View Full Version : Crap Weather for February!

01-02-2022, 07:28
8C, with hazy broken cloud.

01-02-2022, 08:16
8C, with hazy broken cloud.

similar here...

01-02-2022, 09:29
9c this morning also strong winds during the night.

01-02-2022, 09:58
Through in Livingston at hospital. It's windy although not as bad as last night.
Current is 9c according to car.

02-02-2022, 09:07
8C, bright and sunny. If you like winter, make the most of it. It won't be around much longer, thank goodness. :)

02-02-2022, 09:23
rain here, that fine stuff that soaks you through.

02-02-2022, 09:27
8c and damp here. think itll drizzle on and off all day by looks of it

02-02-2022, 11:48
Around 9-10 C here - and relatively quiet - very slight breeze. Makes a change from the last few days when we thought trees might come down - not only small twigs or larger branches. We have large oak trees very close by - and we hear that some large trees have come down very recently. On Monday I had to go out with a saw to break up a small branch which had fallen down. It was otherwise unmoveable. All the big trees round here have TPOs, but they will definitely have to be inspected and made safe in the near future.

We had several power cuts, but power seems stable again now.

Not raining today so far. Will venture out later and see if I can spot where trees have come down.

02-02-2022, 17:19
Bit dull today but quite mild. Fabulous sunset now.

02-02-2022, 21:22
Mainly cloudy for the last few days, same today with promised showers, 20c

03-02-2022, 09:08
8C and some patchy cloud. No breeze worth mentioning.

04-02-2022, 08:54
Low temperatures this morning - round 2-3 degrees C. Snow has returned to the hills which are now white. A very light dusting of white stuff on the front lawn.

Winds have gone down.

So far looks a nice day - sunny - but cold.

04-02-2022, 11:13
The earlier rain has stopped, but as it's only just over 5C the dampness is making it feel pretty chilly.

04-02-2022, 12:00
cold here. was snowing earlier.

04-02-2022, 16:26
Not a vey nice day after all. Snow while driving, though not enough at low level to settle much.

04-02-2022, 16:28
only 2c here and its snowed a few times but not lay, yet.

04-02-2022, 20:23
Snow eh? It's been a balmy 9c here and the sun even came out for a bit.

Going to be mild all week too.

05-02-2022, 09:27
Bright and sunny, but only 2C and frosty. Feels pretty nippy!

05-02-2022, 09:30
5c and wet here..

05-02-2022, 10:21
Damned cold here!

05-02-2022, 10:42
7c and chucking it down

Pigmy Pony
05-02-2022, 11:10
Too wet and too windy for working at roof level. Sod that, I've come home :)

05-02-2022, 12:48
Raining here too.

05-02-2022, 15:45
9c and gloomy- no rain yet but forecast tomorrow

05-02-2022, 17:00
It's spitting here. Everybody in!

Still a bit of light even though it's 1700.

05-02-2022, 17:27
snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow.. ground is very wet so will have to see if it lies. cold again, so will put heating up half a degree. was a little parky last night around 4am

Pigmy Pony
05-02-2022, 17:31
Better be better tomorrow, have to work to get today's shit done :( Could be the start of some well paid jobs, so gotta show willing. Right now we've got horizontal rain.

05-02-2022, 17:47
There's no défense against horizontal rain.

06-02-2022, 06:45
Rain here, 20c though

06-02-2022, 07:48
wet and cold.... just about still rain tho...2c...ground is oversaturated now.

06-02-2022, 08:50
Light snow on grass. Car roofs covered in maybe 1cm of snow. Light snow fall, but will it settle further? Maybe not, so current temperatures hovering round zero. Not much wind.

Probably a day for indoor activities. I was “amused” to see crowds at rugby and football matches on TV yesterday. Do people really enjoy going to events in poor weather conditions, even with thick coats, scarves and bobble hats? I guess the answer is “yes” - but it’s not really my thing.

06-02-2022, 08:57
10C and the rain has just stopped. Sky is clearing quickly.

06-02-2022, 09:56
snow is on now .. gonna be a day for house again

06-02-2022, 10:21
3c and trying to snow

06-02-2022, 14:21
brightened up here for now at least. still very cold at 1c and a 6 degree wind chill factor....

06-02-2022, 16:02
Strong cold wind but Sun comes out through the clouds 20% of the time. Looks nice from indoors.

06-02-2022, 17:08
Exhilarating walk with dog this evening. Chilly, strong winds, incredible lighting - low sun and fast very dark clouds, short bursts of stair rod rain/hail and rainbows.

Glad to be out and about in it and feeling very much alive. Dog was a bit perplexed and frisky when she was getting hit by the rain/hail

Oh and highly recommend Ex German army Gortex parka :)

06-02-2022, 22:01
Looks like another day of rain today.

06-02-2022, 22:07
Exhilarating walk with dog this evening. Chilly, strong winds, incredible lighting - low sun and fast very dark clouds, short bursts of stair rod rain/hail and rainbows.

Glad to be out and about in it and feeling very much alive. Dog was a bit perplexed and frisky when she was getting hit by the rain/hail

Oh and highly recommend Ex German army Gortex parka :)

Syd had his visit to “Dr Two-Bricks” last Monday to be neutered and is getting back to normal but won’t go for a wee in the garden, meaning we have to take him out in the fields about 4 times a day. Lovely to see the night sky just now, but a bit chilly around the ears after my grade 2 yesterday!

Ground very waterlogged, definitely welly weather!

06-02-2022, 22:11
Raining and blowing a gale here most of the evening, rain was lashing at the windows, but seems to have died down a bit now though.

Next week starts warm, 11C on Tuesday, then gets progressively colder toward the weekend.

Pigmy Pony
06-02-2022, 22:28
The gusty wind today made my job a proper ordeal - at times I was working with one hand while holding the window frames and bracing against the gusts with the other hand. My lad is under instructions not to tell Mrs. P what I was doing - she watches these A+E programmes where folk regularly fall off ladders :doh:

Weather looking a bit better next week, but spring still some way off - Beast from the East was March iirc.

