View Full Version : Wilson Audio Announce the Exciting New Alexx V Speakers, Coming to HFL Soon!

HiFi Lounge
22-02-2021, 11:46

Hi Everyone,

So we are unashamedly big Wilson Audio fans at HFL, I feel extremely privileged to have been to David Wilson’s house to hear the extraordinary Wamm Master Chronosonic Speakers a few years ago and although they gave the best HiFi Experience I have ever heard at knocking on for £1 million with the subs that was never going to be achievable but quietly I have always dreamed of adding a pair of Wilson Alexx’s to our ‘Highend’ demo room so with the news last week that Wilson will be launching the all new version on March 29th well I couldn’t resist and am now excitedly looking forward to them arriving to be here all ready for once we are out of lockdown all being well, although they ‘Only’ cost £139,000 for me they will be like HFL’s own pair of Mini Wamm’s.

The million dollar question is though what colour should we go with bearing in mind that Wilson can do any colour imaginable? As I plan to have these on permanent demo for many years to come I didn’t want to play it safe so we have chosen a colour that should be pretty unique I would guess, all will be revealed once here but as a clue they are in tribute to one of my favourite artists.

More info once I have some and I really look forward to holding an open day as soon as we can to showcase the new Wilson Audio Alexx V speakers once normality returns.

All very exciting,



