View Full Version : You can't bring it all with you.

05-04-2021, 21:50
;t bother getting a pension, you won't nee d it, I'm convinced our genes or something other than our conscious minds is aware of our future.

06-04-2021, 08:11
Have a few yesterday evening? Bit of the old 'deep thought juice'?


Pigmy Pony
06-04-2021, 08:58
;t bother getting a pension, you won't nee d it, I'm convinced our genes or something other than our conscious minds is aware of our future.

No conscious minds present at the time of writing :D

06-04-2021, 20:50
Going stir crazy in lockdown. No more booze for me.

07-04-2021, 16:56
A lot of Us have been in that dark place or close to it my Friend,
7 months lockdown for me, almost ended up spraypainting the patterns going on inside my head on the lounge wall...

Too easy a place to get back to If we're not careful.

this too shall pass. :)

07-04-2021, 17:24
an interesting study, if not peer reviewed... sounds pretty close to truth tho

Drunk Talk Isn’t Just Nonsense, According to Study
Written by
Nikki Seay

They say the truth comes out when you’re drunk.

As it turns out, published research proves that statement is surprisingly accurate. When drinking alcohol, the tongue is freed up to say exactly what is in a person’s heart. As blood alcohol levels continue to climb, the responses become increasingly primitive and hostile. In the past, it’s been easy to blame drunk and disturbing behaviors on alcohol, but that’s not cutting it anymore.

Simply put, researchers were able to show that alcohol consumption does not prevent self-control—it just makes people care less about the consequences.
A Peek Inside the Addicted Brain

Over thousands of years, the human brain has continually evolved and adapted. Under normal circumstances, the brain’s neocortex is responsible for evaluating circumstances and making sound decisions. In the presence of alcohol, however, this feature no longer functions properly. The resulting intoxication causes serious and often disturbing behavioral changes.

Researchers from the University of Missouri College of Arts and Sciences took 67 test subjects and divided them into three proportionate groups. The study participants were blindfolded and asked to drink one of three separate beverages: regular soft drinks, placebo beverages, or vodka-tonics.

Turns out drunk people know they’re making alcohol-induced mistakes, they just don’t care as much.

After downing the designated beverages, participants were asked to complete error recognition tasks on a computer. Turns out drunk people know they’re making alcohol-induced mistakes, they just don’t care as much.
Is Alcohol Some Kind of Truth Serum?

Alcohol stifles reasoning skills and contemplating repercussions. As a result, people are more likely to tell the truth while intoxicated, offering up brutally honest, unfiltered opinions. And without the fear of consequences, alcohol can give people the courage to do or say things they ordinarily wouldn’t entertain.
Unexpected Help in the Form of Shame

Like it or not, people are held accountable for what they say…drunk or sober.

One of the worst things about getting drunk is waking up the next morning with no memory of the night’s events. Instead, other people are forced to fill in the blanks and explain how hours of non-stop “brutal honesty” has likely damaged a few friendships beyond repair. Like it or not, people are held accountable for what they say…drunk or sober.

Though it’s hard to see, there is a silver lining in this scenario. For many alcohol-dependent people, an old-fashioned public meltdown is enough to create a “rock bottom.” The resulting humiliation can provide an extra push, encouraging alcoholics to ask for help and seek professional treatment.

Pigmy Pony
07-04-2021, 20:03
Going stir crazy in lockdown. No more booze for me.

Just need to hang in there a little bit longer Mike, I'm confident things will start to get better. And as soon as humanly (and legally) possible, get out and about in your van. Don't know your family/friends circumstances, but if you find yourself oop north at any point there's a welcome for you here. We might even cook you something :) but don't let that put you off

08-04-2021, 14:23
an interesting study, if not peer reviewed... sounds pretty close to truth tho

Drunk Talk Isn’t Just Nonsense, According to Study
Written by
Nikki Seay

They say the truth comes out when you’re drunk.

As it turns out, published research proves that statement is surprisingly accurate. When drinking alcohol, the tongue is freed up to say exactly what is in a person’s heart. As blood alcohol levels continue to climb, the responses become increasingly primitive and hostile. In the past, it’s been easy to blame drunk and disturbing behaviors on alcohol, but that’s not cutting it anymore.

