquid drum 'n' bass in its stride, too. Forme's "New Element" is all-enveloping, while Omni Trio's "Twin Town Karaoke (Guardians Of Dalliance Mix)" feels like getting kidnapped by a groove. LTJ Bukem's "Moodswings" is immense - its already heart-stopping bottom end is crafted and sculpted by the Bronze onto yet another level.

If you've ever (as I did for years) ummed and aahed about switching, then I can't recommend it enough. I just can't wait to see how my other half plans to top it for next Christmas (although I did think I should make more cooing noises about Michell turntables...what d'yer reckon?).

20-01-2023, 16:11
Wow! Now that's what I call generous. And all done with the minimum of questioning. :eek: Look after her - she is as you say "a real one-off". :)

(BTW What did you buy for her?)

Pigmy Pony
20-01-2023, 16:18
[QUOTE=Phil Lawton;1338079

I just can't wait to see how my other half plans to top it for next Christmas.[/QUOTE]

A 2M Black stylus? (they share the same cartridge body) Only kidding, the Black may be Ortofon's top MM cartridge, but the bronze will I'm sure run it pretty damn close, and give more sound per pound. A Gyrodec (if that's what you mean) would make a nice pressie, and definitely has the WAF appeal - you've got 11 months to build up some brownie points, then you never know... your missus sounds like a keeper :)

Nice avatar btw, of one of my favourite albums. Drum sounds at the end played loud are just epic :)

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:22
Wow! Now that's what I call generous. And all done with the minimum of questioning. :eek: Look after her - she is as you say "a real one-off". :)

(BTW What did you buy for her?)

She seemed to be overjoyed with the new set of saucepans I got her.

No...not really...I value my own mortality too highly.

A crap load of skin care stuff, expensive chocolate, enough speciality hot chocolate give the entire population of Belgium type two diabetes, a £150 bottle of 15 year old rum and a night away in North Wales, which (as everybody knows and if there ever was such a being...which there isn't) is God's own country.

20-01-2023, 16:23
What is your avatar Phil? I ought to recognise it, but I don't.

Pigmy Pony
20-01-2023, 16:25
Wow! Now that's what I call generous. And all done with the minimum of questioning. :eek: Look after her - she is as you say "a real one-off". :)

(BTW What did you buy for her?)

Hurriedly made her a nice pendant from a 2M Bronze stylus guard and a piece of string :)

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:26
A 2M Black stylus? (they share the same cartridge body) Only kidding, the Black may be Ortofon's top MM cartridge, but the bronze will I'm sure run it pretty damn close, and give more sound per pound. A Gyrodec (if that's what you mean) would make a nice pressie, and definitely has the WAF appeal - you've got 11 months to build up some brownie points, then you never know... your missus sounds like a keeper :)

Nice avatar btw, of one of my favourite albums. Drum sounds at the end played loud are just epic :)

Yeah...from what I've read, the Bronze hits more listener sweet spots than the Black. I might yet dabble, mind.

The Gyrodec is indeed what I was thinking of...and, happily, she loves the look of them. Job half done, innit.

"Nice avatar btw, of one of my favourite albums. Drum sounds at the end played loud are just epic" - you mean the track "Stagger"...yes, the drums are rather fab...lovely dark, inner city sadness vibes to that cut. Great album...happy to have seen them live twice.

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:28
What is your avatar Phil? I ought to recognise it, but I don't.

Underworld's 'Second Toughest In The Infants'.

Pigmy Pony
20-01-2023, 16:28
She seemed to be overjoyed with the new set of saucepans I got her.

No...not really...I value my own mortality too highly.

A crap load of skin care stuff, expensive chocolate, enough speciality hot chocolate give the entire population of Belgium type two diabetes, a £150 bottle of 15 year old rum and a night away in North Wales, which (as everybody knows and if there ever was such a being...which there isn't) is God's own country.

Well the people of North Wales know that, the rest of us just wonder why their road signs have to be so wordy :doh:

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:29
Hurriedly made her a nice pendant from a 2M Bronze stylus guard and a piece of string :)

No, no, no...I splashed out on a brown leather shoelace. The colours compliment each other a treat.

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:30
Well the people of North Wales know that, the rest of us just wonder why their road signs have to be so wordy :doh:

Because they can, most probably.

20-01-2023, 16:32
She seemed to be overjoyed with the new set of saucepans I got her.

