View Full Version : The Wam Show 2022 confirmed

31-03-2021, 08:20
I know that some on here do not look at other sites but some do so thought I would post this as information and to interest any of those who would like to attend .

Before Covid the Wam Show was a great yearly event the best part being it was real people setting up their real systems no Trade rooms just some general stalls downstairs for accessories , LP's and other such items .

This years was supposed to be in September but there have been complications it has now been announced that there will be a show at the Kegworth Hotel over two days weekend 1 - 3 October . Full details are not being given as with the current fluid situation some things are still to be confirmed . More details should be given on 1 st of May .

A spreadsheet for those wanting to take part with a room will be available probably in the next couple of weeks but there may well be few spaces as most that signed up for the 2019 show have just rolled things over .

I will be taking a room for my three way active speaker system which will have three NVA power amplifiers used . Will let everyone know my room number when I can and if anyone does decide to visit please call in say hello have a listen and let me know honestly what you think good or bad I will try not to get too upset .

I have decided that I will add a CD Transport to the boxes which normally I do not use but it will help for those that want to bring their own music to have a listen which I would encourage . The shows in the past have been some of the best times I have spent over the last few years and given the none year we had last year and lack contact with the small number of people who enjoy music the way we do I would encourage anyone to consider this year and make the effort .

Jac Hawk
31-03-2021, 10:45
Good news, i may be interested in a room or sharing a room with someone, i'll head over to the WAM and see what's what.

31-03-2021, 15:20
I've recently bought an Ifi Zen Blue Bluetooth adaptor. If I can make it I'll bring that as it will allow people to stream from their phone in AptX HD.

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk

31-03-2021, 17:38
superb news

31-03-2021, 18:40
May pop my cherry this year (if at all possible as the Months play out...)
Strictly as a wander about and enjoy other Peeps Wares kinda punter.

Miss those hifi togethers. (Particularly Petchy's NEBO, which would be my first port of call)

Jac Hawk
31-03-2021, 19:00
+1 for NEBO

05-09-2021, 15:21
sad news , the wam show is off


from the site :
My name is Roo, I am the son of the owner of HiFi Wigwam (Rachel). The purpose of this post is to inform all forum members of some important changes.

Effective immediately, Peter (the previous admin) no longer has any involvement in the forum. There are aspects of the changes you may consider positive, but one you most likely will not. Some members may be aware of my mother and Peter’s relations and other business. Unfortunately, everything has been left in somewhat of a mess, and my mother is also currently in hospital.

First and foremost, I do not propose to make any major changes to the forum or to promise things that are impossible or that go against the wishes of the majority of forum members. I am now aware of some of the problems with the forum and of issues members have raised. My main work is as a developer, so the site itself will be my first focus, with the aim of resolving the problems.

The bad news is that although it was my mother’s strong wish for the 2021 show to go ahead, with a heavy heart I have to announce that we have no option but to postpone it until the spring. We are aware some members would have anyway preferred this, though we also know it will be a disappointment to many. Regrettably, most of the arrangements appear not to have been completed, to the extent that the hotel cannot actually offer the required space, as they are carrying out some works. We initially propose making it a two-day event again (i.e., setup on Saturday, ticketed visitors on Sunday as it used to be), which seems to be most people’s preference. We also suggest running the show on the 26th and 27th March, but we would be happy to be flexible to suit all the exhibitors. Under any circumstances, we will refund any exhibitor payments made by any member who does not wish to continue participating.

08-09-2021, 10:44
As the originator of this thread I would like to add a few comments , I will make this very clear these are y views and my views only I have no contact directly or otherwise with the Owners and Admin of the Wam and they may well have very different views .

Firstly the above cancellation has come a a real kick in the stomach for me I have been working and getting my system working and stable in order to be able to finally be let all those that wanted to listen to it and have their own views on if it works.

I know the reasons for the cancellation and respect that it was inevitable that it had to go this way . I think the decision could have been made much sooner but this is only a personal view and given that one person involved has been ill and in hospital then I am sure they were dealing with much more important things than a Hi Fi show no matter how much I love the Wam Show .

