View Full Version : Tosh or science?

17-11-2020, 11:25

And no - I won’t be buying.

17-11-2020, 11:52
"Most people think of an audio system as an electrical device. It would be more accurate to call it a magnetic device. Electricity powers the components, but it's magnetism that makes the music. It is a magnetic force that moves your speakers, causing them to vibrate and create sound. "

What if you happen to use electrostatic speakers and a non-electrodynamic cartridge (such as: piezoelectric; or strain gauge; photoelectric, or variable capacitance device)?

17-11-2020, 12:07
I went to their site fully expecting to see a full suite of measurements showing how their cable reduces EMI and RFI compared to a standard one. Imagine my surprise when (cont. p94)

17-11-2020, 16:51

17-11-2020, 18:32
Crikey. $21k for three metres of cable. That’s unbelievable.

17-11-2020, 18:41
Bargain! :D

17-11-2020, 18:44
Absolute bollox. :)

17-11-2020, 19:39
I went to their site fully expecting to see a full suite of measurements showing how their cable reduces EMI and RFI compared to a standard one. Imagine my surprise when (cont. p94)

Ahhh, they did but you must have missed it...

https://i.ibb.co/HqjxgFp/BFE22590-6-AE0-4-DD1-9-E6-A-0604100-E873-A.jpg (https://ibb.co/m43XzDF)

17-11-2020, 19:49
Cor! :)

17-11-2020, 19:55
LOL, almost as daft as believing aliens are flying through our atmosphere. Each to their own in the absence of total proof. I'm guessing they may well have sold some already.

17-11-2020, 20:11
What more proof do you need?!


18-11-2020, 20:25
You could always try it out by threading some cable through these (or similar):


18-11-2020, 20:28
Yeah, I think I'll leave it. :D

It would be interesting to thread them over the "magnetic" cables though, I guess one would end up with a 'super magnetic' cable. Oooooh! :lol:

21-11-2020, 14:37
What more proof do you need?!


LOL People usually say that about the bible.

21-11-2020, 15:09

There’s no photos in the bible of course.

21-11-2020, 16:50

There’s no photos in the bible of course.

That's why they invented stained glass windows for churches.

21-11-2020, 17:16
You can buy bibles with pictures in though.

Pigmy Pony
21-11-2020, 17:32
You can buy bibles with pictures in though.

I had one as a kid, I won it at Sunday school, for memorising and reciting a really long verse :)

21-11-2020, 17:58
I had one as a kid, I won it at Sunday school, for memorising and reciting a really long verse :)

Or you could go for street version like 'The Black Bible Chronicles'

“I’m fed up, Noah, with what’s happenin’ ‘round here. These folks ain’t what’s happenin’ anymore, so I’m gonna do what I gotta do, and end things once and for all. Man, I’m gonna blow the brothers clear outta the water.”

compare to the King James version

'And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.'

21-11-2020, 18:07
There is also the Yorkshire bible which starts:

"In't beginning there was nob but nowt ...."

Pigmy Pony
21-11-2020, 18:08
I prefer Michael Fish's version: "Get the barbeques out, we won't have rain tomorrow" :)

21-11-2020, 18:46
There is also the Yorkshire bible which starts:

"In't beginning there was nob but nowt ...."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

21-11-2020, 21:21
I'm going to plug one in my a**e and see if it sings.:eyebrows:

21-11-2020, 21:50
I'm going to plug one in my a**e and see if it sings.:eyebrows:

Plug what in your arse - a magnet?

21-11-2020, 22:57
I'm going to plug one in my a**e and see if it sings.:eyebrows:

A bible?

22-11-2020, 05:26
There is also the Yorkshire bible which starts:

"In't beginning there was nob but nowt ...."

LOL, peculiar language those Yorkshire folk speak. Can never understand them.

22-11-2020, 05:29
I'm guessing then that if a document or book of fiction contains pictures it is somehow accurate and truthfull..?

22-11-2020, 08:18

There’s no photos in the bible of course.

ther's no mention of dinosaurs either!

22-11-2020, 08:34
I'm guessing then that if a document or book of fiction contains pictures it is somehow accurate and truthfull..?

Only up until the invention of Photoshop. :lol:

24-11-2020, 16:03
ther's no mention of dinosaurs either!

Don't be daft, they failed to make it into the ark.