No...not really...I value my own mortality too highly.

A crap load of skin care stuff, expensive chocolate, enough speciality hot chocolate give the entire population of Belgium type two diabetes, a £150 bottle of 15 year old rum and a night away in North Wales, which (as everybody knows and if there ever was such a being...which there isn't) is God's own country.

i got the wife pans one year weren't even top class ones and she wasn't much of a cook... she didn't go ballistic but she did stop speaking to me until i got the vcr out of its hiding place.. that pleased her and all was 'mostly' forgiven lol.
kids thought it hilarious

Pigmy Pony
20-01-2023, 16:34
Yeah...from what I've read, the Bronze hits more listener sweet spots than the Black. I might yet dabble, mind.

The Gyrodec is indeed what I was thinking of...and, happily, she loves the look of them. Job half done, innit.

"Nice avatar btw, of one of my favourite albums. Drum sounds at the end played loud are just epic" - you mean the track "Stagger"...yes, the drums are rather fab...lovely dark, inner city sadness vibes to that cut. Great album...happy to have seen them live twice.

Yes, "Stagger". I couldn't remember the track's name, and my CDs are boxed up till next week while we have work done. I don't think I ever saw Underworld live but can't swear to it - the 90s were a funny time...:)

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 16:35
i got the wife pans one year weren't even top class ones and she wasn't much of a cook... she didn't go ballistic but she did stop speaking to me until i got the vcr out of its hiding place.. that pleased her and all was 'mostly' forgiven lol.
kids thought it hilarious

You, sir, have the courage of a lion.

We're not worthy.

20-01-2023, 17:11
Yeah...from what I've read, the Bronze hits more listener sweet spots than the Black. I might yet dabble, mind.

The Gyrodec is indeed what I was thinking of...and, happily, she loves the look of them. Job half done, innit.

"Nice avatar btw, of one of my favourite albums. Drum sounds at the end played loud are just epic" - you mean the track "Stagger"...yes, the drums are rather fab...lovely dark, inner city sadness vibes to that cut. Great album...happy to have seen them live twice.

Before you put in a Christmas request for a Gyrodec have a read of this thread https://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?52213-Cheap-upgrade-for-michell-gyro&highlight=Gyrodec+tweak

There reasons that people have changed the suspension, spent lots of time trying isolate the arm mount from the chassis, changed the feet to gain better isolation from feed back. I had one with an SME IV arm and several MC cartridges and went through the aforementioned upgrades, and put an Orbe platter on it. I have owned a Pro-Ject 10 Signature for the past 3 years and love it, it may not be perfect, and I am sure there are similar priced TTs which will also do a good job, however it produces oodles of detail/depth, strong bass and control, and great timing, all the Gyrodec struggled with IMHO.

20-01-2023, 17:13
Well the people of North Wales know that, the rest of us just wonder why their road signs have to be so wordy :doh:

And why they have two names for every destination!

Pigmy Pony
20-01-2023, 17:44
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the speed camera and the tyranny of overlong road signs. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the flock through the valleys. For he is truly his brother's keeper and finder of lost sheep".

20-01-2023, 18:37
WTF are you on about Piggurs?

20-01-2023, 18:46
WTF are you on about Piggurs?

Ezekiel 25:17... as quoted in pulp fiction me thinks, although its changed after iniquities..lol

20-01-2023, 18:57
Makes about as much sense as Genesis 27.11: "Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man." :scratch:

Phil Lawton
20-01-2023, 20:22
Before you put in a Christmas request for a Gyrodec have a read of this thread https://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?52213-Cheap-upgrade-for-michell-gyro&highlight=Gyrodec+tweak

There reasons that people have changed the suspension, spent lots of time trying isolate the arm mount from the chassis, changed the feet to gain better isolation from feed back. I had one with an SME IV arm and several MC cartridges and went through the aforementioned upgrades, and put an Orbe platter on it. I have owned a Pro-Ject 10 Signature for the past 3 years and love it, it may not be perfect, and I am sure there are similar priced TTs which will also do a good job, however it produces oodles of detail/depth, strong bass and control, and great timing, all the Gyrodec struggled with IMHO.

Yes…the perceived amount of tinkering and general pissing-aboutedness of the Michells is what’s always put me off looking into it with any serious intent.

