View Full Version : WTB Direct Drive Motor unit or deck

07-09-2010, 07:45
Hi all,
I am looking for a decent direct drive source. Ideal would be a JVC TT-71 motor unit or above, or related turntable QL-Y7 /QL-70 etc.

It doesn't have to be JVC, I would consider any good quality unit or turntable.


11-09-2010, 11:33
Am I allowed to bump, we shall find out :)

11-09-2010, 15:10
Just buy a Techie ffs. Spares are readily available and there is a well trodden, clearly audible and reliable upgrade path available for you :)

11-09-2010, 19:31
It seems JVC motor units are getting very scarce now. Techies are widely available but they don’t look as nice.

11-09-2010, 20:54
Looks nice or sounds amazing (when judiciously modified), still currently produced and can be purchased with a full dealer warranty? It's a tough choice! ;)

The latter of course is the Techie.....

I'm with Dave on this. Why make life difficult for yourself and risk potential problems when there is a ready-made solution out there waiting for you?

Ian, you should go for an SL-1200/1210. Sometimes choosing an obvious, well-trodden path is the sensible option :)


Reid Malenfant
11-09-2010, 21:03
Ian, you should go for an SL-1200/1210. Sometimes choosing an obvious, well-trodden path is the sensible option :)

Or you could have that JVC quartz lock direct drive deck that is 100% working that i offered you for £20 + postage :eyebrows:

I'm have no idea what the difference in motors is between the QL-A51 & what you are after but i doubt there is much if any :scratch:

Just don't forget it's here if you want it, i have no use for it :)

11-09-2010, 21:36
Sure, Mark - for £20 he has nothing to lose.....

My remarks were made in relation to him considering a high value long-term T/T purchase :)

Sometimes people just like to be 'different', for the sake of it, and I'm like that too sometimes with my hi-fi choices, but in terms of long-term investments in direct-drive T/Ts involving significant sums of money, the Techie route is the safe and sensible one, not to mention also the one that arguably ends up as being the best sounding! :cool:


Reid Malenfant
11-09-2010, 21:46
Agreed Marco ;)

I may be wrong but i think this all came about as Ian was having speed stability issues with a certain record deck he already owns & he wanted to change from belt to direct drive to eliminate the problem.

This is why i offered him what i happen to have kicking about doing nothing. Unlike the Technics deck this has the motor unit in one piece so it'd be a reasonably easy job (well, easier than using a technics motor) to convert his deck.

All the best to you ;) I'm off as i need to be up early tomorrow to go food shopping :doh:

11-09-2010, 21:47
Hi Marco,

Best sounding! No, I doubt it.:lol:

I remember yours has been defeated by ....something called Trio XXXX, i have nearly forgotten your never finished post.:doh:

11-09-2010, 21:55
Lol - it's certainly in my experience one of the best sounding D/D options (as well as one of the best sounding T/Ts in general), once judiciously modified.

The Kenwood L-07D was better (and so it should be given its original 'cost no object' design), but not by a big margin, especially as then I wasn't using Paul Hynes' latest (quite frankly awesome) PSU, the SR5, and I've still got the platter mod to do....

Put it this way, my Techie at the moment sounds better than any SP10 I've heard so far - and there's still plenty more to come! ;)

Today I upgraded the cartridge wiring in my SPU, changing the rather horrid little thin bog standard wires for some top-notch Ortofon solid silver jobbies. In my system, vinyl has now never sounded better :cool:

I'll be trying a Decca Gold later this week that Barry has loaned me, so that should be interesting, as Deccas have always intrigued me :)


12-09-2010, 09:22
Hi Marco,

To proof its credit, I suggest that you put your Techie to the test again and have a re-match with the Kenwood sooner or later. I look forward to hearing form you for the final conclusion.

12-09-2010, 21:17
Hi King,

Great minds think alike... I've aleady got that pencilled in to do! :)


14-09-2010, 18:35
Hi All,
I should put this in some context, there is some history.
I have built the existing deck, by utilising left over Canadian walnut that cost £300 per metre, its the cut out from our sink. I love the look, smell of the Danish oil and the fact I built it. It is a CLD approach, with a layer of heavy rubber and silicon. Below that a granite chopping board is adhered by the silicon as a vibration sink. All sat on a large marble tile. All done in stages listening for changes. The scout bearing and SME III appear to be a good match. The plinth is really effective having tried the arm , cart on my Thorens TD321, But the speed shift is more of a problem long term. My wife cant just switch it on and spin some tunes.

We all know how difficult it can be to convince other people you are not mad, and playing around making minute adjustments is not obsessive!

So i am looking to use the existing plinth, cart and arm and drop a very good motor unit in place of the scout platter and bearing.


From what I understand, transplanting the SL guts to a new plinth is no easy task. I only have access to basic tools so the self contained unit would be a lot easier.
Probably only have £300 to spend on this project, another reason for not choosing the SL route.

Mark i haven't forgot the kind offer, i am not sure how good the motor unit in that turntable is, could someone enlighten us?
All the best

15-09-2010, 10:46
Ooops. Posted on wrong thread!

17-09-2010, 10:11
Thanks Shane, read the reply.

17-09-2010, 10:30
That plinth looks amazing. perfect I think for a 401 with suitable power supply (Wave Mechanic?). That would suit the SME III to a tee I feel...

Anyone any ideas about the custom Technics cutting-lathe drive they used to make? I'd also suggest the cheap purchase of a technics SL-120 mk1. The motor plus rotating part is similar to the Dual/Papst EDS1000, the platter sitting on top. The electronics could be re-housed separately.