View Full Version : FS - THE CONDUCTOR STATIC DRAINING BRUSH with accessories.

27-01-2022, 12:28
Selling off my vinyl set up. Please see the attached explanation of how The Conductor works from Audioemotion’s website.

Looking for £45 delivered (£84.95 rrp).

Thorough static neutralization of records and cartridges is essential for two reasons:

To keep records from attracting airborne dirt and grit which are the enemy of record longevity; and
To improve sound because static charges on the LP, on the stylus itself, and on the cartridge body (if plastic or synthetic finished), audibly degrade the sound of the cartridge.
Standard record brushes, even ones labeled “anti-static”, almost certainly add static every time they are used to dust an LP. If it is an ordinary brush, the fibres rubbing on the vinyl create static. If it is “anti-static” (i.e. slightly conductive), it neatly conducts the static charge of the user’s body onto the record. Either way, the extra static attracts dust and, worse, degrades sound.

The only way to eliminate the static that inevitably builds up is to use a brush that is highly conductive and has ground wire to conduct the static charge from the brush directly to a grounded wall receptacle. “The Conductor” Record Brush is the only such record brush currently available. At the same time, it is the gentlest, least-likely-to-scratch brush too. Underlying this is unusual and rare technology: highly conductive stainless steel fibres only 1/6 the diameter of a human hair and therefore ultrasoft. The handle is grounded with a 2.5m lightweight ground wire that connects to your phonostage’s grounding post.

31-01-2022, 15:32
Now sold.