Really happy with my Clearaudio at the moment (especially now it has the 2M Bronze strapped to it) and I’d be open to something else from the same stable.

I love the aesthetics of the Michells, but feel I might have a serious case of buyer’s regret if I actually shelled out for one.

21-01-2023, 07:26
Yes…the perceived amount of tinkering and general pissing-aboutedness of the Michells is what’s always put me off looking into it with any serious intent.

Really happy with my Clearaudio at the moment (especially now it has the 2M Bronze strapped to it) and I’d be open to something else from the same stable.

I love the aesthetics of the Michells, but feel I might have a serious case of buyer’s regret if I actually shelled out for one.

Hi Phil, Clearaudio make some good TTs with straight forward design concepts, yours should be quite good.

In my experience improvements are gained in vinyl replay from either a high mass platter or direct drive, isolation from external vibration(good stand/feet). Arm mounting with as little influence from the plinth as possible. Obviously there are other things to consider

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Pigmy Pony
21-01-2023, 08:46
Makes about as much sense as Genesis 27.11: "Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man." :scratch:

Hmm, sounds like Esau and his brother had different dads. Ok so they were twins, but this is the bible, so anything's possible...

21-01-2023, 08:52
Hmm, sounds like Esau and his brother had different dads. Ok so they were twins, but this is the bible, so anything's possible...

Or very unlikely or even impossible.

Phil Lawton
21-01-2023, 13:33
Hi Phil, Clearaudio make some good TTs with straight forward design concepts, yours should be quite good.

In my experience improvements are gained in vinyl replay from either a high mass platter or direct drive, isolation from external vibration(good stand/feet). Arm mounting with as little influence from the plinth as possible. Obviously there are other things to consider

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Agreed, Adrian.

The Clearaudio is very, very good…I think my head gets turned too easily by the profusion of gear porn that’s readily available on the net.

My next purchase will be speakers, anyhow…Monitor Audio and B&W are floating my boat currently.

21-01-2023, 16:30
Agreed, Adrian.

The Clearaudio is very, very good…I think my head gets turned too easily by the profusion of gear porn that’s readily available on the net.

My next purchase will be speakers, anyhow…Monitor Audio and B&W are floating my boat currently.

The B&W 700 series are reported good, and the 800s (pricey though) but I am unfamiliar with either. Not so sure about Monitor Audios nowadays, although the MONITOR AUDIO GOLD 300s are quite well liked. Speakers are a tricky and often quite a personal thing depending on what you listen to musically and what you lean towards tonally, and the limitations of your room.

I went through a rather painful and frustrating process of a speaker quest until I found some that floated my boat, luckily I did not loose to much money on the way. I also got confused along the way by swapping amplifier types and created an amp speaker mismatch, not in a terrible way but it restricted the speakers and what they achieve.

So my recent speaker history over the last 10 years is below. I have purchased most as used to gain more for my money.

Dali Ikon 6(new) - a very good VFM speaker at the time, but tricky to site, and easy to induce low end enhancement

Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grande SE's(used) - a lovely speaker and a much overlooked manufacturer in the UK, I had room and amp mismatch issues, I am sure that they would work very well now with my Krell and in my current home. I would love to hear a pair of Beethoven Grande SE's in my system.

Impulse H2's(used) - these are well known in the audio world as very good horn speakers, they sounded great with 300B valve amp, but had a slight mid drop off at around 550hz, also big boxes so the wife did not approve.

Wilson Benesch ARCs(ex-demos) - These were really good, clean top end and mids, very accurate, bass was surprisingly good for effectively monitors, however I was not driving them with the right type of amp, and this restricted the low end control.

Tannoy Heritage Legacy Arden's(ex-demos) - Well these produced bass and worked well with my valve amp, top end was good but I was never quite happy with them overall. I think you either love Tannoys or not.

Wilson Benesch Vectors(Used) - I returned to this make as I knew what the ARCs could do and the Vector being a floor stander could produce more bass and better mids, and they do sound lovely.

I came to realise that even though the overall sound had improved the key issue left was that the low end frequencies were not being produced or controlled as well as they should be, after some investigation and asking several people who knew better than me I swapped amps from valve and went to a Krell Class A solid state, and my system came alive, and after 3 years I still love the Vectors. I would only change them for a pair of Avalons, but that is not likely to happen unless I have a Lottery win.

