View Full Version : FS: Calling Townshend Allegri Owners - F1 Fractal Interconnects

07-05-2022, 19:24
It was during a discussion with Max Townshend (RIP) that a new Allegri+ preamp I'd recently bought had not quite blown me away in the manner repeatedly reported in the various professional reports I'd read that he told me quite plainly that the interconnects I was using were the reason. He said that in order to maximise the performance of the Allegri+ with its internal fractal wiring it was essential to use the F1 fractal interconnects.

He said that the fractal interconnects were the best the company had ever produced and as I was using a DCT300 interconnect at the time I decided to buy two sets of F1's after taking a sharp intake of breath.

After around six months of usage I realised that I was starting to miss the 'colouration' of my previous valve preamp and so I decided to sell the Allegri+. I have continued to use the F1's with great success, however, I have now acquired a power amp with balanced inputs and so they are no longer any use.

These high quality interconnects are not limited to use with just Townshend equipment.

The current suggested retail price of a pair of F1's up to 1m in length direct from Townshend's is in excess of £1k. I have a 1m pair and a 0.8m pair that were bought in March 2021 and which are in excellent condition and complete with original boxes.

Asking £375 including RMSD for the 0.8m pair and £400 including RMSD for the 1m pair.

https://i.ibb.co/7V9Pb73/T1.jpg (https://ibb.co/1KS1bHC)

0.8m pair.

https://i.ibb.co/qDfBC16/T2.jpg (https://ibb.co/9pLnhYP)

1m pair.

Any questions please ask.

08-05-2022, 17:44
Both sets of cables now sold.