View Full Version : Mains Filter

23-08-2010, 18:39
A two stage feed-through filter (AKA 'Swampy Filter') in the making.

I need to find a box for it as the one I bought (it's sat on it) is a bit too short. Bloody boxes are the bane of my DIY life! :doh:

By shian7 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/shian7) at 2010-08-23

Ali Tait
23-08-2010, 18:43
Is it Dave's design?

23-08-2010, 18:44
Aye... :)

Ali Tait
23-08-2010, 18:45
D'oh! Just noticed you said it's a Swampy filter.I've used one for years.It's very good.

23-08-2010, 18:47
I've had the bits sitting around for ages but I'm off work for two weeks so I thought I'd start getting some stuff done. Built a AES/EBU cable today too...


Ali Tait
23-08-2010, 19:04
Cool.Done any more to the amp?

23-08-2010, 19:09
Not really... apart from using it for a change! :)

Ali Tait
23-08-2010, 19:14
Have you decided to keep the speakers then?

Reid Malenfant
23-08-2010, 19:17
Hi Mike, are those common mode filters (chokes) you are using? Just asking as i'd imagine that normally these would be displayed as two windings sharing a common core. From what i can see this might not be so..

Will probably work fine seeing as you are going to feed them unbalanced mains, hope it works out for you & benefits your setup :)

Gotta love DIY, stuff paying loadsamoney for something you can possibly make yourself for vastly less :eyebrows:

Keep up the good work!

23-08-2010, 20:59
Hi Mark,

This be them... http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=213-6707&x=29&y=11

24-08-2010, 07:25
Mike. Do you have a schematic? I assume those are X2 caps.

24-08-2010, 08:32
Yep, PM me with your email addy and I'll send you a PDF. All caps are X and Y class.

24-08-2010, 11:36
What Puffin said.
Schematics would be greatly appreciated ;)

Ali Tait
24-08-2010, 11:39
Worth doing chaps,works very well,and cheap to make.

24-08-2010, 12:34
What Puffin said.
Schematics would be greatly appreciated ;)

See post #12 :)

24-08-2010, 16:05
This sounds interesting.
So what sort of positive and/or negative affects can be expected from using this filter with say low power devices like DAC's, CD players and other stuff like that?

24-08-2010, 16:19
This sounds interesting.
So what sort of positive and/or negative affects can be expected from using this filter with say low power devices like DAC's, CD players and other stuff like that?

the main improvements that should be apparent if the mains filter has been designed correctly is a lack of grain, bigger, better and a more effortless soundstage etc,also it almost eliminates the need for one to only listen to your favourite music late at night when most mains supplies are cleaner due to less demand. the filter should also be able to reduce the amount of hash being dumped back into your clean mains supply by CD players and DACS, thats why its a good idea to either use more than one filter, or multiple seperate stages as used in the filters designed by Tube Distinctions for the AOS range of products.

Ali Tait
24-08-2010, 16:21
Well obviously the effect will vary depending on the quality of your existing mains,but I have always had beneficial effects wherever I have used it.I have found better soundstaging,a sweeter treble and a quieter noise floor.I've even found it improves most amps.

24-08-2010, 16:23
Also, this particular filter 'might' reduce dynamics a little with high powered amps. I'm building it mainly for use with source components, but I'll try it with my amp and report back.

Ali Tait
24-08-2010, 16:24
Mike,can you send me a copy please.I've lost mine.

24-08-2010, 16:24
And then again... it might not! :)

I've even found it improves most amps.

Ali Tait
24-08-2010, 16:24
Mike,can you send me a copy please.I've lost mine.

24-08-2010, 16:25
Mike,can you send me a copy please.I've lost mine.

On it's way in a moment! :)

Ali Tait
24-08-2010, 16:28
Thanks mate.I didn't find it better with all the amps I tried,sometimes just different.It did seem to help with all the SE amps I tried it with,thought not with the MF A370,so you are probably right in your assessment Mike.

Concerto Audio
25-08-2010, 12:47
Hi Guys
I listened using few of the mains filters in the market ( i do not want to name the brands) and what I found was it takes the dynamics away from the music especially when you connect the power amp to it.

I would appreciate if you could have a look on Isoclean Power website and comment on model T-3030G IV. It is a power Transformer without any active parts in it. Is it worth investing in that product. :scratch:

18-10-2010, 11:06
Finally got around to building this.
Thanks Mike for all the info :)
The main problem was finding a reasonably priced enclosure in which I could not only fit the project but also transfer the round 3 pin socket arrangement I had in my original power conditioning and distribution box.
I eventually fit it all into the largest option below with a bit of tinkering; mainly strengthening the enclosure sides to give adequate support for the socket use.

The filter has replaced the UPS and original conditioner I built and atm all seems well.
I don’t draw much more than 80 Watts max from the unit.
Thanks again Mike.