As per the message things over however many months have become messy and Peter who was the Admin and controller of all things Wam has been difficult to deal with both from a Wammers view point and I am guessing even more so for his family . Result now is that Peter has no further involvement in the Wam or the The Wam Show . To all froj now there is a new Wam Admin (Roo) and we are told a new way of working . We are also as members finding out that there are a number of issues in various areas including software that needs to sorted out ad will be getting attention . All of this is only of real concern for those that want to visit the Wam or possibly join but I have added what I can for those interested but do not want to use or visit the Wam. I am for my personal view quite happy to let the issues of the past go with the previous Admin and consider that finished and closed. I am also happy to let the new Wam Admin and set up get itself in shape and let us see what it will become.

But the main reason for this post and this thread is the Wam Show . Those who have exhibited and those that have attended can all confirm that this is a unique and very different experience a show were the people show real systems in real rooms for others to listen to and like or dislike as they see fit. Having only been to three shows I have not the experience of the shows to pass on as many others do but for me it became the most looked for weekend in the calender . To meet some old friends , listen to music set my system up for others to listen to and get drunk and make a fool of myself and only be ribbed out it the next day was pure joy and I really want to do that again . We have now been informed that we will have a new Venue for next years show so we will have to wait to see were and what type of venue can be secured . Given the need for a large number of decent sized rooms and good access from most areas this is not easy so we will have to be patient . Some on here have been critical and damning in there views on this situation which is understandable but I want to ask for some tolerance and patience going forward. If the show does go ahead next year if I am allocated a room I will be there and I want to ask anyone that has considered it in the past do it next year we will need lots of support and lots of visitors if the show is to continue as i hope it will .

In the mean time if it is okay I will add any news (or anyone else can add news as well) and keep everyone informed of what is happening and new developments as they are made known .

08-09-2021, 19:10
Yes hear all your good points

Some superb breaking news , duvet is back as administrator which is great for the wam. A safe pair of hands

18-09-2021, 21:03
I wpuldn't mind sharing a room next year if anyone is interested?

Jac Hawk
19-09-2021, 08:38
I wpuldn't mind sharing a room next year if anyone is interested?

i'd be up for that mate.

04-04-2022, 10:42
Just as an update there is now a thread for those wanting to exhibit to at least put there names down . As per my update those already previously paid are getting preference and then those who paid but obtained a refund. After this it is first cone first served so if you want to have a room best to get your name on the list now.


22-07-2022, 11:06
As I promised and for those that do not look at The Wam much the show page has gone live and gives details for both Visitors and Exhibitors and details of the venue . As you will see the number of tickets for the day is being limited to 400 which in my view is a very low number but no doubt this has been set to comply with regulations in the current climate . So given this if you are thinking about attending it may well be wise to buy your tickets in advance as there is every chance that they will sell out before the day and no on the door tickets may be available .

As I promised in case some on here do not frequent the Wam here is the show page with details for Visitors and Exhibitors . As you can see the tickets are being limited so there is a good chance that they may sell out before the day . My own view is this is a very low number for a whole day but no doubt the rules have said this is the maximum we can deal with safely in the current climate.


22-07-2022, 16:28
400 people !!!! oh my goodness thats low

23-07-2022, 09:47
400 people !!!! oh my goodness thats lowhotel fire regulations are driving the limit

24-07-2022, 13:51
got it !

01-08-2022, 21:41
Andrew, are you able to edit your title so people know there will be a 2022 show? When I got to the post about the (2021) show being cancelled, I nearly dropped my chips!

02-08-2022, 05:49
I've changed it.

04-08-2022, 10:41
Thanks Macca sorry been a bit busy with minor ops and system failures so not been on here for a while .

Just a little addition to to this thread for those that are going to attend . There is going to be an organised Raffle and Auction at the show and currently the organisers are getting donations for both . Rules and how they will work will be shown soon but I think that only those attending can either bid or bu raffle tickets but watch the thread to see confirmation of this . A thread for both is already on the Wam site and all proceeds from both will given to a local hospice charity to support the Stoke area were the show is being held. If you have any donations for either the raffle or the auction get in touch with a Wammer you know who is going or one of the show Team as all additions would be welcome .

