View Full Version : Power amp suggestions

22-01-2021, 16:32
I’m building a diy hifi system and wondering what route to take with power amps. My Troels SBA MW19 monitor speakers are not particularly senesitive at 88dB at 2.8V, 1m and I have a fully balanced DCB1 pre-amp. If money were no object I'd try an EAR 861 or Glowmaster KT88, but even secondhad these are double my c. £1,500 budget. I've not found any balanced valve amps in my price bracket, either secondhand or kits. Perhaps I should shelve the tube dreams and build a Neurochrome? Any other suggestions appreciated.

PS currently using Wyred 4 Sound SX-500 monoblocks.

22-01-2021, 16:45
Build a Neurochrome. :thumbsup:

22-01-2021, 17:24
mmmm those wyred for sound are rather good , i remember you buying them


what do you hope to get to better the monoblocks ?

if you like class d may i suggest these


Audio Al
22-01-2021, 18:02
A nice Audio Innovations 500 Valve amp is very versatile and if fettled by David at AD audio this takes the amp to the next level , One was on here for sale some time ago , David re built my 500 and it sounds lovely , Can be used with 4 / 8 / and 16 ohm speakers as it has 3 sets of speaker binding posts , My one has a decent Phono stage fitted as well

Just my opinion other will have different :)

22-01-2021, 18:20
I fancy a change from class d. The W4S worked well with my Croft Epoch pre, but now I’m using a DCB1 I feel the d stands for detail ahead of deliciousness. Changing the caps in the dcb1 from Jantzen silver to Miflex kpcu has helped. But the other reason for considering a change is the rest of my system is a diy journey, from my Lenco plinth, Bigbottle MM/MC and DCB1 to the speakers, so am wondering whether to take the last step in diy too.

Audio Al
22-01-2021, 18:53

22-01-2021, 19:44
Another recommendation for considering a Neurochrome kit. I am extremely happy with the 286 that I built. It's a simple build with excellent assembly instructions. Dead quiet. I hear absolutely nothing, zilch, nada when placing an ear as close as I can to some very sensitive compression drivers.

22-01-2021, 21:23

Sorry folks, the S500 has left the building.....

22-01-2021, 21:26
I do though have a pair of AVI S2000MM monoblocks (that I am using at the mo) that I may part with...if the price is right....IF (and thats a big IF) you do find a pair of these, I highly recommend them!!!!!

22-01-2021, 22:02
Hello Dominic,

A Neurochrome could be the solid state solution but here are a couple of left-field suggestions.
Perhaps too far out in the weeds, but worth a look over a drink or two.

If you want to modify rather than build from scratch, I have flashbacks to an amp called a BAT VK-60.
(BAT = Balanced Audio Technology)
It will take no nonsense from your Troels, of that I'm confident given the spec, but caveat emptor in all other respects.
Scoot over here:

Oooh! Check this out.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BAT-VK60/164558768247?hash=item2650778877:g:slIAAOSwwBZfb5L 4
(Nowt to do with me.)

If the DIY spirit is strong, then you may wish to become best mates with this chap:

Perhaps a power amp with differential operation will dance with your DCB1?

22-01-2021, 23:17
Did see a pass clone amp on one forum , Joe Henry builds some lovely clones on eBay.

23-01-2021, 10:16
Another vote for Neurochrome here.

I've recently gone from a Joe Henry Pass Labs Aleph3 clone to Neurochrome 86 monoblocks and am very glad I did. Gets my recommendation.

23-01-2021, 13:03
now thats interesting dave , Ad audio is thinking of building those neurochrome . i still love my icepower amps , going to see if stefans sa-01 can beat them

23-01-2021, 15:00
Phil, are you confident with your Icepower amps as transparent?

23-01-2021, 20:37
the funny thing is you would think these things were cool and neutral , rather like naim perhaps . the strange thing is they are on the side of warm and sound very realistic on the end of bel canto . yes they are transparent but only in a good way. just very musical . they replaced a 16k power amp [ 200 watt class AB] had to sell to pay the bills and bought these 300 quid monoblocks . obviously they are not as good but they are mighty enjoyable !!!!!

looking forward to comparing with stefans amps

there is a beautiful pair of supercharged temple audio monoblocks here , someone might like them a lot !! you hear a lot of folks raving about them


23-01-2021, 22:10
Across the Hi-Fi fraternity I have numerously heard the view that Naim are gritty and certainly not regarded as neutral.

When you say 16k, I presume £16k which is a hell of a lot for an amp, what was it? I thought my ATC SPA2 was expensive at £4.5k.

24-01-2021, 00:47
Another vote for the Neurochrome 686. They can be built for around 2k .

It really is very simple too. Tom has made it idiot proof , I mean I’ve managed it ok so it must be.

It’s a brilliant piece of kit for the money . You’d be looking at at least 4-5 times that in a retail environment. It has mega detail and transparency without being sterile and fatiguing. It’s a no brainer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-01-2021, 08:34
A Mod-686 would be overkill. A mod-86 or -286 would be fine.

AD Audio
27-01-2021, 11:24
As Phil says I'm building some Neurochrome 686s. Parts arriving tomorrow, case later. I'll report back in due course on Sound Quality and build costs etc.