View Full Version : Tannoy Kensington GR amp for

18-06-2022, 16:21
by great luck and some money I've changed my Tannoy Turnberry SE for Kensington GR speakers. Difference is amazing, more music nuanaces, better high and bass reproduction, a little more laid back. Kensingtons have Peperpot waveguide and Anico magnets.
I'm listening to blues and jazz music on medium level in a room with about 230 sqf.
Now I'm asking you for a good, second hand amplifier suggestions with budget to about 2500 GBP.

19-06-2022, 19:57
I'm interested which tube amplifiers are working with Kensington GR, beacause for Turnberry I've used only SS amplifiers from Sugden, A21.
Which tube amp will give full sound with Kensington GR?

22-06-2022, 16:35
So which amp are you using at the moment to get such good sound ?

23-06-2022, 06:53
Curently I'm using integrated amp JVC AX-Z911, which is reference amp from 1988. For digital inputs is working in A class, for other in AB class. For turntable RIAA I'm using EAR 834P.
For Tannoy Kensington GR I'm looking for a best match with tubes EL34. My main candidates for new amplifier are Radford STA Mark3, refurbished by Will, or Air Tight 1S, which can I buy for reasonable price.

23-06-2022, 07:27
The Radford is a good bet.

23-06-2022, 08:49
Which will play more dinamically, with better bass reproduction? Air Tight 1s has quite low output impedance abour 3 Ohms, so very low damping factor.
How much better is Radford STA 35 mk3 in this regard? Has anybody data about damping factor for STA35 mk3?

23-06-2022, 09:27
Which will play more dinamically, with better bass reproduction? ?

The JVC :D

23-06-2022, 09:42
You are right, the JVC Ax-Z911 is very good amp, but it doesn't have "tube flavour". So I'm planning to keep JVC, but add Radford STA35 for more romantic evenings.

23-06-2022, 10:30
Maybe the Radford would not be the best choice then. I'm not familiar with the STA35 but the STA15 and 25 don't really have 'tube flavour' IMO anyway. That's why they are one of a handful of valve amps I could live with.

23-06-2022, 10:38
Hello Martin, my mistake -I should write STA 25 mark3, not STA35 which is complety different.
What is your recommendation for best drive and impact and some nice "tube" flavour? Maybe hybrid amp, with valves in preamp and SS for power?

23-06-2022, 10:54
Maybe hybrid amp, with valves in preamp and SS for power?

That's what I used to do and I think it would give you what you are after. Can you use the JVC just as a power amp? Then add something like a Croft 25 pre-amp.

23-06-2022, 14:11
Unfortunatelly JVC amp has not separate pre and power amp.
I've read about good sinergy with First Watt power amps and Tannoys?
Which models are better suited for Tannoys: single ended or push-pull systems? Any recommendation?

23-06-2022, 14:13
PM sent

25-06-2022, 10:29
Unfortunatelly JVC amp has not separate pre and power amp.
I've read about good sinergy with First Watt power amps and Tannoys?
Which models are better suited for Tannoys: single ended or push-pull systems? Any recommendation?

i use first watt F5 clones with my tannoy eaton legacy and they are simply divine !!! in fact they seem to sound better and better as the months go by

25-06-2022, 12:48
From tube amps I've mentioned at the beginning I'm now more inclined to SS amp with warm, not analytical sound.

Phil, thanks you for your input. I'm arranging sound test with First Watt F7 amplifier, which is more modern variant of F5.
Can I ask you what preamp do you use for F5?

25-06-2022, 15:26
yes i have had superb results with bel canto pre amps . they are very organic sounding and the vbs models [ virtual battery ] can be upgraded with superb power supplies like the DC3

this coupled with the first watt has been superb . at one point i was running 2 of these pre amps that are ultra reliable and bombproof build at a reasonable cost


https://pinkfishmedia.net/forum/threads/bel-canto-pre-3-vbs-with-linear-psu.229611/[ thats another psu that firebottle made ]

26-06-2022, 11:25
Has anybody experience with B1 Buffer Preamp from Nelson Pass? It is just simple SS preamp with JFET transistors?
Or alternate valve preamp for different sound signature?

26-06-2022, 12:44
Has anybody experience with B1 Buffer Preamp from Nelson Pass? It is just simple SS preamp with JFET transistors?
Or alternate valve preamp for different sound signature?

I've got a DCB1 which is pretty much the same thing. I'd highly recommend it although you need to check it is compatible with your power amp, as it has no gain.

Ali Tait
28-06-2022, 16:27
If you can stretch to these, they would be superb imo, these were designed to marry the best of valves with the best of SS-

28-06-2022, 19:01
In meantime, based on good experience with Tannoy speakers, I've ordered First Watt F7. It had also good discount from seller.
FW F7 amp is a little special, it has low input impedance 10 kOhm, relatively low gain 14db, power: 20W/8 ohms, 30W/4 ohms (1-2% THD at 1kHz), Input sensitivity: 0.57V (1W); 2.53V (max output)

Because of low input impedance of F7 it can be fussy with some valve preamp. So preamp needs low output imedance, bellow 100 or 200 Ohms and low gain less than 10db or 6x?
Any good suggestions from Tron, Linear Tube Audio, etc?

07-07-2022, 07:45
Certainly drop Graham a line at tron for advice

07-07-2022, 11:50
For FirstWatt F7 power amplifier, I've tried to find suitable S/H valve line preamps.

My current list:

1. Conrad Johnson PV 12, gain 18db, valve 2xECC82, output impedance 800 Ohm

2. Linear Tube Audio, MZ2, gain 12db, valve 2xECC82, output impedance 2 Ohm

3. Audio Research SP16L, gain 12db, valves 3xECC83, output impedance 260 Ohm

Any suggestions, opinions?

13-08-2022, 18:05
Just quick report - solid state First Watt F7 is very nice amp, good warm sounding, but it has not the power (current) to drive Tannoy Kensingtons GR, properly, deficiency was in bass region, where Kensingtons goes even deeper than Turnberry and needs even more current for drive.

Currrently I have two options for changing FW F7:

1. Integrated amp, hybrid, 2x ECC83 on input, Pathos Twin Towers, 2x35W in A class, developed made in Italy, not Chinese production.

2. British power amp MERIDIAN G57 plus preamp, maybe Meridian own Go2 preamp.

I'm looking for a good second hand source for both of them? Any hint or comment?

14-08-2022, 13:38
so what pre amp did you use with the F7 ?

14-08-2022, 14:02

I may have the ideal solution for you. What is your budget?


Just quick report - solid state First Watt F7 is very nice amp, good warm sounding, but it has not the power (current) to drive Tannoy Kensingtons GR, properly, deficiency was in bass region, where Kensingtons goes even deeper than Turnberry and needs even more current for drive.

Currrently I have two options for changing FW F7:

1. Integrated amp, hybrid, 2x ECC83 on input, Pathos Twin Towers, 2x35W in A class, developed made in Italy, not Chinese production.

2. British power amp MERIDIAN G57 plus preamp, maybe Meridian own Go2 preamp.

I'm looking for a good second hand source for both of them? Any hint or comment?