06-02-2022, 23:05
Syd had his visit to “Dr Two-Bricks” last Monday to be neutered and is getting back to normal but won’t go for a wee in the garden, meaning we have to take him out in the fields about 4 times a day. Lovely to see the night sky just now, but a bit chilly around the ears after my grade 2 yesterday!

Ground very waterlogged, definitely welly weather!

Poor Syd - i have got to phone the vet next week to arrange for puppy to be spayed, poor dear is getting quite frustrated and taking far too much interest in my leg.

Interesting about the grade 2, it is my cut of choice so I have to wear either a beanie or flat cap on walks depending on how cold/windy.

06-02-2022, 23:22
My Jack Russell girl Maisy has an obsession with my leg too, she really gets going if I let her. Are there LGBT dogs?

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06-02-2022, 23:37
Poor Syd - i have got to phone the vet next week to arrange for puppy to be spayed, poor dear is getting quite frustrated and taking far too much interest in my leg.

Interesting about the grade 2, it is my cut of choice so I have to wear either a beanie or flat cap on walks depending on how cold/windy.

It’s horrible, but had to be done, especially when my 13 year old daughter was getting a wet leg! :spew:

Yep, beanie will be order of the day tomorrow night, although I have my Russian style Oakley snowboarding over the ears hat in reserve still!

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08-02-2022, 08:41
dry, and fairly bright. 6c.

08-02-2022, 08:54
10C and gloomy.

08-02-2022, 09:50
7c and raining

Pigmy Pony
08-02-2022, 20:11
Another day starting off dry and sunny, then drizzle, then piss-down all afternoon. February is nothing if not consistent so far.

08-02-2022, 23:04
Overcast and humid today, 20c.

09-02-2022, 08:59
10C and dry with broken cloud. Gonna be nippy from Friday apparently.

09-02-2022, 10:05
a cold 3c and sunny. snow on forecast tho. plugged car in for a charge when checking that fault is still gone... so no need to go to the dealers tomorrow. whatever it was fixed itself

09-02-2022, 16:06
7c so quite mild but nothing happening otherwise.

10-02-2022, 08:58
7C and gloomy. At least last night's rain didn't last.

10-02-2022, 09:04
all snowy here.. a winter wonderland:doh:

10-02-2022, 23:00
Still a humid 20c here.

11-02-2022, 07:58
A chilly 1C start, sky's fairly clear with just a few streaks of cloud.

11-02-2022, 08:15
brightish here, but crtainly below 0c. when sun gets up it hopefully might reach 3/4c. heavy frost

Pigmy Pony
11-02-2022, 18:10
a cold 3c and sunny. snow on forecast tho. plugged car in for a charge when checking that fault is still gone... so no need to go to the dealers tomorrow. whatever it was fixed itself

Hmm, cars are just the worst mechanics - when they "fix themselves" they really just do a bodge, postponing the fault to a more inconvenient time :( I'm sure yours will be fine Grant, Korean cars are pretty smart.

11-02-2022, 18:23
Hmm, cars are just the worst mechanics - when they "fix themselves" they really just do a bodge, postponing the fault to a more inconvenient time :( I'm sure yours will be fine Grant, Korean cars are pretty smart.

just have to await it doing it again i guess. inclined to think it is a software glitch that only happens when several boxes get ticked that dont usually get ticked.

12-02-2022, 09:02
5C and gloomy. Feels pretty cold.

12-02-2022, 09:04
a bit warmer today here.. 8c and cloudy. ground is wet again so must have rained overnight. it was certainly windy

12-02-2022, 09:07
8c here as well but a bit damp

13-02-2022, 04:02
Wet and windy here, 19c.

13-02-2022, 08:34
6c this morning and wet! looks like its gonna be wet all day too.:doh:

13-02-2022, 08:49
7C and murky dark sky. Rain forecast, looks like it too.

13-02-2022, 13:05
7 - 8C here. Visited a boot sale, but didn't stay long as there was nothing of interest to me, and with a backing wind it was too bloody cold! :(

13-02-2022, 13:22
rain and high winds here, not that cold though.

Nearly half-way through February, the weather's really only got another two weeks to pull something nasty out of the bag and there's nothing like that forecast, at least not for round these parts.

13-02-2022, 13:22
We have the anticipated rain at the moment. Hopefully it will stop in time for the mutt's afternoon walk.

13-02-2022, 13:24
I am going to go down the chippy later on, before it gets dark. Will probably get soaked by the horizontal rain but once you've decided on chippy tea you have to have it.

13-02-2022, 13:47
still raining here. not chucking it down but still wet enough. most disappointing as i wanted to get outside for while. im climbing walls mentally lol

13-02-2022, 14:55
Dull - no rain here right now. Cool - probably around 7C - rain is "promised" for later, and high winds again by the middle of the week.

13-02-2022, 20:30
Clear blue sky this morning, the first in over a week, 15c but hopefully it will rise later.

14-02-2022, 11:35
Everyone still asleep? Clear here now - visibility moderate - about 5 deg C. Rain forecast shortly - there’s a surprise!

14-02-2022, 11:46
dry and fairly bright, although cloudy.. 6c

14-02-2022, 12:23
Raining all day.

14-02-2022, 12:51
8C and dark cloud. Rain due.

14-02-2022, 22:39
Clear blue sky again today, just hope that it doesn't lead to rain like yesterday. 17c

15-02-2022, 09:05
Murky again and 6C, rain starts in 45 minutes according to forecast.

15-02-2022, 09:18
currently a bit of sun and 4c...breezy

15-02-2022, 09:53
weather didnt hold lol.. wet and wild:doh:

15-02-2022, 12:28
No weather here today.

Pigmy Pony
15-02-2022, 15:57
No weather here today.

None here either. We're promised some starting tomorrow, but unfortunately the wrong type of weather :(

15-02-2022, 19:06
10C with some light rain.

16-02-2022, 08:17
9c and very windy this morning

16-02-2022, 08:34
9c and very windy this morning

about same here with rain

16-02-2022, 08:50
Just nudging 12C, bright and sunny.

