View Full Version : Power amplifier for M.A gs20 or gr20!?

Rembrandt 1
23-01-2022, 20:04
What is the difference between the two speakers.How much worth it on second hand condition? I heard that this speakers is hungry power. What amplifier is the best for complete control.I listen various kinds of music from jazz, progrock, simphony.Diferent frequency of music, various types of dynamics.. Thanks for the answers and advice and support..

Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 7 koristeći Tapatalk

24-01-2022, 20:28
you want something pretty hefty with those speakers.

Buying used I'd say Bryston or Krell, something like that, or alternatively any contemporary class D amp with a hundred watts or more will manage them.

25-01-2022, 08:03
Actually I was just discussing these speakers with a friend. He's got a Roksan Caspian power amp and we were saying how good it would have been with his old GRs given the sound signature.

Pigmy Pony
25-01-2022, 15:46
you want something pretty hefty with those speakers.

Buying used I'd say Bryston or Krell, something like that, or alternatively any contemporary class D amp with a hundred watts or more will manage them.

Or a Musical Fidelity integrated. Ones from 10 years or so ago, built like tanks and plenty of welly. I got an A5 integrated last year, 250wpc, bags of current, cost me £550. Something like that would drive those MAs, piece of piss :)

Rembrandt 1
26-01-2022, 16:18
Currently i have Roksan Caspian mk2 amplifier..Im not satisfied with the sound,i feel something missing ..I listen music mostly from PC USB audio flac, stream,dab, Tidal.Rare cd player..I have Music Fidaledty DAC. Sometimes i listen Sony tape,Lenco turntable.. That is good amplifier, but not have amount of energy.I would say is quite polite. It's neutral, good stereo images.. Excellent high and midrange frequency, lots of dynamics and deatel..Best work with jazz,and simphony orchestral music..What amplifier you suggest,I think about Arcam a39,Primare i30, Music Fidaledty a3.2.What you think about combination preamp and amplifier.Tube , valve I've heard lots of suggestions.But in this hobby, more important is magic words SINERGY.But problem is lacks of bass and lows frequency.. for rock, reggae,..I got gr20 version,,tell me about upgrade whit quality subwoofer for my stereo system music only.Rel,Svs, maybe something other options.. I've got on amplifier preamp out ,i think used for active subwoofer.. Does it okay .. Tell me your opinion and experience.Thank for sharing your time ..

Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 7 koristeći Tapatalk

Rembrandt 1
26-01-2022, 16:56
Nad c372..

Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 7 koristeći Tapatalk

Pigmy Pony
26-01-2022, 17:55
Currently i have Roksan Caspian mk2 amplifier..Im not satisfied with the sound,i feel something missing ..I listen music mostly from PC USB audio flac, stream,dab, Tidal.Rare cd player..I have Music Fidaledty DAC. Sometimes i listen Sony tape,Lenco turntable.. That is good amplifier, but not have amount of energy.I would say is quite polite. It's neutral, good stereo images.. Excellent high and midrange frequency, lots of dynamics and deatel..Best work with jazz,and simphony orchestral music..What amplifier you suggest,I think about Arcam a39,Primare i30, Music Fidaledty a3.2.What you think about combination preamp and amplifier.Tube , valve I've heard lots of suggestions.But in this hobby, more important is magic words SINERGY.But problem is lacks of bass and lows frequency.. for rock, reggae,..I got gr20 version,,tell me about upgrade whit quality subwoofer for my stereo system music only.Rel,Svs, maybe something other options.. I've got on amplifier preamp out ,i think used for active subwoofer.. Does it okay .. Tell me your opinion and experience.Thank for sharing your time ..

Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 7 koristeći Tapatalk

I've heard it said that 2 cheaper subs will perform better than one expensive sub. I had been considering a couple of REL T9i's or similar for my set up, and haven't yet written off the idea.

My brother has a Musical Fidelity A3.2, had it from new, I'd highly recommend one.

26-01-2022, 18:00
digital dsp might help, but you'd need to trial it and see...

26-01-2022, 19:03
The Roksan K3 is worthy of an audition.

27-01-2022, 08:06
I have been using subwoofers for years, yet many feel that they are not to be taken seriously or do nothing to promote good sound. I have four which cost me very little secondhand. I use 2 and by adjusting the frequency cut-off and phasing of both you can get a holographic image which the main speakers alone cannot produce. Turn off the subs and everthing falls flat and subtle low frequency information is lost. You retain the sonic signature of the main speakers.