View Full Version : WTD: Silver CD Player

29-11-2020, 20:11
Having brought all my CDs out of the garage in a organising flurry, I fancy listening to them natively rather than a FLACs for a change.

So I'm in the market for a CDP in silver. Doesn't have to be too fancy as long as its got a digital output.

However, i'd be really interested in an Arcam Diva one you might have lying around. Perhaps a CD82 to do a comparison with my standalone DAC. but CD72/73/192 all considered.


30-11-2020, 13:37

30-11-2020, 18:21
If this is just a whim then look at the DENON DVD 1920 - 30 - 40 series. They are mostly silver and have serious DACs to cope with SACD (possibly Burr Brown, someone on here will know more than I about this). I just bought one used and it is pretty good for about £50.
Not top notch but pretty good if you use the stereo (mixed) output. Maybe a little over enthusiastic in the mid range but still listenable to. However they weigh so little you may need to put a weight on them to stop them floating away:)
Then if you get serious you can upgrade without losing a lot.
They also play SACD, DVD-Audio & DVD-video, which is something of a bonus.

30-11-2020, 20:32

Cheers, that's a nice one!

30-11-2020, 20:36
look at the DENON DVD 1920 - 30 - 40 series

So they have digital optical out I see, so can just be used as transport to my DAC


30-11-2020, 20:55
i have never forgotten the smooth mechanism of my arcam cd player , just occassionally i have noted that dvd players can have more drive noise . personally i cant stand drive noise in any form

01-12-2020, 09:53
Would you still get that on the digital outputs, were it present?

01-12-2020, 12:32
Would you still get that on the digital outputs, were it present?

I think Phil is referring to mechanical noise. Some DVD and BD players make a hell of a racket whilst playing. I have one that is so noisy it is effectively unusable.

01-12-2020, 20:53
My Denon is noisy when opening and closing it also makes a whirring noise when the disk first spins up to read the ToC. Then is is quiet, I cannot hear it from the listening position even before the music starts. DVD players and some modern CD players take a long time to start playing the music. With my Marantz CD the music starts almost immediately, with the Denon I have a chance to get round the speakers and back to my seat first.
As you live in Guildford & now we are free at last, you have a plethera of hi fi shops to choose from; Richer Sounds, Sevenoaks Hi Fi & PJ Hi Fi near the bridge all should be able to offer advice.

02-12-2020, 10:31
I think Phil is referring to mechanical noise.

My Denon is noisy when opening and closing it also makes a whirring noise when the disk first spins up to read the ToC...

Gotcha, thanks. I think I'll wait and see for a bit if anyone offers a Diva or something similar that will match the style of my other bits. Not wishing to be shallow, but if I'm taking optical out, worth having something that matches and isn't noisy probably.

On going to a hifi shop, I'm having to keep pretty low risk at the moment, for Health reasons. I hope we don't end up too far towards "The Naked Sun" with all this...