View Full Version : Anotherone bites the dust....... 8-(

Wakefield Turntables
30-05-2021, 21:42

Sad news. :(

My SR7 is still powering my 1210.

01-06-2021, 06:50
Sad news indeed. I rate Paul very highly as a person and a designer.

01-06-2021, 11:05
Jeez, that's a nightmare... I was chatting with him only at Xmas and he was talking about becoming more active again on the forum with new projects, so something drastic must have happened - perhaps Covid related?:(


01-06-2021, 18:17
Cost of getting stuff from the Far East are now horrendous. If you ship by sea you might have to wait for 3 to 6 months. Ship by air, and be prepared to pay around £700 to £1000 for a 60KG shipment.
Some factories have folded, meaning that trustworthy contacts might have also lost their job.

05-06-2021, 15:06
That's a shame. Been a strange year and a half for many businesses.

How are you getting on with it all Stan?

06-06-2021, 21:33
Just digging in and living off the fat of the land. I am in a better position than many small businesses due to the way I set up my company, and orders from loyal forum members.
But eBay has shot me in the foot with my foreign listings. It now costs me 30% of the selling price if I list an item on a foreign ebay site. I reckon that many other UK sellers would be in the same position, which now make sit just uneconomical to list my stuff in the US and Canada. And forget about the EU! After paying HMRC 20% VAT, EU buyers get hit by another 20 to 25% VAT if they buy from a UK seller via ebay.
I am evaluating what to do next though, and how I can expand my range.