16-02-2022, 09:33
No weather again. The other day a truck with an IHAB arrived and pulled out the 'Hanging gardens of Babylon' that was growing in the roof of the building opposite.

That's annoying as it was the only greenery visible from my window and allowed me to monitor the windspeed without leaving my chair.

16-02-2022, 15:22
wind and rain is really rocking the old place again...

16-02-2022, 18:25
Some serious weather on the way. Looks like the whole UK is in the firing line, with 100mph winds possible for the West Country.

16-02-2022, 21:31
Clear blue sky again this morning, hopefully this time it will last the whole day. 19c at the moment.

Pigmy Pony
17-02-2022, 07:39
Pretty windy, but dry with a fair bit of blue sky. Nowhere near as bad as was forecast, but I suppose it could change any time now.

17-02-2022, 07:53
pretty stormy last night, but calmer for now until next one hits.. 3c and damp

17-02-2022, 08:25
7C, bright & sunny. It wasn't as windy as I'd expected last night, just moderately gusty. It's tonight they say it will all let loose.

17-02-2022, 08:39
wind tomorrow here but mostly its marked down for snow..lots of it..

17-02-2022, 09:31
sunny now but winds and heavy rain tomorrow. Not quite gale-force but close.

17-02-2022, 10:16
4c and hailstones

17-02-2022, 10:38
dark as near night here now.. 3c and wet

17-02-2022, 13:01
Still OK here now. Was a bit windy last night, but nothing like as bad as the previous storms. Around 3 C now.

Warnings of snow overnight and into tomorrow.

17-02-2022, 13:17
Sunny here, quite mild too. Shame it's just for this one day.

17-02-2022, 13:29
snowy hail on now.. coming down at 45o lol

17-02-2022, 21:41
Forecast to hit 80mph here at midday tomorrow! :eek: https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ip14

That's officially a hurricane according to the Beaufort scale! https://www.weather.gov/jetstream/beaufort_max "
Countryside is devastated." :sofa:

We had the tree surgeons here today to trim one big willow and remove a couple of other trees, I could probably have saved myself some money and waited to see if Eunice did the job for me!

17-02-2022, 21:46
I don't like your forecast Alex, will stick with mine thanks :)

A few clouds but light rain moving in over the weekend, still at 20c.

17-02-2022, 21:50
I have friends living at Porthleven, Cornwall to the west of The Lizard. They get the brunt of extreme westerlies, I expect they're bracing themselves.

17-02-2022, 21:57
I think you have to have constant windspeed over 73mph for it to count as a hurricane. Showing 38 mph max for Suffolk so it is officially a gale according to Mr B.

31 here they reckon which is only a 'strong breeze.'

I don't know who is supposed to be getting it the worst, it's coming from the west.

Roy S
17-02-2022, 23:47
Couldn't find any hatches to batten down so I've put the wheely bin in the lean to.

18-02-2022, 08:01
a snowy morning here. not much wind currently. only 1c and forecast is to snow all day i think. some wind expected too but nothing like the last few.

good luck to all you down south

18-02-2022, 08:16
Here in Weymouth the wind has picked up noticeably in the past 20 minutes and rain has just started to fall.

There is nothing unusual for very strong winds here with gusts in excess of 100 mph being recorded at Portland Bill - which is just six miles away - most winters.

I'm less than a mile from the Chesil Beach and it's wide open to westerly gales so in a way I'm used to it.

In the great storm of 1987, the Michael Fish ''it's not a hurricane'' moment I was on a flight from Cincinnati to London, having been diverted from Tampa FL because of the carnage in London and the South East.

After landing at Gatwick I eventually managed to get a taxi to Waterloo, at a vastly inflated fare of course, and the scene on the ride was one of fallen trees, garage doors ripped off and roofs missing. So a very scary time for people.

That event sticks in my mind as a vivid reminder of the immense power of nature to impact in such a powerful way.

So take note of the warnings and keep safe.

18-02-2022, 08:22
Here in Weymouth the wind has picked up noticeably in the past 20 minutes and rain has just started to fall.

There is nothing unusual for very strong winds here with gusts in excess of 100 mph being recorded at Portland Bill - which is just six miles away - most winters.

I'm less than a mile from the Chesil Beach and it's wide open to westerly gales so in a way I'm used to it.

In the great storm of 1987, the Michael Fish ''it's not a hurricane'' moment I was on a flight from Cincinnati to London, having been diverted from Tampa FL because of the carnage in London and the South East.

After landing at Gatwick I eventually managed to get a taxi to Waterloo, at a vastly inflated fare of course, and the scene on the ride was one of fallen trees, garage doors ripped off and roofs missing. So a very scary time for people.

That event sticks in my mind as a vivid reminder of the immense power of nature to impact in such a powerful way.

So take note of the warnings and keep safe.

10/12 yrs ago here we had winds topping 95mph in gusts.. one destroyed my greenhouse in a single burst of power.. i was standing beside it trying futilly repairing bits that came loose(stupidly)... it just imploded then exploded... how i wasnt touched was a miracle.

18-02-2022, 08:27
It's a gusty 11C and raining lightly. Nothing spectacular yet.

18-02-2022, 08:47
1c and lots of snow this morning

18-02-2022, 10:34
Wind definitely picking up now.

Air, rail and ferry services are affected.

I wouldn't like to be on the Somerset Levels now. They're on the mouth of the River Severn and there's a spring tide and storm surge on the way. They had a bad time there a few years ago in similar conditions.

I drove across the M2 bridge over the River Medway during the '87 storm, that was a hell of an experience. Overturned lorries all over the place and unbelievable wind, I think they closed it shortly after I'd gone through. It was lethal!

18-02-2022, 10:42
gusts of 60 apparently down your way so not too disasterous. even weymouth is only 65mph gusts . i dont know if met office has it wrong or not re red zones

18-02-2022, 10:45
just checked the weather at Somerset CCC, they are getting the worst of it now. 35mph winds, gusts up to 62mph, tails off during the rest of the day.

