View Full Version : Paradise MC phono stage for sale.

27-01-2021, 16:18
Widely considered to be one of the best Solid State phono stages available, with an extremely low noise floor so suitable for low output MC's.

Usually available in 2 box or 4 box variants this version has been converted to a 1 box with no loss of performance.
This is believed to be a unique example and being one box is more rack friendly.



Loading sockets are fitted to accommodate different cartridge loading to suit. Signal wiring is UP-OCC wire.

Thermal management is attained with separate front and rear compartments and appropriate ventilation holes.



The stage has Calvin buffers fitted and uses Z foil resistors in the RIAA equalisation. The great majority of resistors are Dale.


The RIAA equalisation is flat response with a gain of 60dB at 1kHz.

Included are 2 pairs of loading plugs, 100 ohms and 180 ohms.

Priced at £1500.

29-01-2021, 17:47
Hi Firebottle is the same as the multibox dual mono paradise , but all in in one box?

Thanks Gary

29-01-2021, 18:22
It’s the same as mine exactly but the psu bit (top left and right in blue and black) is often separated.
The bottom parts are the dual mono boards mirrored left and right.

29-01-2021, 19:45
Yes it's a full dual mono build but all in one box.

31-01-2021, 12:54
This is the best Solid state Phonostage ever, according to the DIY community that made it.

£1500 looks very cheap for a unit that has that reputation.

Good luck selling it.

Wakefield Turntables
31-01-2021, 13:09
Ive never seen one come up for sale. A rare opportunity indeed. Alan made this so it'll be bombproof and you'll never see another Paradise at that price, ever!

31-01-2021, 13:21
Would love to try this but money is to tight at the moment :( GLWTS

Audio Al
31-01-2021, 13:33
Hi Alan

What size is the box please ?

31-01-2021, 16:54
Hi Al
450mm wide
375mm deep
94mm high

31-01-2021, 18:47
I’ve owned mine since 2014 made for me by Simon Clark it’s the 4 Naim shoe box version, blindingly brilliant. Delicate portrayal of music silent in between tracks, ease of use I could never part with mine.




Wakefield Turntables
31-01-2021, 19:03
I’ve owned mine since 2014 made for me by Simon Clark it’s the 4 Naim shoe box version, blindingly brilliant. Delicate portrayal of music silent in between tracks, ease of use I could never part with mine.




Same as mine. I've put mine up against some very expensive phonostages and I still own the Paradise.

31-01-2021, 19:15
Hi Alan i am interesting in Buying your paradise phono, is the £1500 including shipping?

Audio Al
31-01-2021, 19:48
Hi Al
450mm wide
375mm deep
94mm high

OK thanks Alan , To wide for my intended placement :(

02-02-2021, 12:58

03-02-2021, 09:20
I’ve owned mine since 2014 made for me by Simon Clark it’s the 4 Naim shoe box version, blindingly brilliant. Delicate portrayal of music silent in between tracks, ease of use I could never part with mine.




Mine was made 2 years ago as a 3 box system, like Martin i will never part with mine either.

03-02-2021, 17:02
2 box for me,made by simon sq. a reference phono stage.

13-02-2021, 16:04
Well it arrived today, got it up and running and it sounds sublime, an absolute reference phono stage.
So pleased i made the jump, spinning my vinyl now.

Many Thanks to Alan for an easy transaction, very happy to say the least!

13-02-2021, 17:54
Excellent to hear.

Audio Al
13-02-2021, 21:05
Well it arrived today, got it up and running and it sounds sublime, an absolute reference phono stage.
So pleased i made the jump, spinning my vinyl now.

Many Thanks to Alan for an easy transaction, very happy to say the least!