A number of us are also going to bring loads of the low price hifi tat that most os us have knocking about cables , psu etc and these will be sold in the rooms for a donation to the charity for anyone interested.

10-08-2022, 10:22
The Wam Show is unique with 40 people bringing their systems from the length and breadth of the UK, from the Isle of Mull to Cornwall, to the North Stafford Hotel, Stoke-on-Trent. They will set up their systems up to show you the excellent sound quality that can be achieved in reasonable-sized rooms. These systems are built without allegiance to one company although many use components from one company. This is also a serious social event and it is the chance for audio enthusiasts to discuss all things audio.

Audionote will be at the Show and given the Show is unique they will be demonstrating something unique. They will be demonstrating a system that does not exist.


Audionote will show audio equipment that is not a commercial product (yet). The audio equipment will show how Audionote develops new audio. The audio will be on open display and Darko Greguras (R&D Engineer) and Micky Seaton will explain what components are used and why it is used. They will also demonstrate the impact of these changes on the sound quality. As an example, their new CD transport uses a belt drive, why? They will explain and compare to a current CD transport that uses a crystal-controlled drive system. Why does Audionote think a belt drive is better? Come along and hear if there is a difference and which you prefer.

There will be many other demonstrations of different designs and grades of components they use and their impact on audio quality.

More details to come.

16-08-2022, 12:22
Just a mention that at the Show this year there will be both a Charity Auction and Raffle and there are already some very nice items in both . All money raised will go to a local Stoke Hospice who offer end of life help to those in the area so short term money is always welcome . Please also note that to be involved in either to buy a ticket or make a bid then you have to attend the show there will be no absent bids allowed .

Would also ask if any of you have any items you would be happy to donate for either the raffle or the Auction but are not going to the show then contact me or a member of the Wam Team and we can arrange collection of items to be added to the prizes/items .

19-08-2022, 12:13
a great cause

Jac Hawk
30-08-2022, 09:06
Booked and paid for, if anyone is going from the North West (Preston, Manchester, Liverpool) and want's a lift give me a shout.

04-10-2022, 09:59
we hope all members of AoS who came had a good time, this one was just a taster!! wait for 2023

kind regards,

04-10-2022, 11:24
Thanks to those from here that attended I was just a little bit stressed and as I do the show on my own I am only just recovering today . Loved it all nice to meet @Macca and say thank you for selling me my first NVA P300 which was in use at the show and never put a foot wrong . As Paul says this one was good but next year will be bigger and probably better it is going to be in April 2023 so think about going you will be most welcome .

Jac Hawk
04-10-2022, 13:11
if there's space next year i was thinking on getting a room

04-10-2022, 14:36
@Jac Hawk If you want to do it there should be additional space next year as we will have three floors instead of two . As we always say this is a show for enthusiasts and members of any forum are more than welcome to either just visit or have a room . I promise that once the dates for next years show are confirmed will post a new thread here and that will give a heads up to any that want to join in the bedlam .

Jac Hawk
04-10-2022, 15:29
@Jac Hawk If you want to do it there should be additional space next year as we will have three floors instead of two . As we always say this is a show for enthusiasts and members of any forum are more than welcome to either just visit or have a room . I promise that once the dates for next years show are confirmed will post a new thread here and that will give a heads up to any that want to join in the bedlam .

Cheers Andrew :thumbsup:

04-10-2022, 17:09
Thanks to those from here that attended I was just a little bit stressed and as I do the show on my own I am only just recovering today . Loved it all nice to meet @Macca and say thank you for selling me my first NVA P300 which was in use at the show and never put a foot wrong . As Paul says this one was good but next year will be bigger and probably better it is going to be in April 2023 so think about going you will be most welcome .

A pleasure to meet you too Andrew, I still have some room photos to put up including yours.