So my advice is this, for what it is worth. Speakers are probably the most important part of the system as they produce the sound that you listen to, amp and other gear is important as well, and getting a good amp that can drive your speaker choice efficiently is very important. As long as the amp is generally neutral and capable with the right speakers it will sound good. How the speakers will go in the room and where they can be positioned is critical, so for example a rear ported speaker that can only be placed in a room close to the wall behind will not sound great, and big speakers in small rooms generally don't work well either, and monitors in a large room won't be great unless the listener is going to do near field listening.

I would say the key is to get whatever you are thinking of getting on a home trial for at least a week and have lots of time to listen to set them up in the room and listen to them with a variety of music. In my experience it can take several days if not more to decide if you like a speaker or if it work with system and room. Once you have a couple of speakers that you think you like try and home trial them together at home at the same time so you can compare. Hopefully if you do this you will avoid my mistakes, which I been told are not uncommon.

Perhaps for your Birthday https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234774623855?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338381867&toolid=10001&customid=94cdb40e-99a2-11ed-bb16-393437363761

21-01-2023, 17:06
Those WB speakers have a nice veneer but I think the baffles and drive units look cheap. I know they're not but I just don't like the look of them.

21-01-2023, 17:32
Those WB speakers have a nice veneer but I think the baffles and drive units look cheap. I know they're not but I just don't like the look of them.

The drivers are made by WB both the Mid and Bass drivers being what the call Tactic II technology and the tweeter is a Silk-Carbon hybrid dome tweeter, if you are referring the centre caps they all look like that, it is how they come from the factory. "Sharing it’s drive technology with the flagship Cardinal loudspeaker" you might find this an interesting read https://www.hienaudio.com/vector/. WB did change their product range last year from Geometry to FIBONACCI SERIES, effectively the same speakers but upgrading some and streamliniing the choice.

Irrespective of how the drivers look I can assure you they sound astounding, you are welcome to come and have a listen if you are ever in East Devon.:)

21-01-2023, 18:39
Hmm, sounds like Esau and his brother had different dads. Ok so they were twins, but this is the bible, so anything's possible...

If Adam only fathered two sons with Eve, where did the women in the world come from? A bit of mother 'love'?

Phil Lawton
23-01-2023, 08:33
The B&W 700 series are reported good, and the 800s (pricey though) but I am unfamiliar with either. Not so sure about Monitor Audios nowadays, although the MONITOR AUDIO GOLD 300s are quite well liked. Speakers are a tricky and often quite a personal thing depending on what you listen to musically and what you lean towards tonally, and the limitations of your room.

I went through a rather painful and frustrating process of a speaker quest until I found some that floated my boat, luckily I did not loose to much money on the way. I also got confused along the way by swapping amplifier types and created an amp speaker mismatch, not in a terrible way but it restricted the speakers and what they achieve.

So my recent speaker history over the last 10 years is below. I have purchased most as used to gain more for my money.

Dali Ikon 6(new) - a very good VFM speaker at the time, but tricky to site, and easy to induce low end enhancement

Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grande SE's(used) - a lovely speaker and a much overlooked manufacturer in the UK, I had room and amp mismatch issues, I am sure that they would work very well now with my Krell and in my current home. I would love to hear a pair of Beethoven Grande SE's in my system.

Impulse H2's(used) - these are well known in the audio world as very good horn speakers, they sounded great with 300B valve amp, but had a slight mid drop off at around 550hz, also big boxes so the wife did not approve.

Wilson Benesch ARCs(ex-demos) - These were really good, clean top end and mids, very accurate, bass was surprisingly good for effectively monitors, however I was not driving them with the right type of amp, and this restricted the low end control.

Tannoy Heritage Legacy Arden's(ex-demos) - Well these produced bass and worked well with my valve amp, top end was good but I was never quite happy with them overall. I think you either love Tannoys or not.

Wilson Benesch Vectors(Used) - I returned to this make as I knew what the ARCs could do and the Vector being a floor stander could produce more bass and better mids, and they do sound lovely.

I came to realise that even though the overall sound had improved the key issue left was that the low end frequencies were not being produced or controlled as well as they should be, after some investigation and asking several people who knew better than me I swapped amps from valve and went to a Krell Class A solid state, and my system came alive, and after 3 years I still love the Vectors. I would only change them for a pair of Avalons, but that is not likely to happen unless I have a Lottery win.

