View Full Version : Are My Speakers Nearing Retirement?

31-12-2021, 16:32
I've had my B&W Dm 600s for over 25 years and apart from the usual wear and tear associated with that timescale they have served me well to the point that the idea of change fills me with horror.

Recently I have noticed that the woofer surrounds - which I guess is butyl rubber, has started to really distort although it remains pliable.

Could those with more experience in such things offer advice as to if this condition is terminal or nothing to worry about whilst they continue to work albeit less effieciently.

As I have got very familiar with how these speakers sound having owned them for half my life, I am also concerned that if the sound has gradually degraded then I haven't noticed it as I have little to compare the sound with.
I do have a set of 18 month old Adam Audio active monitors which sound fantastic but equally the listening position is completely different as are the source component(s).

If these old timers are too be replaced then I would also welcome advice as what I might try so I can plan ahead and save for this during 2022 if the year goes well; I'm not restricted to bookshelf or standmount speakers but the room isn't huge and when I've looked into floorstanders before they do need to be a fair distance from the wall which isn't practical at the present time.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51790603215_c38d3330f8_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2mUynYK)

Wakefield Turntables
31-12-2021, 17:31
My Tannoy's are approaching 60!

31-12-2021, 17:40
My speakers were designed 65 years ago, and I have had a pair in continuous use for the last 45 years. :)

If your B&W DM600s continue to sound OK, then despite the appearance of the roll surrounds I would't worry.

31-12-2021, 17:44
never seen surrounds go like that before. If they are still unbroken maybe it would not affect the sound? I don't know but it's not ideal.

So many possible replacements. What's your budget?

31-12-2021, 18:08
never seen surrounds go like that before

I have, but it's not common apart from on this model.

It may be possible to source suitable replacement surrounds and fit them. A lot of bother though and they have to be exactly the correct dimensions and profile.

As has been suggested, you could just carry on using them, but cone excursion may be compromised, won't break anything though.

31-12-2021, 18:09
ive seen that effect before. think its a bit of expansion over the years. i dont think it will affect sound as long as its not lost its flexability.

31-12-2021, 19:18
Thanks Gents; I'll carry on as normal using them with a view to replacing without urgency when I find something that suits.

.........So many possible replacements. What's your budget?

I'd guess around £500 or so for new speakers of a similar kind would possibly be realistic?

I've had a very brief look at B&W 607 S2 or Rega Kyte as outline ideas regarding style & size but not in any great depth.
I suppose with my 600s being made in England that would be the preference for the successors, but equally this isn't the early 1990's and a lot has changed since then both in terms of what we make here and the quality that overseas manufacturers can supply; I'll refer back to the case of my Adam Audio monitors, as a German design made in China which I think are fantastic.

31-12-2021, 20:10
i have 2 pairs of the 607 s2 anniversary . they are pretty good but they are much smaller than yours and i think you would not be satisfied with them . they are great quality even though made in china

i also demoed the 606s2 recently against amphion argon 1 . afraid to say the amphion were streets ahead in terms of smoothness and sheer enjoyment . dont get me wrong the 606 are good for 600 quid but at 1200 quid the amphion were way better . I am currently using some 3s which are good , in fact they are VERY VERY good and would easily exceed the performance of yours . sadly they are around 1400 s/h

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51758037732_8d7e3ccd66_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2mRFtoU)P1070805 (https://flic.kr/p/2mRFtoU) by [/url], on Flickr

for a budget of around 500 i would be looking at these too

[url]https://alchrisaudio.co.uk/product/ar-2/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/158267783@N02/)

31-12-2021, 20:12
amphion 3 s
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51749181688_4bc5c04de6_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2mQU5Nu)P1070794 (https://flic.kr/p/2mQU5Nu) by [/url], on Flickr

extremely good standmounts ... at daventry show the argon 1 excelled themselves

https://pinkfishmedia.net/forum/threads/amphion-argon-3s.260254/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/158267783@N02/)

these are my 607s2 but i dont think they would be good enough for you really . i use them in a second system though

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50691312587_c74a1c27d4_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2keqeb4)P1070348 (https://flic.kr/p/2keqeb4) by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/158267783@N02/], on Flickr

31-12-2021, 22:28
Thanks Gents; I'll carry on as normal using them with a view to replacing without urgency when I find something that suits.

