View Full Version : Music in times of fear and despair can lift you like nothing else, remember that!!!

18-12-2020, 17:25
Hi All,
Spent this afternoon listening to music with my young daughter, we played all sorts, ranging from the Sweet, Peter frampton, Free, Steeley dan, to the Bangles, right up to Michael Jackson, Justin Tiberlake, and Bruno Mars etc, etc, and watching her move and dance to each tune was so uplifting, no matter what era we listend to, the sheer enjoyment we both felt just reinforces the fact that music truly is amongst the most powerful, emotional and uplifting phenomina we have in this world, and we should never let ourselves become so embroiled in current afairs that we forget what makes us happy and joyfull, music is always there to remind us, Music unites us no matter age, race, culture, it is all inspiring, it has the power to lift your spirit when all else fails.

Feel free to add your own comments and tales of how music enlightend you, lifted you, saved you, above all keep listening!

18-12-2020, 17:33
great thread , yes just recently found a chap who is one of the greatest slide guitarists and superb uplifting lyrics Bryn haworth


18-12-2020, 17:43
great thread , yes just recently found a chap who is one of the greatest slide guitarists and superb uplifting lyrics Bryn haworth


18-12-2020, 19:10
Well, I'm not afraid or in despair, but I do agree music lifts one up! Whilst doing an upgrade on a Mac this afternoon, I took the rare decision to play music in the office - I span some of my favourite Pet Shop Boys tracks, most of which most people have never heard (I knew Chris back in the early 2000's).

Made me smile that's for sure. :D

19-12-2020, 06:51
So true! I have my own favourite track for when I start to feel low. 'Try a Little Harder' by Santana from the Festival album.The backing singers really make you feel you're in it together.
Also just when you're starting to feel up again has the added bonus of being followed by 'Maria Caracoles' a real get up and party track.

The power of music.Fantastic.

Merry Christmas everybody!


29-12-2020, 17:50
How about favorite, or special albums that have the ability to lift you up, and have done time after time, albums that have stood the test of time, and are still very much a part of your collection.
Mine is Stevie wonder, songs in the key of life, its an album i listend to many times with my Dad as i was growing up, and when i listen to certain tracks from that album, i am back there in the 70's with my dad, what's yours, and why.