View Full Version : Using the Pre-Outs

12-06-2021, 13:41
Probably been asked 100s of times, but why would you use the Pre-Outs on an integrated amp?

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12-06-2021, 13:58
If you wished to use a different power amp. Either better, bigger or even mono blocks.
I used to do it myself. I found it better in that situation. Using mono blocks allowed me to situate them by speakers, reducing speaker cable uneven runs. Also as mono blocks had passive volume controls it allowed me to easily adjust levels from speakers as they were an uneven distance away from my position.

12-06-2021, 14:01
Also handy if one acquires a pair of active speakers. Straight in from the pre outs.

Some integrated amplifiers, like several Arcams, have the facility of a power in. Essentially both pre and power stages can be separated.

12-06-2021, 15:09
Many thanks for the info

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