View Full Version : FS. IPL M1 Tlm's in Walnut

The Alchemist
01-02-2021, 19:58
Anyone in the Cambridge area interested in these speakers? I built them for a friend just before Christmas but unfortunately he can't live with them because there is far too much bass for his small room! These are speakers which only enthusiasts will have heard of which is why I have offered to advertise them on his behalf. The sound quality of these speakers is exceptional and they were built to a professional standard. More details can be found on the IPL website, www.iplacoustics.co.uk. I will be happy to answer any queries and pass on interest from prospective buyers. They are offered for sale at £1000 which I think would be a bargain for someone!








01-02-2021, 23:19
Very impressive...nice work..good luck with your sale..

The Alchemist
02-02-2021, 19:26
Thank you, Alan, for your comments. I will admit that I am very disappointed that they are for sale, the irony being that they are too good........ I didn't realise that they were were going to be used in such a small room, 10 foot square with a lowish ceiling was always going to be a recipe for disaster. Had I known I would have suggested a small stand mounter which would have suited his situation much better.

02-02-2021, 20:59
Thank you, Alan, for your comments. I will admit that I am very disappointed that they are for sale, the irony being that they are too good........ I didn't realise that they were were going to be used in such a small room, 10 foot square with a lowish ceiling was always going to be a recipe for disaster. Had I known I would have suggested a small stand mounter which would have suited his situation much better.
If somebody did that to me I’d be more than disappointed. Some friend you’ve got there!
Bump for a nice example of craftsmanship.

02-02-2021, 22:19
A sad and difficult situation for both parties. I hope that it doesn't effect your friendship. Had these been available in my area i may well have been interested. They look like a Prog speaker? Specs and dimensions may assist with the sale. Good luck. i hope they go to someone who can fully exploit them,

02-02-2021, 22:32
Looking at the cross section my instinct in rescuing the situation would be to make a ball of BAF wadding and enclose it in Dacron, and placing it behind the woofer to reduce the airflow to the line. The size can be varied to change the effective airflow reduction, attenuating the amount of bass output from the line. Such a shame after such good work not to use them.

This can also be changed for different listening rooms if he moves.

The Alchemist
02-02-2021, 23:05
Thanks, Dennis, for that suggestion but that idea has been tried already. All of Ivan's transmission line speakers can be fine tuned to a degree. Treble can be increased or decreased slightly by changing a resistor in the crossover and bass can be toned down by adding more long haired wool around the bass driver and if that is not sufficient wool can be placed at the start of the line. Unfortunately the addition of extra wool has not been enough to solve the problem. I have a pair of S2 Tlm's myself. I have a slightly awkward room in that is is long and narrow with the speakers placed sideways at one end if the room. I would sometimes get an unwanted resonance. The problem was completely solved for me by using Dirac Live room correction. I will admit that I was very sceptical about such gadgetry but all I can say that for me it works very well and to my ears, at least, both music and movies sound sublime and I use Dirac all the time. I am pretty confident that Dirac would solve my friend's problem but to use a Minl DSP as a bolt on would cost £600 or more which he is unwilling to spend at the moment.

03-02-2021, 15:54
How about an appropriate link to the IPL website?

The Alchemist
03-02-2021, 16:13
Web address now added, thanks for the suggestion.

21-02-2021, 15:32
As an IPL speaker owner, I would just like to say how good they are. The build standard looks superb.
The nearest comparison IMHO would be PMC speakers, just have a look at how much their larger ones cost.

21-02-2021, 19:05
Moving to a new place soon with a much larger living room. Got my eye on these if they go nowhere over the next month or two. Look like a nice step up from my Neat Iotas that have been working great in a small room.

The Alchemist
22-02-2021, 19:09
As an IPL speaker owner, I would just like to say how good they are. The build standard looks superb.
The nearest comparison IMHO would be PMC speakers, just have a look at how much their larger ones cost.

Thank you, Jerry, for your kind words. If my memory serves me you built a pair of S2Tlm's a while ago. I have a pair myself and wouldn't change them. Interestingly the M1's sound very similar with a much more room friendly footprint. I really don't know how Ivan does it! I really believe that these would be a bargain for someone but to make them even more attractive, the price has been reduced to £800.