Not really living up to the hype, no surprise there.

18-02-2022, 10:58
Temperature - a few degrees C positive. Snowing - very feebly. Not much wind at all here - though that does fit in with the forecasts.
Dull and miserable day so far, with moderately poor visibility.

18-02-2022, 11:03
gusts of 60 apparently down your way so not too disasterous. even weymouth is only 65mph gusts . i dont know if met office has it wrong or not re red zones

I would question the 65 mph gusts as the winds much stronger now (10.30 to 11 am) as the tail end of Eunice sweeps through. Stronger than for a good many years in my experience, especially during daylight hours.

Doubt if the Met Office has it 'wrong' anyway. More likely correct these days with the massive computer-driven forecasts, which are very accurate. Best safe than sorry.

18-02-2022, 11:10
I would question the 65 mph gusts as the winds much stronger now (10.30 to 11 am) as the tail end of Eunice sweeps through. Stronger than for a good many years in my experience, especially during daylight hours.

Doubt if the Met Office has it 'wrong' anyway. More likely correct these days with the massive computer-driven forecasts, which are very accurate. Best safe than sorry.

met office have weymouth at max 65mph(Gusts) and only for a short time, so they are wrong with the 90 mph or they are wrong with the 65mph. anyway i hope no damage is done down there. we have had a fair amount in last 3 storms.
here the wind is down for now and snow is off and melting.. i expect it will be back tho

18-02-2022, 11:22
Just lost our patio table. It has blown over and the glass is in a thousand pieces all over the lawn. Never dreamt that could happen as it's a big ol' table, seating 8 and weighs a ton with the thick glass top.

That's gonna take some clearing up..:eek:

18-02-2022, 11:41
met office have weymouth at max 65mph(Gusts) and only for a short time, so they are wrong with the 90 mph or they are wrong with the 65mph. anyway i hope no damage is done down there. we have had a fair amount in last 3 storms.
here the wind is down for now and snow is off and melting.. i expect it will be back tho

Possibly wrong of course, but in my experience of the storms here in the past 30 years or so, it's definitely 'up there' with strength of wind. Perhaps the 65 is the steady speed? Thankfully it will be only for a short spell of time.

Some damage to fencing across the road from here and the owners are out now trying to nail it back together. Best to leave it alone and keep safe.

Hope no damage where you are.

18-02-2022, 12:17
Pre-teh windeh today down on the south coast, got some bloke travelling 200 miles from up north to pick up my Chario Syntars sold to me by someone off here.

18-02-2022, 12:53
One gust of 122mph on the Isle of Wight set an interim record in England.

18-02-2022, 12:56
Some tiles off my roof now so the wind is definitely far above the 60mph here. :rolleyes:

18-02-2022, 12:56
One gust of 122mph on the Isle of Wight set an interim record in England.

Guess I won't be sailboarding across the Solent today then. :D

I wonder if riding a unicycle across the Clifton suspension bridge would be OK? :hmm:

18-02-2022, 13:01
snow is back on again. temp has dropped a bit too

18-02-2022, 13:14
The wind is getting windier.

18-02-2022, 13:17
Same here plus heavy rain, need to go out to get some lunch too.

Just heard someone's wheelie bin going over.

18-02-2022, 13:31
https://i.ibb.co/QrXpNTf/wind.jpg (https://ibb.co/hDCLW4y)

Max wind gusts for Portland and Weymouth today.

18-02-2022, 13:36
Just heard someone's wheelie bin going over.

They're all over the place here.

18-02-2022, 14:09
Good job nobody was coming to the door...

Sounded like half the roof had come off and the kids and dog were in panic mode!


Looks like a big chunk of the ridge tiles on the main house, but has dislodged a few others on the way down the other side.


Hope the insurance is up to date... :(

18-02-2022, 14:26
That's a nuisance Alex.

Wind seems to be easing a bit here.

18-02-2022, 14:53
I went out, aside from a few downed wheelie bins there's nothing much going on. Yes it's windy but seen much worse. This is not far off a normal winter's day for round here.

Tomorrow forecast to be cold (max 4C) with a chance of some sleet. Sunday we're up into double figures.

18-02-2022, 15:16
A bit blowy here but not too bad. Nothing blown over and no sign of any damage to roofs.

The only inconvenience was a power cut, just after miday which lasted for about 45 mins.

Pigmy Pony
18-02-2022, 17:39
Just lost our patio table. It has blown over and the glass is in a thousand pieces all over the lawn. Never dreamt that could happen as it's a big ol' table, seating 8 and weighs a ton with the thick glass top.

That's gonna take some clearing up..:eek:

:eek: Ooh toughened glass, in a million crumbs now. For an easy life I'd advise hiring a super-strong garden vac/blower, or you'll still be picking up glass come autumn.

Pigmy Pony
18-02-2022, 17:47
Same here plus heavy rain, need to go out to get some lunch too.

Just heard someone's wheelie bin going over.

I assume the two statements aren't linked?

18-02-2022, 18:01
I assume the two statements aren't linked?

No it was bin day today, have to wait until they fill up again before it's worth going scavenging.

Roy S
18-02-2022, 18:52
Next door neighbour lost a bit of her conservatory roof, my only casualty was a bird feeder, Tits were doing a Gordon Ramsey with the food I got anyway :rolleyes:

19-02-2022, 09:34
5C, cool, dull, dry and calm. Nothing like yesterday.

19-02-2022, 09:40
Rain here, well drizzle more like. 2C. Not windy anymore. Supposed to warm up considerably tonight.

19-02-2022, 09:43
part sunny, calm and 2c

Pigmy Pony
19-02-2022, 09:45
A bit sleety out there. Not out of the woods yet, nowhere near. Beast from the East was March.

19-02-2022, 10:50
Sleet here now, it's trying to turn into snow but not quite managing it. Need to go out too as I've run out of tea.

Pigmy Pony
19-02-2022, 10:51
Very BIG snow flakes now. Starting to stick, but doesn't seem cold enough to hang around for long.

