View Full Version : FS Beresford Caiman Seg DAC with headphone mod and Dorado Mk 2 PSU Enhancer - £185

26-01-2022, 17:56
Bought new April/May 2020, headphone output modded by Stan Beresford Aug 2021.

The headphone amp output was custom-tweaked by Stan B to enable me to listen LOUD (and amazingly clear) on my high impedance Sennheiser HD650s. The standard SEG output was very good, but this mod has put the SEG into a different league as a headphone amplifier. Last weekend I ran exhaustive tests to decide whether or not I could justify an upgrade to a Naim Uniti Atom HE on the grounds of sound quality. Same music, same volumes, swapping the cans between the two outputs many, many times. I expected to be able to immediately hear a big difference (the Atom costing about 8 TIMES MORE than the SEG)... but I didn't expect to be staggered by just how good the SEG sounded in comparison! Sure, eventually it became clear that the Atom had won the day but, as they say, 'it was a damned close-run thing'. Yes the Naim DAC was better; yes, the headphone sound and power was better. But not by that much: a true testament to whatever magic it is that Mr. B puts into his design. I almost decided to stick with my existing combo of Bluesound Node 2i/Caiman SEG, but upgradeitis finally had its way - hence the Node went a few days ago, and this SEG has to go too (I've nowhere I need to use it and the Boss has put her foot down).

I am a hi-fi and sound enthusiast and - although an audio producer for 30+ years - NOT an engineer. Fortunate to have inherited my pianist Mum's 'perfect pitch' ear, my tests are ENTIRELY subjective; I couldn't care less what technical gear might reveal about anything, it simply has to sound right. This SEG sparklingly improved my system when I bought it, and continues to punch way above its price range today. With 4x digital inputs and a superb headphone stage (not to mention its ability to function as a preamp for a bigger power or integrated beast - or powered speakers) it is wonderfully flexible. The SEG offers 4 different sound profiles (I settled on #3 along with many other SEG enthusiasts), adjustable on the fly, to suit whatever you want to put through it - Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify, CD/DVD/TV or whatever. And - importantly for some - dimmable/'offable' LEDs. The included Beresford Dorado Mk 2 PSU enhancer really adds further muscle, spaciousness and detail to the sound; I bought them together and am selling them 'as one' (the Dorado is usually a separate purchase).

Apart from a few specks of dust it is in mint condition (see pics) and from a smoke-free home. My price? £185 plus postage: I would courier it for about £8 (probably less if you wanted to risk Hermes) or collection in person for nowt!

NB I'm told that COVID-19 has put the kybosh on parts availability, and that this model is currently out of stock from Stan B. However it is most definitely available from me...

28-01-2022, 12:13
I heard this Dac when I was up in Nottingham last September (Malc is a friend and former colleague)
It really is a massive improvement over the standard one, and if I had known then he was going to sell it I'd have snapped his arm off!
Too late now as I only recently bought a standard Caiman, but if you're looking for a quality Dac at a very good price, consider this one!

01-02-2022, 09:53
Last shout, make it £175 (plus postage as above)...

21-02-2022, 10:23
Positively (honestly!) my last call for the SEG... £165 (+postage as in main post - it's actually approximately £10 with DHL). Anyone interested?

25-03-2022, 10:45
Now sold - many thanks for your interest.