So my advice is this, for what it is worth. Speakers are probably the most important part of the system as they produce the sound that you listen to, amp and other gear is important as well, and getting a good amp that can drive your speaker choice efficiently is very important. As long as the amp is generally neutral and capable with the right speakers it will sound good. How the speakers will go in the room and where they can be positioned is critical, so for example a rear ported speaker that can only be placed in a room close to the wall behind will not sound great, and big speakers in small rooms generally don't work well either, and monitors in a large room won't be great unless the listener is going to do near field listening.

I would say the key is to get whatever you are thinking of getting on a home trial for at least a week and have lots of time to listen to set them up in the room and listen to them with a variety of music. In my experience it can take several days if not more to decide if you like a speaker or if it work with system and room. Once you have a couple of speakers that you think you like try and home trial them together at home at the same time so you can compare. Hopefully if you do this you will avoid my mistakes, which I been told are not uncommon.

Perhaps for your Birthday https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234774623855?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338381867&toolid=10001&customid=94cdb40e-99a2-11ed-bb16-393437363761

Thanks, Adrian - very informative.

I'm planning to have some demo time at various specialist outlets later in the year.

Those WBs look a bit special, but even a good boy like me wouldn't merit that asking price.

23-01-2023, 08:55
Thanks, Adrian - very informative.

I'm planning to have some demo time at various specialist outlets later in the year.

Those WBs look a bit special, but even a good boy like me wouldn't merit that asking price.

Hi Phil, the WB Vectors when new would have cost between £8K and £11K (when last sold), they do not come up for sale very often. Whilst quite a lot to buy they are VGVM especially from a SQ point of view in my opinion, my friends used Avalons £19.5K(£38K new) are only slightly more revealing with slightly lower bass capability, in the scale of things not worth worrying about.

Spending several thousands on a pair of speakers is a big step for most, I gradually got to that level after the aforementioned disappointments I mentioned.

My Vectors cost £4.5K, the same as those advertised, 3+ years ago, and I do not regret it in the least. They are not too fussy with placement, best with front face +2' from wall, put them 6' apart or more up to 10', with a slight toe in and sit about 1.2 times the distance they are apart, sit down and listen and you will be amazed. I have mine firing down a 22' by 11' room, and 3.5' out from the wall, I move my listening chair/sofa into he right position for serious listening, the room is awkward to have them elsewhere.

If you are down near East Devon you are welcome to pop in for a listen, just PM me.

23-01-2023, 22:30
...As being pushed into the pool.

My wonderful other half bought me the 2M Bronze cartridge for Christmas. You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather. All done with minimal questioning of me and a heap of research online of which I was totally unaware. She's a real one-off.

Installed last weekend...staggering difference 'twixt that and the 2M Blue it replaced. The soundstage has taken on an almost supernatural quality; for instance, the backing vocals on the Japanese pressing of Steely Dan's 'Gaucho' - especially the track "Babylon Sisters" - seem to extend beyond the wall behind the speakers. The three dimensional illusion of the music is just incredible.

The Bronze takes my main passion of liquid drum 'n' bass in its stride, too. Forme's "New Element" is all-enveloping, while Omni Trio's "Twin Town Karaoke (Guardians Of Dalliance Mix)" feels like getting kidnapped by a groove. LTJ Bukem's "Moodswings" is immense - its already heart-stopping bottom end is crafted and sculpted by the Bronze onto yet another level.

If you've ever (as I did for years) ummed and aahed about switching, then I can't recommend it enough. I just can't wait to see how my other half plans to top it for next Christmas (although I did think I should make more cooing noises about Michell turntables...what d'yer reckon?).

Drum & Bass and audiophile carts in the same sentence, what is going on here? I still have a small selection of my old jungle 12"'s left, they rarely get a spin these days though. I used to post on Discogs about 15 years ago, and wind up the Bukem fans, they were foomin'! I liked one Bukem track - his remix of Atlantis, the rest though is mood musak (IMO sir!). Omni trio were better, and the absolute pinnacle of Jungle to me is the Foul play remix of Renegade Snares, that is a fookin' blinder. Incidentally I'm getting rather 'high-end' results with this 200 odd quid AT-540ML. Wouldn't mind trying the Bronze though.


