View Full Version : Another vinyl accessory, stylus timer

19-09-2021, 19:29
A timer for tracking the stylus use.


Ammonite Audio
20-09-2021, 05:23
Alternatively, for much less than £10 on Amazon/eBay I recommend a simple click counter - hit the lever for each side played and you can then calculate cumulative playing time with accuracy as close as you'll ever need. Use more than one cartridge? No problem, just buy more than one clicker, and label them for each cartridge.

20-09-2021, 11:39
Pah! The Garrard Zero 100S used to have one built in!

20-09-2021, 14:42
The stylus of a cartridge that has been properly installed and set up should last 1000 hours before replacement. To err on the side of caution, especially if the stylus has an exotic profile, assume 500 hours.

One side of an LP plays for 20 minutes, or 1/3 hour, so you do the maths.

(Those working in the quality control suites of record manufactures and listening via headphones, have reported degradation in sound quality after 100 hours with stylii using grain orientated diamonds.)

20-09-2021, 15:17
I guess the biggest sign
Of a cartridge needing replacing
Is the sound degrades but i just
Thought it was a fun find.
I never knew such things were made
My turntable is just a trio kd3310
With a budget AT cartridge so
Not worth me buying as my cartridge is
Not much more expensive.
I still have my 7" inch singles
That i bought as a kid and all my vinyl
Albums and none are of the kind
Of quality that would benefit from
Anything better.

20-09-2021, 15:33
Colton used to make a stylus 'timer' that was activated by the cartridge magnet as the arm was moved from the rest to the edge of the record. It was a primitive affair, and only counted the number of times a record was played: thus was ignorant of whether a 7", 10" or 12" record was being played or just a single track.

20-09-2021, 16:39
I use an app on my android phone called Swipetimes.


Total runtime

Current running time