Simply put, researchers were able to show that alcohol consumption does not prevent self-control—it just makes people care less about the consequences.
A Peek Inside the Addicted Brain

Over thousands of years, the human brain has continually evolved and adapted. Under normal circumstances, the brain’s neocortex is responsible for evaluating circumstances and making sound decisions. In the presence of alcohol, however, this feature no longer functions properly. The resulting intoxication causes serious and often disturbing behavioral changes.

Researchers from the University of Missouri College of Arts and Sciences took 67 test subjects and divided them into three proportionate groups. The study participants were blindfolded and asked to drink one of three separate beverages: regular soft drinks, placebo beverages, or vodka-tonics.

Turns out drunk people know they’re making alcohol-induced mistakes, they just don’t care as much.

After downing the designated beverages, participants were asked to complete error recognition tasks on a computer. Turns out drunk people know they’re making alcohol-induced mistakes, they just don’t care as much.
Is Alcohol Some Kind of Truth Serum?

Alcohol stifles reasoning skills and contemplating repercussions. As a result, people are more likely to tell the truth while intoxicated, offering up brutally honest, unfiltered opinions. And without the fear of consequences, alcohol can give people the courage to do or say things they ordinarily wouldn’t entertain.
Unexpected Help in the Form of Shame

Like it or not, people are held accountable for what they say…drunk or sober.

One of the worst things about getting drunk is waking up the next morning with no memory of the night’s events. Instead, other people are forced to fill in the blanks and explain how hours of non-stop “brutal honesty” has likely damaged a few friendships beyond repair. Like it or not, people are held accountable for what they say…drunk or sober.

Though it’s hard to see, there is a silver lining in this scenario. For many alcohol-dependent people, an old-fashioned public meltdown is enough to create a “rock bottom.” The resulting humiliation can provide an extra push, encouraging alcoholics to ask for help and seek professional treatment.

I cannot tell a lie............................................... ..............................It was Grant..:comatose:

08-04-2021, 14:27
A lot of Us have been in that dark place or close to it my Friend,
7 months lockdown for me, almost ended up spraypainting the patterns going on inside my head on the lounge wall...

Too easy a place to get back to If we're not careful.

this too shall pass. :)

I think we should have another year of full 100% lockdown...bring it on...I'm saving a fortune......

08-04-2021, 21:26
Just need to hang in there a little bit longer Mike, I'm confident things will start to get better. And as soon as humanly (and legally) possible, get out and about in your van. Don't know your family/friends circumstances, but if you find yourself oop north at any point there's a welcome for you here. We might even cook you something :) but don't let that put you off

Cheers Steve, I'll bring a bottle or two.:lol:

Pigmy Pony
09-04-2021, 05:25
Cheers Steve, I'll bring a bottle or two.:lol:

:D That's the spirit! Forgive the pun.

09-04-2021, 09:44
Golden rule: if your head's in a bad place, or you've consumed a few 'stimulants', of any description, stay away from a keyboard...;)

Mikey, I hope things get better soon mate, for you and everyone!:cool:


09-04-2021, 09:49
A lot of Us have been in that dark place or close to it my Friend,
7 months lockdown for me, almost ended up spraypainting the patterns going on inside my head on the lounge wall...

Too easy a place to get back to If we're not careful.

this too shall pass. :)

Cheers Gary, I look forward to monday when I sit in a pub garden drinking beer in the rain:lol:

10-04-2021, 20:53
Me too Sir!
not long now :)

Cheers Gary, I look forward to monday when I sit in a pub garden drinking beer in the rain:lol:

10-04-2021, 20:55
Golden rule: if your head's in a bad place, or you've consumed a few 'stimulants', of any description, stay away from a keyboard...;)

Mikey, I hope things get better soon mate, for you and everyone!:cool:


Good advice.

Don’t drink and Dial! :eek:
(Speaking strictly as someone who’s never done that..)


13-04-2021, 22:05
Well, monday was yesterday, took a walk into town, I was confused as many more people were on the streets than to what I've been used to for the last 3 months, I got a headache and went home. Now I'm getting pissed against doctors orders. I find I;m moody lately. I look like one of those - easily irked - on the edge - middle aged blokes I used to laugh at as young man, hahahahahhahahaha.

14-04-2021, 07:43
Well, monday was yesterday...

