View Full Version : Rogue Audio Sphinx Experiences?

28-08-2021, 09:46
I’m curious about trying a Rogue Audio Sphinx and was wondering if anyone has had any experience of them and what their thoughts are?

Currently using a Tisbury Passive Pre into a Quad 909 with my XTZ 99.38 speakers.
Wanted to simplify cables everywhere etc so the built in Phono Stage would mean in only need to add my RPi / Allo Boss streamer.

I’m intrigued with Valve Pre / Class D output stage of the Sphinx and can get a used V2 for what I think is a decent price.

28-08-2021, 09:57
The V3 isn't up to much on paper. High noise, high distortion, high crosstalk, rolled off at both frequency extremes and doesn't like low impedance loads https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/rogue-audio-sphinx-v3-review-tube-amplifier.24591/

28-08-2021, 10:16
Ianlenco had a mkII a few years back and which a number of us heard at a meet at his house and were impressed with it playing through his Jordans - hopefully he will chime in with his impressions.

28-08-2021, 10:36
Yep, the Sphinx is a very good amp. Powerful and sweet sounding. One of those amps I wonder if I should have kept mine.

28-08-2021, 15:10

29-08-2021, 08:53
Thanks all, seems mostly positive