I'd guess around £500 or so for new speakers of a similar kind would possibly be realistic?

I've had a very brief look at B&W 607 S2 or Rega Kyte as outline ideas regarding style & size but not in any great depth.
I suppose with my 600s being made in England that would be the preference for the successors, but equally this isn't the early 1990's and a lot has changed since then both in terms of what we make here and the quality that overseas manufacturers can supply; I'll refer back to the case of my Adam Audio monitors, as a German design made in China which I think are fantastic.

Modern B&W don't have the same balance as those 1980s ones, but you've got a lot of choice these days for £500.

31-12-2021, 23:26
Check out the Wharfedale range, similar balance to your B&Ws from memory.

01-01-2022, 11:28
Thanks again for all the replies Gents :)

i have 2 pairs of the 607 s2 anniversary . they are pretty good but they are much smaller than yours and i think you would not be satisfied with them . they are great quality even though made in china

i also demoed the 606s2 recently against amphion argon 1 . afraid to say the amphion were streets ahead in terms of smoothness and sheer enjoyment . dont get me wrong the 606 are good for 600 quid but at 1200 quid the amphion were way better . I am currently using some 3s which are good , in fact they are VERY VERY good and would easily exceed the performance of yours . sadly they are around 1400 s/h

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51758037732_8d7e3ccd66_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2mRFtoU)P1070805 (https://flic.kr/p/2mRFtoU) by [/url], on Flickr

for a budget of around 500 i would be looking at these too

[url]https://alchrisaudio.co.uk/product/ar-2/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/158267783@N02/)

Thanks for the reply Phil... those Alchris AR-2 speakers look good but the AR-4 or even 6's are not that much more money as I'd be looking for the next set of speakers to ideally last up to another 25 years so pound per year value would be good :eyebrows:

Check out the Wharfedale range, similar balance to your B&Ws from memory.

Thanks John, Wharfedales do seem to get good reviews whenever I have seen information about them; pretty sure I sorted out some little Wharfedales for my dad when we upgraded his system to separates a few years back - small with a big sound.

04-01-2022, 09:38
I've seen this before with some Wharfedales of a similar vintage. I think one was kept near a radiator for years and this was the result. Strong sunlight could also have a similar effect.

I don't think it would make much if any audible difference. Professional measuring equipment may be able to pick up a difference but if you can't hear it then don't worry about it. If you have OCD about hifi (as many of us do!) then maybe you can't live with it as it's a distraction but if not just carry on enjoying them!

Patrick Dixon
04-01-2022, 11:29
You could phone B&W and see if they can supply replacement parts.

04-01-2022, 20:52
I've seen this before with some Wharfedales of a similar vintage. I think one was kept near a radiator for years and this was the result. Strong sunlight could also have a similar effect.

I don't think it would make much if any audible difference. Professional measuring equipment may be able to pick up a difference but if you can't hear it then don't worry about it. If you have OCD about hifi (as many of us do!) then maybe you can't live with it as it's a distraction but if not just carry on enjoying them!

Thanks Lawrence - they've always been away from heat and I am obsessive about avoiding direct sunlight but I guess it is age.
The OCD does get me sometimes but I generally keep the grilles in place to avoid that ;)

You could phone B&W and see if they can supply replacement parts.

Because of their age I hadn't considered that but I guess dropping an email enquiry to B&W is worth a punt - Thanks Patrick :)

Pigmy Pony
05-01-2022, 21:42
Have you seen these on Ebay Christopher? They have the same issues with the bass units, and there is another pair for sale too , similar. Must be a thing.


06-01-2022, 20:51
Have you seen these on Ebay Christopher? They have the same issues with the bass units, and there is another pair for sale too , similar. Must be a thing.


Hello Steve,

I hadn't seen them and didn't really look at ebay for the version I had, only for newer versions as potential replacements.
As you say - seems like every pair has the same issue so would appear to be a typical and common age related issue.

Mine still bring a smile to my face when I hear them so I'll continue to enjoy them for a while yet with a view to replacing without urgency.

Many Thanks for the reply :)