19-02-2022, 11:03
Clear and sunny now - around 3-4 degrees C. There has been a light dusting of snow. Looks nice!

19-02-2022, 11:15
Back to rain now. The flood is right across the street again even though they cleaned out the drains there earlier in the week.

Pigmy Pony
19-02-2022, 12:07
Back to rain now. The flood is right across the street again even though they cleaned out the drains there earlier in the week.

Might be a little money spinner for you, offering boat trips over to the WAM show :)

19-02-2022, 12:38
Might be a little money spinner for you, offering boat trips over to the WAM show :)

knowing my luck there'd be no rain for a whole month beforehand. Remember when you came down here and it was the only week in the year that the flood was totally dried up?

Can't believe they are having that show so close to me. After all those years when it was in the most awkward possible place to get to without a car.

19-02-2022, 16:26
Gloomy and very cold until about 1400, when it warmed up a bit and the Sun came out. Clouded over again now.

20-02-2022, 10:31
11C, gloomy overcast and drizzly.

20-02-2022, 12:57
wet, blowy and 7c. not at all nice

20-02-2022, 13:10
Damp windy and 8c

20-02-2022, 13:19
Raining, but a balmy 10C.

20-02-2022, 16:27
13C. Overcast, with a few drops of rain.

Drove out for lunch at a nearby pub, and whilst there were a few broken branches lying around, no trees had fallen and no sign of any damage to roofs etc.

20-02-2022, 18:25
still raining here and windy too. More like March than February.

21-02-2022, 08:22
was stormy again overnight but calm and a bit of blue by looks of it today..6c currently; breezy

21-02-2022, 08:49
Just over 6C and pretty gusty. Sunny and plenty of blue sky.

21-02-2022, 09:14
wind has dropped a fair bit and its quite sunny now... nice to see.

21-02-2022, 09:33
7c and clear this morning

21-02-2022, 10:01
Still pretty windy here - tail end of storm Franklin I think.
Some of the gusts seem to be strong enough to take out damaged branches from Eunice.

Pigmy Pony
21-02-2022, 13:32
Still pretty windy here - tail end of storm Franklin I think.

Or the front end of storm Gremlin, or whatever the next one's called. It's one after another right now. Franklin has been the fiercest for us, the previous two storms gave their worst to other parts of the country.

21-02-2022, 22:12
mainly cloudy but hopefully no rain today, 19c

21-02-2022, 22:27
Owing to fallen trees etc., a journey that should have only taken three quarters of an hour, took four and a half hours to complete. :doh:

22-02-2022, 08:26
A gloomy 8C. Feels like rain on the way.

22-02-2022, 10:52
lovely day today though - blue skies but cold.

22-02-2022, 12:02
Wind picking up here this morning. Portland Harbour has the windsurfers having a great time as it's perfect for them. 11c and clouding over. Roof tiles replaced this morning so that's good. :)

22-02-2022, 12:43
very windy here again. dry for now but was very wet again overnight... about 8c

22-02-2022, 13:17
no wind here today, although really been blowing the past couple of days. Sun is trying to come out but not quite making it.

Only 6 days of crappy February left to do and then it's spring.

22-02-2022, 13:20
been so much rain here lately, that the 'half loaf' pond(not sure it looks like a half loaf now lol) is very close to the tarmac. wont take much more for a breach. It hasnt breached for a number of years so this must be wettest winter for a long time here.

22-02-2022, 13:26
Probably has been extra wet this year. February is the month of least rainfall here and it seems to have rained almost every day so far. Plus some sleet the other day.

On the whole though it's been a fairly mild winter here. Temperatures have rarely gone below freezing except a few times at night. Some years we will have a whole month where the temperature never gets above freezing, so we got off lightly.

22-02-2022, 14:36
looking at forecast, another stormy day tomorrow with highish winds and rain all day.. i havent seen some of my slabs in months:doh:

Pigmy Pony
22-02-2022, 19:06
Probably has been extra wet this year. February is the month of least rainfall here and it seems to have rained almost every day so far. Plus some sleet the other day.

On the whole though it's been a fairly mild winter here. Temperatures have rarely gone below freezing except a few times at night. Some years we will have a whole month where the temperature never gets above freezing, so we got off lightly.

My ice-ometer (a bucket of water under the carport) peaked at about an inch thick last year (not much), but this year it hasn't even skinned over once.

22-02-2022, 22:18
Blue sky again this morning, 18c

23-02-2022, 08:33
4C and pretty chilly. Not a cloud in sight so far.

23-02-2022, 10:34
blowy again... damp but not raining at moment, about 5c

23-02-2022, 12:23
Very windy and chucking it down

23-02-2022, 15:26
Cloudy here now after bright sunshine this morning. Around 10c with a breeze from the west, so okay for late February.

23-02-2022, 15:52
It's tried all day to be sunny here but it only managed it for about ten minutes.

23-02-2022, 17:17
Cloudy with a bit of Sun. Not cold, so an OK day.

23-02-2022, 17:52
cold, windy and chucking it down AGAIN!!!!

24-02-2022, 01:38
Blue sky, a few clouds a bit of a breeze and 20c

24-02-2022, 08:37
everything is white again. more to come today as well so game's a bogey as to going out. thaw starts friday i guess.

24-02-2022, 08:59
Just under 7C and the rain is thrashing down, windy too.

24-02-2022, 09:09
1c, windy and lots of snow

24-02-2022, 09:16

I told my wife she'd see a good 5 inches by morning [emoji6][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


24-02-2022, 09:30
I told my wife she'd see a good 5 inches by morning

Nothing headline making then. :lol:

24-02-2022, 10:01
Nothing headline making then. [emoji38][emoji23]

24-02-2022, 13:44
sun was shining, no rain, no wind so thought I'd nip down the shop and get some lunch.

Got no further than the end of the road, black clouds roll in and obscure the sun, wind gets up to gale force levels. Come out of the shop and it's snowing.

Get home eat lunch look out the window, back to sunny and barely a cloud in the sky.