Phil Lawton
24-01-2023, 09:15
If you are down near East Devon you are welcome to pop in for a listen, just PM me.

I certainly will.

Phil Lawton
24-01-2023, 09:40
Drum & Bass and audiophile carts in the same sentence, what is going on here? I still have a small selection of my old jungle 12"'s left, they rarely get a spin these days though. I used to post on Discogs about 15 years ago, and wind up the Bukem fans, they were foomin'! I liked one Bukem track - his remix of Atlantis, the rest though is mood musak (IMO sir!). Omni trio were better, and the absolute pinnacle of Jungle to me is the Foul play remix of Renegade Snares, that is a fookin' blinder. Incidentally I'm getting rather 'high-end' results with this 200 odd quid AT-540ML. Wouldn't mind trying the Bronze though.


I've never seen the point of getting upset about someone else's opinions about music and avoid such discussions like the plague - same reason I haven't listened to music radio for well over fourteen years...why sit and listen to someone else's choice of (inevitably unsatisfactory) sounds?

Good example - before I knocked Facebook on the head completely about this time last year, I was witness to a discussion between disgruntled Radio 2 listeners, after the BBC announced that the station wouldn't be playing anything from before 1970. Nonsense like "They're taking away our heritage" (I kid you not) was spouted.

I pointed out that a) music from the 1960s (and as late as 1970) is as irrelevant to the here and now as a 1917 recording of "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" would have been when Radio 1 kicked off in 1967 and b) if these "heritage" recordings from the '60s and '70s were so dear to them, why in all that time had they not bought them, allowing them to be played at any time they liked?

And that's why I avoid the "it's bollocks"/"no, it's not and your mom stinks of kippers" musical discussions. Utterly pointless.

I dread to think what the Discogs forums are like...I only ever use the site for hunting down something I'm after. It's now my main procurement source.

24-01-2023, 09:46
Drum & Bass and audiophile carts in the same sentence, what is going on here? I still have a small selection of my old jungle 12"'s left, they rarely get a spin these days though. I used to post on Discogs about 15 years ago, and wind up the Bukem fans, they were foomin'! I liked one Bukem track - his remix of Atlantis, the rest though is mood musak (IMO sir!). Omni trio were better, and the absolute pinnacle of Jungle to me is the Foul play remix of Renegade Snares, that is a fookin' blinder. Incidentally I'm getting rather 'high-end' results with this 200 odd quid AT-540ML. Wouldn't mind trying the Bronze though.


must be an age gap as i havent heard of any of em :D

i am much same with most 80's and 90's stuff tbh... i wasnt really watching or listening in those days, but what i heard n saw i didnt like. so yup its just what a person is brought up with for most part i guess

Pigmy Pony
24-01-2023, 10:30
must be an age gap as i havent heard of any of em :D

i am much same with most 80's and 90's stuff tbh... i wasnt really watching or listening in those days, but what i heard n saw i didnt like. so yup its just what a person is brought up with for most part i guess

Yes I think associated memories play a big part. In the early 80s, when we'd just got our first house, one of my chores was doing the ironing, which I did Sunday teatime while listening to the Top 40 on the stereo. So whenever I hear certain songs by the Thompson Twins, Nik Kershaw, or Queen's Radio Gaga, I remember those ironing days. And the thing with how nostalgia works, these are actually good memories!

And if I hear "Games without Frontiers" by Peter Gabriel, or "Food for Thought" by UB40, I'm taken back to my first Lake District camping weekend on the bikes. Because someone had a radio.

And going back even further, Middle of the Road's "Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum" takes me back to my first holiday in Scotland, 1971.

24-01-2023, 10:43
Yes I think associated memories play a big part. In the early 80s, when we'd just got our first house, one of my chores was doing the ironing, which I did Sunday teatime while listening to the Top 40 on the stereo. So whenever I hear certain songs by the Thompson Twins, Nik Kershaw, or Queen's Radio Gaga, I remember those ironing days. And the thing with how nostalgia works, these are actually good memories!

And if I hear "Games without Frontiers" by Peter Gabriel, or "Food for Thought" by UB40, I'm taken back to my first Lake District camping weekend on the bikes. Because someone had a radio.