24-11-2020, 19:56
Ahhh, they did but you must have missed it...

https://i.ibb.co/HqjxgFp/BFE22590-6-AE0-4-DD1-9-E6-A-0604100-E873-A.jpg (https://ibb.co/m43XzDF)

What a load of rubbish :eek:

24-11-2020, 19:59
I thought it was an incredibly detailed, thorough and objectively presented analysis of the subtle difference between conducting current via magnetism vs electrons moving within copper.

Oh, hang on... it IS a load of rubbish. :lol:

Tom Brooks
27-01-2021, 16:43
I prefer Michael Fish's version.

12-02-2021, 18:32
I'm guessing then that if a document or book of fiction contains pictures it is somehow accurate and truthfull..?

I started reading it with an open mind until I got to the bit when Joseph and Mary were trying to find an Inn to stay in , I mean everyone knows it's always fully booked everywhere at Christmas! :)

12-02-2021, 18:48
Did they get thread drift in the bible? :scratch:

12-02-2021, 19:09
Only when the waters have risen enough.

22-02-2021, 15:06
Oh great to see the same old same old ...no its bollox etc ....

perhaps a more considered approach would be to research, experiment and then pass comment.

I was pointed to this site by an friend about 2 years ago ....my initial thoughts were, magnetism and electrical circuits don't sit happily ....

Old CRT tv used magnetic fields to direct sprays of electrons to excite the phosphor dots etc ....so I suppose they could be used to "focus / push" electrons about in conductors.

I have some truly horrible coax conductor made from silver plaited copper clad steel ptfe insulation and silver plaited copper braided outer screen ...I've used this to make ic cables on the cheap for people [who wanted cheap or nr free ic cables]. As I say these are almost unlistenable, so what better cable to try and replicate the magnetic tosh. Also the fact that it has a 3mm OD and the ring mags off amazon have a 3mm ID hole.

After some experimentation I settled on spacing the ring magnets with four mild steel washers between magnets anchoring the whole assembly in heat shrink. Not as easy as one may think as the mags all need to be aligned.

With little expectation this was connected between dac and preamp music then applied.

What the F***.....

I checked my connections ...is the signal running through other ic's ..no

repeat music play ...still hearing the same ...no the absolute best I've hear from my dac and that recording ..but getting very close

I removed them and replaced them with a set of 4n silver twisted pair ic's ...and yes sounded good but not as good as the magnet loaded spccs ic.?

These cables have visited quite a few people in the last couple of years, all have been astonished at there performance.

Lately I've been using larger ring magnets on the three cores of power cables on the recommendation of my friend whose been doing a lot of research into the effects of magnets and conductors. Yes, again the magnetic " module " does effect the sound.

Would I have believed it before I'd tried the experiment, probable not, so I have some sympathy with the knee jerker's.

As to why the addition of magnets makes such a profound difference, I've no idea, other than to point you to the explanation's on the website in question and the various patents that the company has.

I'm in the process of building a "good" cable fitted with mags and look forward to reporting the results.

22-02-2021, 15:08
which is exactly what I did !

22-02-2021, 15:09
You could always try it out by threading some cable through these (or similar):


which is what I did ...

22-02-2021, 15:18
which is what I did ...

Can I try a pair when you have completed them? (I'm being serious by the way).


22-02-2021, 18:31
I went to a Hifi show some years back on display were a 3m pair
Of speaker cables with a security guard standing by them
I asked the price and was told they were £22,000 a pair
All I could say to the guy does the security guard come with them.

23-02-2021, 19:36
...perhaps a more considered approach would be to research, experiment and then pass comment...

Sorry, but for £22k I'd expect the seller to actually put valid, repeatable, scientific evidence on their website, rather than a crap little squiggle of a diagram, which my eight year old son could whip up in two minutes on Apple Pages.

They expect us to swallow their absurd claims but offer not a single graph, a single data sheet, a single response comparison - nothing. Just a grey box with white lines and a caption below each.

That makes me think that they're full of crap and aiming their product at those with way more money than sense.

If they have created a product which genuinely revolutionises the transmission of electrical signals (which is what amplifiers output from their speaker terminals) then they should be shouting about it; such a product could revolutionise industry, not least in the energy markets. At least their clients spending sh*tloads of hard earned deserve to see what the product is doing.

But no. There's none of it. Just adver-gumph, sales blah, silly pictures and absurd claims. That for me states clearly that it's exactly that and not a revolutionary product worth spending stupid money on.