View Full Version : WTD : Musical Fidelity integrated.

09-01-2022, 21:18
I am thinking of going up the range of Musical Fidelity integrated amplifiers as I have been really impressed with the MF A300 I have had for quite a few years.

Interested in the following amps (in increasing order of preference).

Nu Vista M3
Tri Vista 300

Also, it anyone has any insight into the various sounds of these amps I would be interested to hear what you think.

I think the A308 would be similar to the A300 but might be a little more clinical from what I have heard myself (brief listen) ir from what others owners have suggested.

11-01-2022, 23:03
Also we'll worth considering is the MF AMS 35i pure class A integrated amp. Don't let the 35 Watts per channel put you off, it has masses of current.
Good luck with your search.

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12-01-2022, 00:36
Have you still got yours Vince?

I tried the A308 last year after a long wait to find one at a fair price, and it wasn't as good as I hoped. Lots of grip and a nice full but controlled bass, but I thought it had some solid state grain which I've found myself to be quite sensitive to compared to most. I had no such issues with the TdP class A designs of old like the A1/00 and Studio T amps.

16-03-2022, 16:10
Finally tracked down an amp that would take me on the upgrade path.

A Musical Fidelity KW550.

I know there have been some less than favourable comments about this amp on here, but to my ears it sounds great.

Initially it was a bit 'forceful' in the upper mid-range, not bright, just an bit over-enthusiastic.

I couldn't use anything but the supplied power cable as it uses a large C19 IEC plug not the normal C13 kettle IEC.

I fitted a new connector to one of my Russ Andrews Powermax Plus cables and the improvement was not subtle, everything changed. The bass was less pronounced and much quicker, the m id-range was brought forward and the treble softened and made much more natural

Everything now sounds as it should, balanced and even but with huge drive (it should with over a possible 900watts into my 4 ohm Celestion A3's)

Waiting to play with some 6SL7GT valves to replace the Golden Dragons ones in the pre-amp stage, and will report back any findings or improvements.

Yet to try it with the Tannoy Eyris 2's