24-02-2022, 13:46
snowing like an antarctic winter here; sideways:doh:

24-02-2022, 14:58
snowing like an antarctic winter here; sideways:doh:Time to put the shorts and T-shirt away and put trousers and a jersey on [emoji23]

24-02-2022, 15:09
7C, so chilly when the wind blows, rained early this morning but it didn't last long and now we have sunshine and a clear blue sky.

26-02-2022, 08:10
A sunny but frosty 1.5C.

26-02-2022, 08:38
Sunny here with temperature around 6c. Light breeze. Looks to be set for a fine day.

26-02-2022, 10:05
overcast, 7c. breezy

26-02-2022, 10:32
9c and cloudy this morning

26-02-2022, 11:07
Not too bad today. Clouds - but some light getting through. Temperatures moderate I think 9-10 C - and no rain so far - and none expected.

26-02-2022, 11:48
Sunny here, not blazing sun but it's bright and cheery for a change.

26-02-2022, 17:12
Wotta lovely day. Hardly a cloud in the sky all day and mild.

26-02-2022, 17:16
stayed overcast here. to be some sun tomorrow. that'll make a change.

26-02-2022, 17:20
Wotta lovely day. Hardly a cloud in the sky all day and mild.

Definitely a hint of spring today Dave, despite the very nippy start.

26-02-2022, 17:59
Will be cold tonight, could be a frost by morning if the sky stays clear.

26-02-2022, 18:48
Will be cold tonight, could be a frost by morning if the sky stays clear.

to go down to -1c tonight for a while. not been across door today. shame on me.

26-02-2022, 18:58
been sunny today but there's a chill in the air. More of the same tomorrow, then rain for the rest of the week. Max temp 9C down to 2C in the nights.

26-02-2022, 21:07
Beautiful day, sunny and 10/11c - turned heating off and had French doors to dining area open, also managed to walk dog without needing my beanie on (No2 haircut :))

27-02-2022, 09:45
Was just below 3C when I got up, no frost though. Looks like another bright and sunny day.

27-02-2022, 09:54
Heavy overcast and rain.

Nah just kidding it's actually bright and sunny again.

27-02-2022, 10:04
lovely sunny morning.. 5c

27-02-2022, 10:47
7c and clear makes a change

27-02-2022, 12:49
Just been for a walk down along the river. It's really chilly if you go out of the direct sun, cold wind blowing too.

Saw a young heron, although no sign of the ducks. In the summer there's always at least a couple of them knocking about. I don't know where they go in the winter, do they hibernate or fly south?

27-02-2022, 13:05
Just been for a walk down along the river. It's really chilly if you go out of the direct sun, cold wind blowing too.

Saw a young heron, although no sign of the ducks. In the summer there's always at least a couple of them knocking about. I don't know where they go in the winter, do they hibernate or fly south?

some come here in winter then move on back up narth to breed. some stay here i think. its been fairly springlike so they may have headed to breeding grounds early.
swans were still in our big pond last time i went by. a few ducks too.

27-02-2022, 13:46
Bright and sunny, although a little cooler today about 9c

27-02-2022, 14:12
Bright and sunny too here today, though a bit cool. We actually have shadows!

Pigmy Pony
27-02-2022, 14:17
Bright and sunny, although a little cooler today about 9c

Same here, and nice enough for me to get out there and wash the van. But first, put some Adblue in, the dashboard display has been nagging me since yesterday. But silly me, I only go and put the stuff in the wrong tank :doh:

According to t'interweb, this is a big deal, and potentially disastrous for your motor. So I've got some guy coming out in a couple of hours to drain and flush the tank, and anything else which may be contaminated. At least I hadn't tried to start the engine, which I'm told would be really really really really bad. Still gonna cost me £350 mind. A shit end to a shit week :(

The van wash can wait till another day, my enthusiasm has deflated a bit.

27-02-2022, 14:27
Same here, and nice enough for me to get out there and wash the van. But first, put some Adblue in, the dashboard display has been nagging me since yesterday. But silly me, I only go and put the stuff in the wrong tank :doh:

According to t'interweb, this is a big deal, and potentially disastrous for your motor. So I've got some guy coming out in a couple of hours to drain and flush the tank, and anything else which may be contaminated. At least I hadn't tried to start the engine, which I'm told would be really really really really bad. Still gonna cost me £350 mind. A shit end to a shit week :(

The van wash can wait till another day, my enthusiasm has deflated a bit.

oh dear steve, what were you thinking? its not a fuel. yup thats about the only thing you can do. starting it would cause a disaster..
sorry to hear of your woes mate..

27-02-2022, 23:33
Clear blue sky with a light breeze, 17c

27-02-2022, 23:48
Same here, and nice enough for me to get out there and wash the van. But first, put some Adblue in, the dashboard display has been nagging me since yesterday. But silly me, I only go and put the stuff in the wrong tank :doh:

According to t'interweb, this is a big deal, and potentially disastrous for your motor. So I've got some guy coming out in a couple of hours to drain and flush the tank, and anything else which may be contaminated. At least I hadn't tried to start the engine, which I'm told would be really really really really bad. Still gonna cost me £350 mind. A shit end to a shit week :(

The van wash can wait till another day, my enthusiasm has deflated a bit.

Bugger, your having a bad time mate - you need a holiday.

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 07:25
Bugger, your having a bad time mate - you need a holiday.

I know, but the trouble with holidays is that at some point you have to come back. If it were up to me I'd go somewhere warm permanently, and not give a forwarding address to Mrs. P's no-hope son, but unfortunately it isn't.

And even if we did she'd end up inviting him over, and we'd get endless complaints about the food being rubbish (he lives on chips). And it would be too warm for him, so I'd have the sight of him slithering about in some state of undress or contaminating our soft furnishings with his sweaty mollusc-body :(

Back to brighter things - van running good as new! Took the guy nearly three hours though, to say he was thorough would be an understatement. But I won't be doing that again in a hurry, the man said he has never had a repeat customer.

28-02-2022, 08:08
7C, but feels colder somehow. The sky is overcast, but looks as though it might clear.

