View Full Version : LP12 + Ittok II + Valhalla + Trampolinn 2

08-05-2022, 13:29
Time to let go of old faithful. Plinth needs refinishing, lid needs a polish. Arm bearing pass sticky test, fitted with aluminium Trampolinn 2 base, white bearing. Have an official LP12 box for the turntable but not for the arm. Will need a proper set up on a jig, I daresay.

Will demo to buyer, obviously.

£1100 collected from Bedford please. Any questions please ask...

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08-05-2022, 13:42

08-05-2022, 13:48
That was super quick:)

08-05-2022, 14:22
Not that we keep a record of such things, but 13 minutes is pretty damned quick!

08-05-2022, 16:01
Not that we keep a record of such things, but 13 minutes is pretty damned quick!

Two minutes, actually. And I even forgot to mention it has the step-up interconnect…