View Full Version : volumio operating system on a microsd if you have a chromebook

08-12-2020, 16:23
I have a pi2 with a allo dac.
My issue is getting the volumio image onto a microsd card.
I can buy a card with the software on it for 20euros plus delivery
but if poss would rather do it myself, though i only have a chromebook and for the life of me and not being very tech minded
and issues to much due to sight issues (affecting how much time i can look at a screen for ) i'm having a hardtime trying to burn the volumio software onto a microsd card.
any guardiance i would very much be thankful for.
if it is not possible then i will know just to buy the card from Europe.
I assume for streaming tunein and tidal and accessing music from hdd volumio is best.

08-12-2020, 16:38
you need to image the program with a program like Win32DiskImager or etcher. format an sd card of 16gb using SD Memory Card Formatter

08-12-2020, 17:30
Hi Grant
Sadly seems i can not use them on a chromebook,
chromebook runs chrome os and not windows
i can only download software from the android store.

08-12-2020, 17:39
download NOOBS and unzipp it. it should just copy on to an sd card. no idea if noobs works with volumio tho. or you could get someone with a pc to do it for you. once volumio is installed it will update within itself without having to remove card

08-12-2020, 17:55
thanks for the advice, yes i will maybe see if i can find someone with a pc to help.

08-12-2020, 18:05
You need to use 'Chromebook Recovery Utility'. Maybe that is what you are trying? I do not have a Chromebook, but there are a couple of 'how tos' on the web.

08-12-2020, 18:09
Looks like this might help you.


08-12-2020, 18:12
thankyou guys, yes this seems to be what i need, thanks again