And going back even further, Middle of the Road's "Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum" takes me back to my first holiday in Scotland, 1971.

i remember chirpy chirpy cheep cheep being no1 in front of i think if memory is right.. brown sugar one of the iconic hits that never made it to no 1

24-01-2023, 10:57
i remember chirpy chirpy cheep cheep being no1 in front of i think if memory is right.. brown sugar one of the iconic hits that never made it to no 1

Not thinking of 'Sugar Sugar' by the Archies maybe? That used to be radio DJ fav, it got played to death for years.

24-01-2023, 11:10
Not thinking of 'Sugar Sugar' by the Archies maybe? That used to be radio DJ fav, it got played to death for years.

that was a few years earlier.. :lol:

24-01-2023, 13:15
Just had a sample listen on Qobuz of Omni Trio - Rogue Satellite album and it is rather good IMO, if you like electronic, which is a mix of ambient and Drum n' Bass on some tracks it will appeal, rather good I think. Also If I Could Fly (LTJ Bukem's Roll It Mix) is pretty good as well.

Also found some LTJ Bukem, "Flip the Narrative" and The James Bond Theme (feat. LTJ Bukem) on David Arnold - "Shaken And Stirred" album, an interesting take on James Bond music with some famous participants.

24-01-2023, 13:28
I've never seen the point of getting upset about someone else's opinions about music and avoid such discussions like the plague - same reason I haven't listened to music radio for well over fourteen years...why sit and listen to someone else's choice of (inevitably unsatisfactory) sounds?

Good example - before I knocked Facebook on the head completely about this time last year, I was witness to a discussion between disgruntled Radio 2 listeners, after the BBC announced that the station wouldn't be playing anything from before 1970. Nonsense like "They're taking away our heritage" (I kid you not) was spouted.

I pointed out that a) music from the 1960s (and as late as 1970) is as irrelevant to the here and now as a 1917 recording of "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" would have been when Radio 1 kicked off in 1967 and b) if these "heritage" recordings from the '60s and '70s were so dear to them, why in all that time had they not bought them, allowing them to be played at any time they liked?

And that's why I avoid the "it's bollocks"/"no, it's not and your mom stinks of kippers" musical discussions. Utterly pointless.

I dread to think what the Discogs forums are like...I only ever use the site for hunting down something I'm after. It's now my main procurement source.

Excellent post there Phil. Well said!

24-01-2023, 13:35
i remember chirpy chirpy cheep cheep being no1 in front of i think if memory is right.. brown sugar one of the iconic hits that never made it to no 1

I just loved it when Joe Dolce "Shaddap Your Face" prevented Ultravox's "Vienna" from reaching No.1. :D

Phil Lawton
25-01-2023, 08:23
Just had a sample listen on Qobuz of Omni Trio - Rogue Satellite album and it is rather good IMO, if you like electronic, which is a mix of ambient and Drum n' Bass on some tracks it will appeal, rather good I think. Also If I Could Fly (LTJ Bukem's Roll It Mix) is pretty good as well.

Also found some LTJ Bukem, "Flip the Narrative" and The James Bond Theme (feat. LTJ Bukem) on David Arnold - "Shaken And Stirred" album, an interesting take on James Bond music with some famous participants.

'Rogue Satellite' is a fine album (the track "Red Shift" is a standout for me), but never released on vinyl, unfortunately.

Phil Lawton
25-01-2023, 08:31
Just had a sample listen on Qobuz of Omni Trio - Rogue Satellite album and it is rather good IMO, if you like electronic, which is a mix of ambient and Drum n' Bass on some tracks it will appeal, rather good I think. Also If I Could Fly (LTJ Bukem's Roll It Mix) is pretty good as well.

Also found some LTJ Bukem, "Flip the Narrative" and The James Bond Theme (feat. LTJ Bukem) on David Arnold - "Shaken And Stirred" album, an interesting take on James Bond music with some famous participants.

And if you liked 'Rogue Satellite', Adrian, have a listen to these - "Journey Inwards" by Bukem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Y2nnQWRvA
and "In Too Deep" by JMJ & Flytronix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZixU_l52Qs

Also, Omni Trio's 'Skeleton Keys' album is rather fab.

25-01-2023, 14:24
And if you liked 'Rogue Satellite', Adrian, have a listen to these - "Journey Inwards" by Bukem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Y2nnQWRvA
and "In Too Deep" by JMJ & Flytronix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZixU_l52Qs

Also, Omni Trio's 'Skeleton Keys' album is rather fab.


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