View Full Version : Which is your favourite Pink Floyd album?

28-11-2021, 14:02
Just a bit of fun. Studio albums only. All vote now.

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)
A Saucerful of Secrets (1968)
More (1969)
Ummagumma (1969)
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
Meddle (1971)
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
Wish You Were Here (1975)
Animals (1977)
The Wall (1979)
The Final Cut (1983)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987)
The Division Bell (1994)
The Endless River (2014)

28-11-2021, 14:42
Voted :)

28-11-2021, 15:15
I voted for 'Atom Heart Mother', though I like them all up to, and including, 'Animals'.

After Roger Waters left the group, IMO Pink Floyd quickly went downhill. :sofa:

28-11-2021, 15:32
Dark Side off to an early lead...

28-11-2021, 16:00
I voted TDSOTM But I actually like them all, they all have merit in there own way IMHO. Although Dark Side is a bit of a stand out along with Meddle and WYWH being close runners up for me.

28-11-2021, 16:40
for me it was a toss up between Animals and The Final Cut. I like Waters era better, of the early stuff Obscured By Clouds is my favourite.

I like all the later albums except Division Bell and Endless River. Momentary Lapse only has maybe two or three decent tunes I still give it a pass. The cod opera stuff on The Wall puts me off listening to it so falls down for me there even though there's some classic tunes on it.

Dark Side and WYWH I rank about equal but DSOTM does have 'Money' so wins on points.

Animals just has a feel of that time and place, I don't know how they managed to encode that in the music but they did.

28-11-2021, 16:53
Not sure I've ever knowingly listened to anything after 'wish you were here'... By then the golden age of rock as I thought of it had largely evaporated...

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Pigmy Pony
28-11-2021, 16:55
WYWH for me. I almost voted Meddle, but thinking about it I mostly only play the Echoes side. whereas all of Wish You.. gets played.

Pigmy Pony
28-11-2021, 16:58
Just a bit of fun. Studio albums only. All vote now.

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)
A Saucerful of Secrets (1968)
More (1969)
Ummagumma (1969)
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
Meddle (1971)
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
Wish You Were Here (1975)
Animals (1977)
The Wall (1979)
The Final Cut (1983)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987)
The Division Bell (1994)
The Endless River (2014)

Where's Relics? :D On a sound per pound basis it has to be up there

28-11-2021, 17:01
its a compilation. probably why... its one of my favs of its day

28-11-2021, 17:43
As I only have DSOTM it must be my favourite

28-11-2021, 18:43
As I only have DSOTM it must be my favourite

yes, imo its their most interesting album and very much a one of.. the wall is also up there as an event type album. it is different but gives just as evocative feelings. relics was probably their most innovative album, even if its not a studio album per say.
the rest are all also rans to this old psychedelic fool. but the blues is still where its at:ner:

29-11-2021, 09:38
Almost an impossible task as it is often mood dependent. For me:

TDSOTM: best overall package of music / lyrics / mix / production
WYWH: Floyd's musical high point?
The Wall: Conceptually, Floyd's / Waters' high point? (Notwithstanding one or two weaker songs)
Animals: The sheer brutality and visceral anger

Some great material on other albums but they don't quite get there as a "whole".