An astute observation, if today was Tuesday. However, as it's Wednesday, I have it on good authority that Tuesday was yesterday., and that tomorrow will be Thursday. I'm also having a croissant for breakfast. Feel free to do what you will with that information;)


14-04-2021, 08:08
Croissant you say [emoji848]


Pigmy Pony
14-04-2021, 16:09
An astute observation, if today was Tuesday. However, as it's Wednesday, I have it on good authority that Tuesday was yesterday., and that tomorrow will be Thursday. I'm also having cornflakes for breakfast. Feel free to do what you will with that information;)


Like a real man! None of this hoity toity empty pastys, given a French name to make them sound special :)

14-04-2021, 16:29
'well oh lah dee da mister Frenchman'


15-04-2021, 10:44
Ahhh, but have you had racist cheese?


Wens(leydale) this (E)dam nonsense going to stop? You'd have to Brie mad to Stil(ton) be listening to this woman (Cheese)spreading her anti-Dairy(lea) daftness. I Cam(embert) hardly believe it. We've surely had our Phil(edelphia) of this rubbish. Now, I Gouda go and read something else as I'm Feta up with narrow-minded views. She must be completely (Em)mental. Maybe if she wore a Marsc(apone) she wouldn't see the racism in cheese. If she spoke more Caerphilly then perhaps she wouldn't wind everyone up.

Cheddar. (Couldn't blend that into the conversation, but it's worth saying anyway).

15-04-2021, 10:56
very good rob... Che Guevara maybe??

15-04-2021, 10:58
Hard to tie him to cheese and Extinction Rebellion. :lol:

15-04-2021, 11:02
What we need is for someone to show that being a complete moron is racist and then these people would have to ban themselves.

15-04-2021, 11:07
That paradox may well bring about the end of the universe.

15-04-2021, 12:49
I'm sure you can guess what I'd say to anybody spouting that rubbish to me. :guns:

15-04-2021, 16:17
'well oh lah dee da mister Frenchman'


I have you on a minor technicality.
Croissants originally came from Austria...

15-04-2021, 16:33
I never knew that.

15-04-2021, 16:38
and the croissant is a descenant of the Rugelach originally from poland:ner:

15-04-2021, 16:46
I thought it was the Kipferl which is similar to the rugelach? (Thanks Wiki).

15-04-2021, 16:49
I thought it was the Kipferl which is similar to the rugelach? (Thanks Wiki).

well, both were well before true records were kept, and both before croissants. but i think rugelach is maybe the best known of 2.
one of my polish neighbours used to make them actually

30-04-2021, 20:35
Thinking of hedging a tv programme to the BBC, about what happens to your stuff after you croak it. It might have the word 'wars' in it.

Pigmy Pony
30-04-2021, 21:04
Thinking of hedging a tv programme to the BBC, about what happens to your stuff after you croak it. It might have the word 'wars' in it.

Is it predictive text or something Mike, I'm not understanding what this means.

30-04-2021, 21:21
Is it predictive text or something Mike, I'm not understanding what this means.

Oh sorry, it means hiding in a hedge until a BBC exec walks by and then kidnapping him/her, and brain washing them to air your programme!

30-04-2021, 21:24
How do you think those ugly nerdy guys end up with hot girlfriends, that's right, hedging.

01-05-2021, 06:52
How do you think those ugly nerdy guys end up with hot girlfriends, that's right, hedging.

I thought it was because they were obscenely wealthy?

01-05-2021, 12:22
Oh sorry, it means hiding in a hedge until a BBC exec walks by and then kidnapping him/her, and brain washing them to air your programme!

It would need to be pro-BAME, pro-LBGTQ, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-government, anti-British and anti-Patriotic to get a chance of air on the BBC.

Pigmy Pony
01-05-2021, 14:15
With the holiday season approaching, I'm looking forward to the Beeb's upcoming 12-part series: A Place in the Sun for my One-legged Gay Single Parent of Colour Partner and Me with our 15 Adopted Kids. Bound to be a hit!

01-05-2021, 14:20
With the holiday season approaching, I'm looking forward to the Beeb's upcoming 12-part series: A Place in the Sun for my One-legged Gay Single Parent of Colour Partner and Me with our 15 Adopted Kids. Bound to be a hit!


F**kin' priceless! :D

Obviously it's sponsored by the Grenfell Tower Victims' Go Fund Me Page.

