View Full Version : Rockna Audio now @ Coherent Systems

Mr. C
19-01-2022, 18:19
We are please to annouce that Rockna Audio is now on permanent demonstration here @ Coherent Systems. We have the Wavedream Net server, file based audio and cd memory player along with the rather good Wavelight R2R dac, coming soon the Wavedream dac which is truly special. Later in the years the matching wavelight server will joining the line up as well.

As you know it's very rarely I get excited about new products including the more esoteric equipment, so now and again a really surprising group of products appear, although Rockna have been around 23 years they are not so know as the a lot of the usual go to brands, well that will now change.

For those who are seeking a real musically involving sound with effortless presence and staure then do come along and listen for yourselves why these superb piece of audio stand out from the usual suspects, both dacs have the ability to produce a quite special NOS (non over sampling) sound or the option to use the Rockna's extremely well engineered internal oversampling system.

Rockna Audio Information (https://coherent-systems.co.uk/rockna-audio)

Coherent Systems customer feedback (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=coherent+systems#lrd=0x487668bff37d304f:0x7a56d5 71327653fc,1,,,)

Coherent Contact Information (https://coherent-systems.co.uk/contact-us)


20-01-2022, 14:55
great news . heard some rockna kit at bd audio .

Mr. C
20-01-2022, 15:37
Thank you Phil, its pretty special just measuring the Wavelight dac as we speak

Mr. C
22-06-2022, 17:19
Just to give you a heads up, anyone considering a Rockna product please note they will be a price increase from the 1st of July I have just been informed