View Full Version : Pioneer PL-90 record deck wanted

07-06-2021, 19:38
I'm looking for a Pioneer PL-90 record deck if anyone has one to sell. Please PM me if you can help, thanks.

11-06-2021, 07:37
Does anyone own or know of the existence of a PL-90?! They are rare.

11-06-2021, 19:13
seen one sell last year at auction in liverpool , made a grand plus fees of 25% , https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303560542125?hash=item46ad9e47ad:g:~q0AAOSwY4Nesq~ X

this is the nearest to it in this country at this moment , the smaller version , it has been on ebay for quite a while

12-06-2021, 06:37
Thanks Peter for the info and the link. Doing a bit of homework on the Pl-5L, and indeed the Pl range, that Pl-5L is ridiculously over priced. But anyway, it's a model to consider. Cheers.

12-06-2021, 22:44
there is a 7L , that is the same as the 90 , but one was for japan and the other usa, the last 90 i saw was in russia, on eBay ,


13-06-2021, 07:45
Thanks again Peter, yes I've gleaned that as I've done more research. So a 7L would also be of interest to me. But I'm not too interested in shipping from overseas or 110v versions unless they come at an attractive price. Thanks again.

13-06-2021, 10:47
My current deck, as has been the case for a few decades is a Garrard 401 with SME mk2. Perhaps I shouldn't be looking at the Pioneer?! It's just that I've got a complete Pioneer set up from that era (AD-91 amp, F-93 tuner, PD-91 CD, CT-93 cassette deck etc) and the deck would provide the finishing touch to a vintage, in its day reference standard setup.

22-06-2021, 10:25
Does anyone own or know of the existence of a PL-90?! They are rare.

Hi, I own a PL-90 Pioneer Reference turntable best turntable I have ever owned. Took me 3 years to find and then I had to import it from Canada, unfortunately it is not for sale as it is my last one I will ever buy, but if there anything you want to know please let me know.
Your system is very similar to my recent system for pics see my gallery.

22-06-2021, 12:16
Paul, thanks for the info and offer, appreciated.