28-02-2022, 09:13
8c and overast.. was wet overnight.

28-02-2022, 09:18
Light rain with a gentle breeze, the rain forecast to be heavy later. Feels mild because the wind is so light. Meteorological spring starts tomorrow (March 1) so warmer weather on the way - hopefully. :)

28-02-2022, 09:46
Good old meteorological spring.

9C today, rain forecast all day, not here yet though. Tomorrow is to be sunny.

28-02-2022, 09:47
We're nearly up to 12 hours of daylight now too.

28-02-2022, 10:16
We're nearly up to 12 hours of daylight now too.

yeah about 11 hrs currently. 20th is the vernal

28-02-2022, 11:41
Same here, and nice enough for me to get out there and wash the van. But first, put some Adblue in, the dashboard display has been nagging me since yesterday. But silly me, I only go and put the stuff in the wrong tank :doh:

According to t'interweb, this is a big deal, and potentially disastrous for your motor. So I've got some guy coming out in a couple of hours to drain and flush the tank, and anything else which may be contaminated. At least I hadn't tried to start the engine, which I'm told would be really really really really bad. Still gonna cost me £350 mind. A shit end to a shit week :(
I'm wondering which wrong tank that was. The fuel tank? Oil tank?

I have a friend who once put diesel in a petrol vehicle - which caused a few problems. The police came to investigate and recommended emptying it, but then pointed out that it was illegal to dispose of it in the roadside drains.

However, having giving this advice one of them mentioned that there were side roads, and that nobody would be patrolling those parts in the next few hours.

[Ahem ....]

I'm not sure what legal and effective procedure could have been adopted - maybe the AA or other service agencies can deal with problems like that.

Today it's so far miserable and dull compared with yesterday. The temperature is still lowish, and it's supposed to rain in a while, but no sign of that yet.
Tomorrow looks set to be much better - or at least much brighter.

28-02-2022, 11:56
I'm wondering which wrong tank that was. The fuel tank? Oil tank?

I have a friend who once put diesel in a petrol vehicle - which caused a few problems. The police came to investigate and recommended emptying it, but then pointed out that it was illegal to dispose of it in the roadside drains.

However, having giving this advice one of them mentioned that there were side roads, and that nobody would be patrolling those parts in the next few hours.

[Ahem ....]

I'm not sure what legal and effective procedure could have been adopted - maybe the AA or other service agencies can deal with problems like that.

Today it's so far miserable and dull compared with yesterday. The temperature is still lowish, and it's supposed to rain in a while, but no sign of that yet.
Tomorrow looks set to be much better - or at least much brighter.

brother did it in one of his cars.. aa or rac took it away to their base and cleared it all out. cost about 100 quid plus all the lost fuel. will no doubt be a bit more now.
steve put it in fuel tank.

28-02-2022, 17:16
steve put it in fuel tank.Plonker!

Should have gone to SpecSavers.

Hope he gets it fixed though. Can't it be siphoned out?

Though another of my friends - around the same time as the previous mentioned incident - tried syphoning petrol out of his tank. Then he ended up swallowing some.
Went to A & E and they monitored him for a while, and I think gave him milk or maybe they gave him an emetic first.

Eventually they discharged him, but as he left he asked "Am I OK to go". "Yes - but don't smoke!"

28-02-2022, 17:27

Should have gone to SpecSavers.

Hope he gets it fixed though. Can't it be siphoned out?

Though another of my friends - around the same time as the previous mentioned incident - tried syphoning petrol out of his tank. Then he ended up swallowing some.
Went to A & E and they monitored him for a while, and I think gave him milk or maybe they gave him an emetic first.

Eventually they discharged him, but as he left he asked "Am I OK to go". "Yes - but don't smoke!"

its a biggish job as its gotta be back cleaned. if engine had started it could have/ would have buggered it. its denatured water and synthetic urea.

knew someone who swallowed petrol, and he got similar advice. fumes could blow his lungs

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 18:09
yeah about 11 hrs currently. 20th is the vernal

Vernal? Is that the same as equinox? I've never heard it called that before.

28-02-2022, 18:13
Vernal? Is that the same as equinox? I've never heard it called that before.

The vernal equinox marks the start of spring, and the autumnal equinox marks the start of fall. Solstices mark the start of summer and winter.

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 18:16
I'm wondering which wrong tank that was. The fuel tank? Oil tank?

I have a friend who once put diesel in a petrol vehicle - which caused a few problems. The police came to investigate and recommended emptying it, but then pointed out that it was illegal to dispose of it in the roadside drains.

However, having giving this advice one of them mentioned that there were side roads, and that nobody would be patrolling those parts in the next few hours.

[Ahem ....]

I'm not sure what legal and effective procedure could have been adopted - maybe the AA or other service agencies can deal with problems like that.

Today it's so far miserable and dull compared with yesterday. The temperature is still lowish, and it's supposed to rain in a while, but no sign of that yet.
Tomorrow looks set to be much better - or at least much brighter.

There is a filling nozzle for the Adblue just below the one for the diesel fuel. I assume it goes into a tank. Seems to take about 3 or 4 litres.

Exactly the same as this Vito:

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.6e77ba0ced75aef929cea0c860f51d11?rik=Cd8k0VkbfgE LXQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2finfodiesel.fr%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f05%2fadblue-tank-transporter.jpg&ehk=j06cLoEvYhdnIznkmkGcd9feKWXQXMW450T0OWuBTy4%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

28-02-2022, 18:19
yeah for some reason they are sometimes put there for convenience i think. it goes to the exhaust system before the cat i think

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 18:28
yeah for some reason they are sometimes put there for convenience i think. it goes to the exhaust system before the cat i think

Apparently it's sprayed as a fine mist into the exhaust, to change the nitrous oxide (harmful) to nitrogen and water (not so bad). That's my understanding.

It also makes my van compliant for London driving without congestion charge I believe. Not that I have any plans to...

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 18:30
The vernal equinox marks the start of spring, and the autumnal equinox marks the start of fall. Solstices mark the start of summer and winter.

