View Full Version : Florin UK 40 Audio Enthusiast

28-03-2022, 13:22
Hello everyone!
I'm from Romania but I live in the UK and I've been a big fan of music but never had the budget or the space to invest in proper hi-fi.
So I've started getting into vintage hi-fi with the pandemic. I bought a variety of speakers and amps and I've sold some as well in the past two years.
I listen to a variety of music but mostly I'm into radio as I'm not to keen to listen to my own music. From my favourite music stations I could name BBC's radio 2, Radio Paradise California and Soma Internet radio portal which has several stations on different genere of music. I'm currently into their "Suburbs of Goa" radio stations. Unlike the BBC the other two stations are music only with very little speach in the case of Radio Paradise from time to time.
So I don't have a preferred music style and I tend to listen to everything from techno to simony. I'm not into "cultural music". For example I don't listen to pop, hip-hop, opera but I dig the acoustic ballads or soul & some older love songs from the 50's 60's etc.

I guess I'll just make a list of the gear I have and have had in the past.
So here we go:

- Amps:
Trio / Kenwood KA-2000
Sansui 881
Musical Fidelity B1

- Speakers
Monitor Audio - Studio 2 (90's)
Monitor Audio - System R352 (80's)
B&W - DM2 (70's) - these I've just bought 2 weeks ago and I've got some problems with them I need help with.
B&W Sony SS1005 (70's)

B&W 602 S1 - Sold
B&W 602 - Sold

28-03-2022, 14:33
Hi Apelike, you've made a good start with the stuff listed above. What sort of sound do you like? Are you a details man or do you like the music to wash over you so that you become immersed in it?

How do you make the music apart from Radio? CD, Streaming, Vinyl.

Have fun here.


29-03-2022, 07:31
Hello Florin. Welcome to AOS.

Take a look around the site and join in any chat that interests you, there's plenty going on and everybody is friendly.

Enjoy the forum,