View Full Version : .just heard that Tim De Paravicini has died: RIP

17-12-2020, 22:04
very sad,,,,,

17-12-2020, 22:08

Wasn't aware of this....


17-12-2020, 22:10
Sad news , one name we all know well

17-12-2020, 23:24
Last saw him at Munich. But the one and only long conversation I had with him was at Silverstone. He was quite entertaining to talk to. He told me his turntable worked by magic:)

Bad luck Tim.

18-12-2020, 08:24
Bad luck Tim.
Well that’s one way of putting it!

18-12-2020, 08:53
I have both the Ear 868 Preamp and Ear Acute CD player in my hifi system. They are wonderful sounding units. R.I.P. to a great audio desiger.

18-12-2020, 09:28
Very sad news. He designed one of the finest amplifiers I have ever owned. A huge loss to Hi-Fi.

18-12-2020, 09:56
yes he had input in the mf a1000 i owned.. still probably the best amp i had

18-12-2020, 11:33
RIP Tim.

What great guy and a fabulous designer. First met him in the early 80s and have had many laughs with him.

God bless him.

18-12-2020, 11:48
Never Met him, but had a few conversations with him, i would definitely describe him as a very individual character, and someone who was very passionate in considering all areas of Audio related matters, RIP Tim.

18-12-2020, 19:55
Sad news indeed. Tim de Paravicini was a Colossus of the hi-fi industry, very well respected in both the domestic audio field as well as by professionals.

Met him once at a Audio Show in London, a few years ago.

He was hosting a demonstration of his gear, and producing some very good sounds, in comparison to others using equipment many times more expensive. I was pleased to see he had chosen to use ordinary 10A rated lighting flex to connect his speakers to the amplifier. But that was Tim - never one to blindly follow fashion: he designed one of his amplifiers simply to show that one need not have to use expensive output valves, by choosing to use inexpensive PL509 TV valves.


19-12-2020, 22:39
Very sad news....the guy was a hifi legend. So many famous designs. RIP Tim.