View Full Version : Power amp suggestions

Johnny nocash
08-04-2021, 18:34
Evening folks. Due to a change of circumstances I'm going to be selling my Graaf GM20 monoblocks.
I'm looking at the various options to replace them.
My pre is a SJS Arcadia 2 & my speakers Living Voice OBX-RW's so massive power not required.
I'm looking at the 2nd hand market with an approx budget of £2K but the less the better of course.
Probably looking at solid state. Valves not ruled out but I'd want lowish heat & self/easy biaising.
Any thoughts?

08-04-2021, 21:50
I too have LV speakers. At present I have a WD valve amp driving them...excellent. But I also find a DADA-modded Quad 306 to be excellent too!

If I wanted an integrated amp I'd be looking at the new Exposure 2510.


08-04-2021, 22:58
There are some Canary 300b monos at Emporium for under 2k atm
Kevin has had Canary for a number of years.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Johnny nocash
08-04-2021, 23:23
There are some Canary 300b monos at Emporium for under 2k atm
Kevin has had Canary for a number of years.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Thanks Simon, hope you're well my friend.
I assume that as the creator of my pre ..... they would be a good match then?
I did buy an early canary integrated (608 I think) from Kevin many years ago.... Built like a tank, bloody enormous

09-04-2021, 08:06
Strong recommend for a Meridian 557.
Enough clean current and grunt to power a small town, 1.6KVa transformer, dual mono circuit, delivers over 30 amps.

Meridian Data-sheet:

Pick up one for well under your budget, add another £800 or so for full service and recap by ex Meridian engineer still working on them and you’ve an amp for life.
Love mine, subterranean power, absolutely neutral and wide open sounding.
Will pick up a second at some point and biamp.
New speakers first though.

Its a beast, and as good as majority of folks would need imo.
Drives anything even down to 2 ohms.

Alan Sircom’s great review from back in the day.

09-04-2021, 12:12
Being a Meridian fan myself I agree with Gary - although if you get the chance to pick up a 2nd user G57 for under £2k go for it.

09-04-2021, 12:26
Quad 909 is no slouch. Oodles of velvety power for the money!

09-04-2021, 13:01
Thanks Simon, hope you're well my friend.
I assume that as the creator of my pre ..... they would be a good match then?
I did buy an early canary integrated (608 I think) from Kevin many years ago.... Built like a tank, bloody enormous

Emporium also have a Canary CA301 mk2 which also be a good match but with more power, if a little over budget

As Kevin has had Canary amps for some years I would expect them to be a good match with your LV speakers and I know the preamp should be fine with them.

As for SS I would probably suggest Sugden. There are a couple of power amps on eBay atm and a few customers hare happy with their SJS / Sugden combinations

09-04-2021, 13:01
Neurochrome 286 build (as you don't need the power of the 686). Could easily be done for under 2k.

Having said that, if you get the gain structure correct with the pre-amp etc, a high power amplifier into sensitive speakers can be spectacularly dynamic. Although my 686 into 112db is beyond overkill to be honest!

10-04-2021, 09:33
Quad Artera Stereo and money left over. Great sound, great build, drives anything and proper backup if ever needed.

10-04-2021, 10:01
NAD C320BEE - just use the power amp section with your existing pre-amp. Petty much all of the budget left over :D

Johnny nocash
10-04-2021, 12:14
Thanks or all the contributions so far folks, much appreciated.
To narrow the field a touch I've decided to go solid state. I feel this along with the Arcadia valve pre will give me what I want��
I don't need loads of power with the LV's but I did prefer them with the extra juice of the Graafs when I replaced a border Patrol amp.

Unfortunately a lot of SS amps that provide class A, AB are bloody enormous & very difficult to physically accommodate in my set up.
Weirdly though, I could fit a couple of 'regular sized' monoblocks which would hopefully give me approx 30-50W per channel