I always learn stuff when I read your posts :thumbsup:

28-02-2022, 18:34
Apparently it's sprayed as a fine mist into the exhaust, to change the nitrous oxide (harmful) to nitrogen and water (not so bad). That's my understanding.

It also makes my van compliant for London driving without congestion charge I believe. Not that I have any plans to...

If business gets a bit slack you could use it to give sightseeing tours of the capital. Just cut some little observation holes in the back so the punters can see out. A bit like Jones's van in Dad's Army.

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 18:52
If business gets a bit slack you could use it to give sightseeing tours of the capital. Just cut some little observation holes in the back so the punters can see out. A bit like Jones's van in Dad's Army.

So basically a minibus. I could also fix a ladder to the side and nail some chairs to the roof. That would be quite touristy.

28-02-2022, 18:56
oxford have started a no go zone too for polluting vehicles. 12 quid a day and stepping down depending on your 'pollutability' i'll be ok as ive a leccy one, but i wont be anywhere near oxonium or londinium. edinburgh are supposedly going to do it too, but i never go there either(near centre anyway)

Pigmy Pony
28-02-2022, 19:03
oxford have started a no go zone too for polluting vehicles. 12 quid a day and stepping down depending on your 'pollutability' i'll be ok as ive a leccy one, but i wont be anywhere near oxonium or londinium. edinburgh are supposedly going to do it too, but i never go there either(near centre anyway)

Another nail in the coffin for high street shops and a few million more sales for Amazon.

28-02-2022, 19:13
well im not using car as much as costs are shooting up. electric is way cheaper than fuel still but im still trying to be careful as my money is getting lower every year and prices are doing opposite, like most of us. no doubt tho my car running costs are currently half + better than they were even with a good performing hybrid. Cant remember last time i was in a shop bar the small m&s at petrol station... 2 years i guess. that is probably extreme in comparison to most but its a sign of times for shops in general.
i do hope to get out again tho, but a mix of covid and ill health have kept me in house. i havent even seen a doctor or dentist in 2 years plus.

01-03-2022, 09:22
4c and quite bright today

01-03-2022, 09:27
4c and quite bright today

But today is March….

01-03-2022, 09:33
oxford have started a no go zone too for polluting vehicles. 12 quid a day and stepping down depending on your 'pollutability' i'll be ok as ive a leccy one, but i wont be anywhere near oxonium or londinium. edinburgh are supposedly going to do it too, but i never go there either(near centre anyway)

This is one of the reasons I agreed to go with a PHEV. You can go where you want. Here in France, there is no tax to go into the centre of Toulouse if you are a “polluting” vehicle. You are simply not allowed in. This tends to be the summer months, when it is quite hot.

I am quite pleased I can do most of my Journeys on electric power alone, as petrol has gone over €1.70 a litre. Diesel is not far behind.

01-03-2022, 09:39
But today is March….

Good point

01-03-2022, 10:02
A soggy and gloomy 8C. At least the rain has now stopped for the moment.

01-03-2022, 10:28
It's still march lol. Come on Geoffrey

01-03-2022, 11:31
This is one of the reasons I agreed to go with a PHEV. You can go where you want. Here in France, there is no tax to go into the centre of Toulouse if you are a “polluting” vehicle. You are simply not allowed in. This tends to be the summer months, when it is quite hot.

I am quite pleased I can do most of my Journeys on electric power alone, as petrol has gone over €1.70 a litre. Diesel is not far behind.

im guessing these sort of things will become the norm. here your allowed in; infact welcomed in as you have to give them even more money. if they were serious they would do as youve done and banned them

13-03-2022, 14:47
12c mostly cloud but a bit of sun on occasion

30-03-2022, 13:39
still no rain by midday so walked into the town to get my dinner. Needless to say started raining on the way back. Well, spitting anyway. Stopped again now though.

Pigmy Pony
30-03-2022, 14:53
Have we gone back to "Crap weather for February" because that's what it feels like? ;)

30-03-2022, 15:53
It's worse then February was, at least today is.

At least we've got new 'Curse of Oak Island' on later.

Pigmy Pony
30-03-2022, 16:31
It's worse then February was, at least today is.

At least we've got new 'Curse of Oak Island' on later.

My mate's wife was mad on that programme, so he had to suffer it. He liked it when I visited, got him out of sitting through it for a while. I pretended not to like it, to support him, but in truth I've never seen it. I'd just assumed it must be cack as she also liked "Cake Boss" and "Dance Moms".

30-03-2022, 16:54
My mate's wife was mad on that programme, so he had to suffer it. He liked it when I visited, got him out of sitting through it for a while. I pretended not to like it, to support him, but in truth I've never seen it. I'd just assumed it must be cack as she also liked "Cake Boss" and "Dance Moms".

That's weird that his wife likes it as someone was saying that to me the other day that his wife insists on watching it. None of the women I know have ever seen even 5 minutes of it and aren't in the least bit interested.

In fairness I've been watching it for the whole nine years and so far they've not found jack shit in the way of treasure but I still stick with because if I miss it one week that's the week they will find something. Like stopping doing the lottery and the next week your numbers come up.

It's one of only three shows I never miss, along with Ancient Aliens and Magnum P.I. Although new season of Ancient Aliens has been pretty lame so far.

Pigmy Pony
30-03-2022, 18:17
That's weird that his wife likes it as someone was saying that to me the other day that his wife insists on watching it. None of the women I know have ever seen even 5 minutes of it and aren't in the least bit interested.

In fairness I've been watching it for the whole nine years and so far they've not found jack shit in the way of treasure but I still stick with because if I miss it one week that's the week they will find something. Like stopping doing the lottery and the next week your numbers come up.

It's one of only three shows I never miss, along with Ancient Aliens and Magnum P.I. Although new season of Ancient Aliens has been pretty lame so far.

You sound like a metal detectorist (is that a word?) :)

With you on the Magnum PI though. No bugger else here watches it, so it's my little weekly mini-holiday. Occasionally Mrs. P will pop in to say what a funny shape Higgins is, but otherwise I have the room to myself :)