01-05-2021, 15:37
I might say I'm a transwoman, who is also a lesbian, aka straight guy, that should swing it.

01-05-2021, 16:53
I'll do anything frankly. T'is a result of getting nothing for the last 13 years. :D

Sadly Norfolk ain't the county for attractive people. :lol: I obviously include myself in that.

The "completely and utterly worn out with life" look does little for attracting short term fun. :lol:

https://i.ibb.co/cTdL01H/2-EB02-A27-E00-A-4-DCF-9-DD8-D00-C57-D27-D8-C.jpg (https://ibb.co/Lpf5m8W)

Pigmy Pony
02-05-2021, 06:54
I might say I'm a transwoman, who is also a lesbian, aka straight guy, that should swing it.

Don't forget you must look the part Mike, the devil is in the detail as they say. Dungarees and a pair of monkey boots should suffice. And a boyish haircut

08-05-2021, 12:36
I'll do anything frankly. T'is a result of getting nothing for the last 13 years. :D

Sadly Norfolk ain't the county for attractive people. :lol: I obviously include myself in that.

The "completely and utterly worn out with life" look does little for attracting short term fun. :lol:

https://i.ibb.co/cTdL01H/2-EB02-A27-E00-A-4-DCF-9-DD8-D00-C57-D27-D8-C.jpg (https://ibb.co/Lpf5m8W)

I think you look fine, mate, although the grey hair's coming along nicely!:D

Maybe lose the 'bum fluff', posing as a beard lol, and go clean shaven - unless you're particularly attached to it? For me, beards, especially grey ones (or those going grey), add years onto folk:)


08-05-2021, 12:41
I might say I'm a transwoman, who is also a lesbian, **aka straight guy**, that should swing it.

Well, the parties could be fun. You'd probably be very welcome at the (men 'actively discouraged') sleepovers my wife holds and also attends, as long as the latter (highlighted above) only applies on a bad day..;)


08-05-2021, 13:49
I think you look fine, mate, although the grey hair's coming along nicely!:D

Maybe lose the 'bum fluff', posing as a beard lol, and go clean shaven - unless you're particularly attached to it? For me, beards, especially grey ones (or those going grey), add years onto folk:)


Nah, too much effort. A trim once a week is all I can be bothered with, besides which it helps to hide my mug. :D

It's actually quite thick but the colour varies wildly. Blond to dark brown with grey too. Just like my cat Chip. :)

08-05-2021, 14:05
Lol - no worries. I'm just predisposed to disliking beards, as IMHO 90% of the male species don't suit them, including me!:D

Plus, Del hates 'rough man things' scratching her soft, smooth lady bits:eek::eyebrows:


08-05-2021, 14:25
Nah, too much effort. A trim once a week is all I can be bothered with, besides which it helps to hide my mug. :D

It's actually quite thick but the colour varies wildly. Blond to dark brown with grey too. Just like my cat Chip. :)

i enjoy wet shaving.. its a relaxing thing to do. just use a proper razor and a really sharp Japanese feather blade.. xquality cream etc..

Pigmy Pony
08-05-2021, 17:57
I'll do anything frankly. T'is a result of getting nothing for the last 13 years. :D

Sadly Norfolk ain't the county for attractive people. :lol: I obviously include myself in that.

The "completely and utterly worn out with life" look does little for attracting short term fun. :lol:

https://i.ibb.co/cTdL01H/2-EB02-A27-E00-A-4-DCF-9-DD8-D00-C57-D27-D8-C.jpg (https://ibb.co/Lpf5m8W)

Oh dear... Is this pic from your online dating profile? If so' I would add a caption stating how much you've missed proper hairdressers during lockdown :) and crop the picture to remove your Spiderman duvet cover from the shot... Only kidding mate, and pay no heed to Marco's dodgy views on beards, just because he prefers men to look like boys :eyebrows:

Trying to make yourself look younger by losing the beard, all I can say is that looking younger isn't the be all and and end all - looking around at all the ugly kids will attest to that. Better to have a look that you like and gives you confidence, and any prospective partner that doesn't see that ain't worth a light ;)

08-05-2021, 18:04
To be honest I'm beyond caring. I look shit because I look shit, no amount of hair cutting is going to change that. :lol: Being an 'ugly' is something that's fixed unfortunately. :lol:

The duvet is floral by the way. :D

08-05-2021, 18:04
Only kidding mate, and pay no heed to Marco's dodgy views on beards, just because he prefers men to look like boys :eyebrows:

Trying to make yourself look younger by losing the beard, all I can say is that looking younger isn't the be all and and end all - looking around at all the ugly kids will attest to that. Better to have a look that you like and gives you confidence, and any prospective partner that doesn't see that ain't worth a light ;)

Haha - all good advice! I'm just not a 'beardy guy', and most of the women I've went out with didn't/don't like them. However, there are plenty others who do - and I suspect who'd also love being 'done' under a 'Spiderman duvet'!:D

As long as you removed your pyjamas first..


08-05-2021, 18:08
To be honest I'm beyond caring. I look shit because I look shit, no amount of hair cutting is going to change that. :lol:

I don't think you look shit, mate, at least compared with some of the wrinklies on here!:D:eyebrows:


Pigmy Pony
08-05-2021, 18:20
Haha - all good advice! I'm just not a 'beardy guy', and most of the women I've went out with didn't/don't like them. However, there are plenty others who do - and I suspect who'd also love being 'done' under a 'Spiderman duvet'!:D

As long as you removed your pyjamas first..


It is not a Spiderman duvet, he was quite emphatic about that. I bet Peter Parker's there though, peeping through the flowers :)

Pigmy Pony
08-05-2021, 18:25
To be honest I'm beyond caring. I look shit because I look shit, no amount of hair cutting is going to change that. :lol: Being an 'ugly' is something that's fixed unfortunately. :lol:

The duvet is floral by the way. :D

Your mirror is lying to you mate, you need to buy a new one :) Oh by the way, that Arcam amp for my daughter's shop is working a treat, sound advice ;)

08-05-2021, 18:53
It is not a Spiderman duvet, he was quite emphatic about that. I bet Peter Parker's there though, peeping through the flowers :)

Lol, yes... That's why I enclosed those words in inverted commas;)


08-05-2021, 18:53
I don't think you look shit, mate, at least compared with some of the wrinklies on here!:D:eyebrows:


Name names, if you dare! :D

08-05-2021, 18:57
https://i.ibb.co/cTdL01H/2-EB02-A27-E00-A-4-DCF-9-DD8-D00-C57-D27-D8-C.jpg (https://ibb.co/Lpf5m8W)

If that is you Rob, then who is this?:


08-05-2021, 18:59
Name names, if you dare! :D

Haha - oh that would be telling, but none of the mods qualify;)


08-05-2021, 19:08
If that is you Rob, then who is this?:


Harry Enfield.

Pigmy Pony
08-05-2021, 19:13
Anyone who considers a wrinkle-free fizzog to be important would do well to compare pics of Al Pacino and Pete Burns of Dead or Alive. I'd do it for you but you know I'm shit at posting pictures :(

08-05-2021, 19:19
Haha - oh that would be telling, but none of the mods qualify;)


Diplomatic to the end! :)

08-05-2021, 19:21
It is not a Spiderman duvet, he was quite emphatic about that. I bet Peter Parker's there though, peeping through the flowers :)

it's a scene from issue #2572 'Spiderman vs Monty Don'

08-05-2021, 19:24
Haha - oh that would be telling, but none of the mods qualify;)


Diplomatic to the last! :)

08-05-2021, 19:25
Anyone who considers a wrinkle-free fizzog to be important would do well to compare pics of Al Pacino and Pete Burns of Dead or Alive. I'd do it for you but you know I'm shit at posting pictures :(

Well, Rob doesn't have any wrinkles:)

Haven't seen recent pics of the other two dudes you mention.


08-05-2021, 19:42
He's 81 and has just been given the big 'elbow' by his girlfriend, who is 39 years his junior.


08-05-2021, 20:06
Looking pretty good to me. Beard just about suits him, too..

What about Pete Burns?


08-05-2021, 20:24
Pete Burns has been dead four years, I'd guess that everyone here looks better than he does.

08-05-2021, 20:24
He's 81 and has just been given the big 'elbow' by his girlfriend, who is 39 years his junior.

I can't imagine he'd be a particularly easy person to live with.

08-05-2021, 20:25
Pete Burns has been dead four years, I'd guess that everyone here looks better than he does.

Hahaha - there you go, then!:D
